Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 254 Spoiling The Future

Chapter 254 Spoiling The Future

Five days later, in Milan.

At the Palazzo Reale di Milano. Napoleon was standing in front of the mirror, looking at the reflection on himself.

Today was an important day for the Italian people, as the Republic of Italy will have its new president, which would be him.

"Do I look good here, darling?" Napoleon asked as he glanced at his wife who was observing him from the corner. 

Ciela scanned Napoleon from head to toe, her discerning eyes taking in every detail. She had always been a source of honest critique for her husband, unafraid to speak her mind.

"You look every bit the leader, my dear," she replied with a reassuring smile. "But what about mine?" 

Ciela's attire was nothing short of regal. Her gown was a masterpiece of the finest fabrics, a harmonious blend of rich silks and delicate lace, its elegant lines accentuating her graceful figure. The deep shade of royal blue complemented her fair complexion, and the gown was adorned with subtle yet intricate embroidery that hinted at her status without flaunting it.

Her hair, arranged in an elaborate coiffure, held a few carefully chosen pearls that caught the soft light, adding a touch of luminance to her already radiant beauty. Her eyes, a shade of deep sapphire, sparkled with intelligence and a hint of playfulness, framed by long, dark lashes. A discreet touch of makeup enhanced her features, emphasizing her high cheekbones and the delicate curve of her lips. 

It was the first time Napoleon saw his wife wearing such an attire fitting of an era, and it was beautiful. 

"There are no words in this world that could describe her beauty, my dear," Napoleon's voice trailed off as he gazed at Ciela, captivated by her beauty. For a moment, he was rendered speechless, his usual eloquence failing him in the presence of his resplendent wife.

Ciela's smile deepened, and she moved closer to him, her eyes locking onto his with an affectionate intensity. Without a word, she wrapped her arms around Napoleon's neck, drawing him closer until their foreheads touched. 

"My dear…I find it not moving whenever you say I'm beautiful. Is it because you always say that to me every day?" 

"Do you mean my words have lost their charm?" Napoleon chuckled softly, his arms wrapping around Ciela's waist "Oh, my love, your beauty only grows more enchanting with each passing day. My words may be the same, but they are no less true. Every time I look at you, I am reminded of the day we first met, and I was captivated by your radiance."

Ciela's laughter tinkled like a crystal chandelier, and she leaned in to place a tender kiss on Napoleon's lips. 

Just as their lips met, the door to their chambers swung open, revealing two young children who had sneaked into the room. Francis and Aveline, their son and daughter, stood in the doorway, wearing mischievous smiles that mirrored their father's.

"Caught you two!" Aveline exclaimed with a playful grin, his bright blue eyes dancing with mirth.

"I'm sorry Father, I couldn't stop her…" Francis said meekly.

Napoleon and Ciela broke their kiss, their faces flushed with both surprise and amusement. Napoleon chuckled as he bent down to lift Aveline into his arms and tousle Francis's hair affectionately.

"You two should be getting ready," Ciela said, her voice gentle but admonishing. "We have an important ceremony today."

"I know, mother," Francis said. 

"Why are you two kissing each other on the lips?" Aveline asked curiously.

"It's a good luck kiss," Ciela stood straight and faced Aveline. "Like what I do to you whenever you have a test. Speaking of which, how is your Italian?" 

Aveline cleared her throat and spoke with surprising confidence for her age, her words flowing in Italian. "Mi chiamo Aveline. Sono felice di essere qui."[1] 

"Nice," Napoleon was impressed. "How about you Francis?"

Francis took a deep breath and, with a determined look on his face, recited his greeting in Italian, "Ciao, mi chiamo Francis."[2] 

Ciela smiled warmly at her children's efforts. "Well done, both of you! You're picking up Italian beautifully." 

"But mother…do we really have to learn every language in Europe? I'm struggling in Russian right now." 

"You'll see its importance in the future, Francis," Ciela said. "It will both serve you well. After all, once you have grown up, you will take over Father's work." 

"What do you mean by that mother?" Francis tilted his head to the side.

