Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata

Chapter No.20 Visiting Raj Mahal And Revelation?

Chapter No.20 Visiting Raj Mahal And Revelation?

20 Chapter No.20 Visiting Raj Mahal And Revelation?

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(Please Note: This is an AU, So there might be many things different then Original.)


The next day, Karna woke up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. He knew that he had a visit to the Raj Mahal, the Royal Palace, with his royal guard Vivek and Avinash' who are the fathers of Hina and Khushis' respectively. He quickly got ready, dressed in his finest attire, and made his way to meet his royal guards.

As Karna met up with Vivek and Avinash, they exchanged greetings and made their way to the Raj Mahal. Along the journey, they discussed various matters, including their expectations for the visit and their responsibilities as royal guards.

Upon arriving at the Royal Palace, Karna was awestruck again by its grandeur and splendour. The palace stood tall and majestic, surrounded by lush gardens and intricate architecture. Guards and attendants lined the entrance, their attire reflecting the regal atmosphere.

When crossing the garden, Karna saw many servants talking too quietly about something. Curiosity piqued, Karna approached one of the servants and politely asked what they were discussing. The servant, a young woman named Meera, hesitated for a moment. But then- leaned in closer to speak in a hushed tone.

"Sir, please forgive my audacity, but rumours are circulating among the servants. They say that the royal family is planning a grand celebration in honour- of an important announcement."

Karna's curiosity deepened upon hearing this intriguing news. He thanked Meera for her information and continued toward his way, his mind buzzing with anticipation. As he entered the Raj Mahal, he was greeted by the palace staff, who guided him to the main audience chamber.

King Dhritarashtra was sitting on the throne with Mahamantri(Prime Minister) Vidur-A man so intelligent and wise than Queen's brother but equally strong on the battlefield. Whose presence said the volumes because Mahamantri(Prime Minister) to be out of the kingdom for more than six years now.

"Welcome Angaraj(King Of Anga) Karna, We are delighted to have you here today."

King Dhritarashtra said, his voice echoing through the chamber.

Karna bowed respectfully before King Dhritarashtra and replied.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. It is an honour to be in your presence and invited to the Raj Mahal."

Mahamantri Vidur, seated next to the king, nodded in acknowledgement. But there was something in his eyes. josei

"Indeed, Angaraj Karna, your presence here is significant. We have gathered today for a momentous occasion."

Karna's mind was running fast swiftly, Activating 'Divine Insight'. As Karna listened to King Dhritarashtra and Mahamantri Vidur's words, he felt a mixture of excitement and anticipation in King Dhritarashtra. But Mahamantri Vidur's eyes conveyed a hint of concern and caution. Karna's instincts told him that there was more to this announcement than met the eye.

"Esteemed Guests, I, Dhritarashtra King Of Kuru. Am happy to announce the crown prince of this kingdom, Prince Duryodhan. I kept him a secret for his safety, He is a boon of Lord Shiva to us. He is four years old now."

Karna's heart skipped a beat as he processed King Dhritarashtra's announcement. The revelation that Prince Duryodhan, the crown prince of the kingdom, had been kept secret for his safety took him by surprise. The mention of Lord Shiva being, involved added a divine element to the unfolding events.

'What is happening here, Duryodhan secret? But even I didn't know when he was born- wait a minute."

[Yes, Host, You got it right. That day three years ago, The storm was the moment Duryodhan was born in this world.]

'But a boon of Lord Shiva what about it?'

[Niyati(Destiny) fixing itself, Because of you opening the eyes of Gandhari before time. And taking the opportunity of Duryodhan, So to fix this problem Niyati(Destiny), Called upon Lord Shiva that's why Duryodhan obtained Vajra's Body but his version is incomplete like Og one.]

Karna looked around the chamber, expecting to see reactions of joy and excitement from the gathered guests. However, he noticed a mix of expressions, ranging from surprise to concern. His gaze shifted to Mahamantri (Prime Minister) Vidur, whose cautious eyes seemed to validate Karna's suspicions that there was more to this announcement.

Karna's instincts told him that Mahamantri (Prime Minister) Vidur might hold crucial information regarding the hidden aspects of Prince Duryodhan's announcement. With a slight nod from King Dhritarashtra, Karna decided to approach Mahamantri (Prime Minister) Vidur at a suitable moment.

After the announcement, the audience chamber buzzed with conversations and congratulations for the royal family. Karna patiently waited for the opportune moment to speak with Mahamantri (Prime Minister) Vidur privately. Finally, as the crowd began to disperse, Karna approached Vidur respectfully.

"Mahamantri (Prime Minister) Vidur, may I have a moment of your time?"

Karna asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Vidur, known for his astute observations and discernment, acknowledged Karna's request and motioned for them to move to a quieter corner of the chamber.

"Angaraj Karna, what is it that troubles your mind?"

Vidur inquired, his tone reflecting his experience and wisdom.

Karna chose his words carefully, aware that he needed to be respectful yet direct in seeking the truth.

"I couldn't help but notice that your eyes conveyed a hint of concern and caution during the announcement. It led me to believe that there might be more to Prince Duryodhan's revelation than meets the eye. I sense a deeper purpose behind this announcement, and I trust your insight can shed some light on the matter."

Mahamantri (Prime Minister) Vidur's expression softened as he regarded Karna. He appreciated the young king's perceptiveness and decided to share some of the hidden truths.

"Angaraj Karna, you have an astute mind indeed. The announcement of Prince Duryodhan is significant, but it also comes with challenges and complexities. While it is true that the prince has been kept secret for his safety, there are certain... circumstances surrounding his birth that have far-reaching implications for the kingdom. I can't tell the detail but It concern's the whole lineage of the Kuru Royal family."

Karna stood there, absorbing the weight of Mahamantri Vidur's words. The cryptic nature of the information intrigued him even more. The implications for the Kuru Royal family hinted at a deep-rooted issue that could potentially impact the kingdom's future.

As Karna watched Mahamantri Vidur walk away.

After staying one hour more in the audience chamber, Karna decided to leave the Raj Mahal. His mind was racing with thoughts and questions about the hidden truths and implications surrounding Prince Duryodhan's announcement. He knew that he needed more information to fully understand the situation and the role he might play in it.

Outside the palace, Karna found a quiet spot in the palace gardens, away from prying eyes and ears. He closed his eyes and focused, invoking his 'Divine Insight' once again. The power surged through him, heightening his senses and allowing him to tap into his intuition and divine knowledge.

As he delved deeper into his consciousness, Karna began to receive fragments of information and insights. Images and words flashed before him, connecting the dots and forming a clearer picture of what lay ahead. The destiny of the Kuru Royal family seemed entwined with Prince Duryodhan's birth and his hidden circumstances.

'Lord Shiva's involvement, the incomplete version of Vajra's Body, and the lineage of the Kuru Royal family...'

Karna pondered on these pieces of the puzzle, trying to decipher their meaning and significance. He understood that his presence in this kingdom was not a mere coincidence but part of a larger plan.

"Anyway let's go home, Otherwise Radha Maa (Mother) will start interrogating me like that time...*Shiver Goes Down The Spine* Today this world will know the Yellow Flash of the leaf-*Cough**Cough* I mean Karna The Fastest."

With a newfound sense of determination, Karna opened his eyes, ready to face the challenges and unravel the mysteries that lay ahead. He made his way back home, contemplating the information he had gathered and the role he might need to play in the events unfolding within the kingdom.

As Karna entered his residence, he was greeted by the warm presence of Radha Maa, his mother, who had raised him with love and care. However, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of her questioning and curious nature.

"Welcome back, my dear Karna. How was your visit to the Raj Mahal?" Radha Maa asked, her eyes filled with affection.

Karna embraced his mother, feeling a sense of comfort and security in her presence. Karna returned his mother's embrace, grateful for her unwavering support and love. He knew that he could confide in her, but he also understood that some information needed to be handled carefully.

"Mother, the visit to the Raj Mahal was enlightening, to say the least. I have learned of a significant announcement regarding Prince Duryodhan, the crown prince of the kingdom. However, there are hidden aspects to this revelation that have piqued my curiosity and concern."

Radha Maa looked at Karna intently, her eyes reflecting her maternal instincts and wisdom.

"Tell me, my son. What troubles your heart? You know that you can share anything with me, and I will do my best to guide you."

Karna took a deep breath, considering his words carefully before speaking.

"Mother, it seems that there are deeper implications surrounding Prince Duryodhan's birth and his hidden circumstances. Mahamantri Vidur hinted at a complex situation that could affect the entire lineage of the Kuru Royal family."

Radha Maa listened attentively to Karna's words, her expression becoming more serious as he spoke. She understood the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences it held for their kingdom and their family.

"My dear Karna, it seems that you have stumbled upon a matter of great importance. The hidden circumstances surrounding Prince Duryodhan's birth and the implications for the Kuru Royal family cannot be taken lightly. It is clear that there are forces at play beyond what meets the eye."

Karna nodded, appreciating his mother's understanding and support.

"But sadly we won't be staying here for long."

Karna looked at his mother with surprise, wondering why they would need to leave.

"Mother, why do we need to leave? What is happening?"

Radha sighed and took Karna's hands in hers.

*To Be Continued*


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Well, Electricity Came Back Earlier Then Estimated, So Here Is Your New Chap.

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