"What I mean is that you'll lead France and her territories," Ciela clarified.  I think you should take a look at

"Lead?" Francis grew more confused. "I don't follow. Isn't Father a president of France? His term would end in eight years." 

Napoleon and Ciela exchanged glances and smiled. The children don't know about their plan to keep their legacy. 

In perfect timing, the Minister of Interior, Lucien arrived at the room.

"Brother, the Italian deputies have arrived and are waiting for you," Lucien announced.

"Thank you, Lucien, we'll be there shortly," Napoleon replied with a nod. "Take my wife and daughter with you. I'll speak with Francis." 

Napoleon carefully set Aveline down. "Go with your mother, I won't take long." 

Aveline complied and went with Ciela, and together followed Lucien.

Once they were alone, Napoleon knelt down to Francis's eye level. He placed a hand on his son's shoulder and spoke with a fatherly tone, "Francis, what your mother meant is that one day, you will have important responsibilities just like me. You will help lead our country and continue the work I have started."

"But Father, I thought presidents like you are elected?"

Napoleon nodded, impressed by his son's insight. "You're right, Francis. Presidents are elected. But sometimes, when people see a leader they believe in, they choose to keep them in power for longer. Your mother and I hope that when the time comes, the people will have the same trust in you. For that, I'm going to teach you personally, everything from the military to politics. And in eight to ten years or so, you will become the best version of me." 

Francis's young face held a serious expression as he considered his father's words. "I'll do my best, Father, I promise."

Napoleon smiled and ruffled Francis's hair affectionately. "Now, let's join the others for this important ceremony. 


Napoleon becoming the president was one of his plans for expanding his influence in the Italian Peninsula. He believed that by controlling Italy directly, he could strengthen his rule over Europe and further his ambitions. The ceremony was a significant step in this plan, as it marked the official establishment of the Republic of Italy with Napoleon as its president.

As Napoleon and Francis made their way to join the others, the atmosphere in the grand hall of the Palazzo Reale di Milano was charged with anticipation. Delegates from various Italian regions, as well as French officials, had gathered to witness this historic moment. The room was adorned with the tricolor flags of the newly formed Italian Republic.josei

Lucien, Ciela, and Aveline were already seated in a prominent position among the dignitaries, waiting for Napoleon and Francis to join them. Ciela smiled warmly at her husband and son as they took their places. 

The ceremony commenced with a solemn procession, and the Italian delegates took their oaths of office, pledging their loyalty to the newly established republic. Finally, it was Napoleon's turn to take the oath as the president of Italy. To make it sincere, he'd speak it in Italian.

"I, Napoleon Bonaparte, solemnly swear to uphold the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity, which are the foundation of the Republic of Italy. I pledge to serve the Italian people with dedication and honor, to protect their rights and freedoms, and to work tirelessly for the prosperity and unity of this great nation.

I shall strive to ensure justice for all citizens, regardless of their background or station in life. I will defend the sovereignty of Italy and uphold its territorial integrity. In times of peace, I shall work to advance the welfare and progress of our nation. In times of strife, I shall lead with courage and determination to safeguard our republic.

I may be French, but I stand before you today as the servant of Italy, dedicated to the cause of our great nation. I shall respect the diversity and heritage of our Italian regions, working tirelessly to bridge any divides and forge a united Italy, a beacon of hope and progress for all of Europe.

Let it be known that I take this oath freely, without reservation, and with the utmost sincerity." 

With those final words, a hush fell over the room. The oath had been taken, and Napoleon Bonaparte was now officially the president of the Republic of Italy. The room erupted into applause, cheers, and expressions of support. Dignitaries from various regions of Italy approached him to offer their congratulations, shaking his hand and pledging their loyalty to the newly established republic.

Of course, being a president doesn't mean Napoleon would directly involve himself in governance. He had a dedicated man for that, specifically, Francesco Melzi d'Eril. 

Lucien approached him last. 

"So brother, ready for the next meeting?" 

The meeting Lucien referred to was about the return of the church in France. 

"I am," Napoleon said. 

[1] My name is Aveline. I'm happy to be here is the translation

[2] Hello, my name is Francis

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