Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 260 Another Interesting Prospect

Chapter 260 Another Interesting Prospect

"Wah~! You're beautiful," Aveline innocently exclaimed, her young eyes wide with awe as she gazed at Isabella.

Isabella, caught off guard by the innocent admiration of her niece, couldn't help but smile warmly. 

"Thank you." 

"Mother, you didn't tell us that you have a sister," Francis said.

"Really? I must have forgotten about it," Ciela let out a forced chuckle. 

"Anyways," Napoleon interjected. "The celebration is still ongoing. So perhaps we can continue this later. Lady Isabella, have you eaten? We have a lot of delicious delicacies here."

Isabella nodded appreciatively and joined the family throughout the celebration. Two hours later, the attendants and guests left the Palace of Versailles and returned to their respective homes.

The once-crowded ballroom of Versailles turned into a peaceful, dimly lit chamber. As for their children, they were yawning as the lateness of the hour began to take its toll. 

Aveline rubbed her eyes sleepily, while Francis stifled a yawn.

Napoleon glanced at his children affectionately and said. "It's time for you two to go to bed.

"But Papa, we want to hear more stories about Aunt Isabella and Mother," Aveline protested.

"There is still tomorrow for that, Aveline. It's bad for children to sleep late." 

Reluctantly, Aveline and Francis relented. They bid goodnight to their parents and were escorted by Audrey to their rooms.

With the children now gone, Napoleon and Ciela could speak with Isabella. They settled into Napoleon's office where they could resume their discussion that was cut short earlier.

"So, Isabella, who was your father again?" Napoleon asked.

"It's Duke Alfonso de Castellano, Industrial Magnate and Advisor to the Crown," Isabella replied. 

Hearing that, Napoleon confirmed that Ciela's family didn't exist in the original records. There were no records of Alfonso de Castellano who lived in late eighteenth century Spain when he checked his system. 

He was curious as to what branch of family Ciela was and now that he knew, it felt like his curiosity had been satiated. 

However, the position of her father piqued his curiosity. 

"Industrial Magnate and Advisor to the Crown?" Napoleon repeated. "What is that?" 

"It's a position of significant influence and power in the Kingdom of Spain. My father not only owns a vast industrial empire but also serves as an advisor to the Spanish Crown. He played a pivotal role in driving Spain's industrialization, economic growth, and modernization. He was the one that introduced your steam locomotive and steel manufacturing techniques to Spain."

"Wait…our father was behind the industrialization of Spain?" Ciela paused, clearly surprised by this revelation. Napoleon, too, was taken aback by the news.

Isabella nodded. "That's correct. Not only that, he is the wealthiest and a rising prominence in Spain's political landscape as well."

Napoleon's curiosity deepened. "Could you elaborate on his role in the government, Isabella?"  I think you should take a look at

It's fascinating to hear about someone who wields industrial and political power in a country, what's more fascinating is that it was Ciela's father." 

Isabella continued, "As an advisor to the Crown, my father is in close proximity to the Spanish monarch and holds a seat in the Council of Ministers. He actively participated in shaping Spain's economic policies, international relations, and domestic affairs. His recommendations are highly regarded, and he is often called upon to resolve disputes and promote initiatives that benefit the nation. But this of course happened after Ciela left." 

"Hmm…interesting," Napoleon mumbled.

"What's so interesting about my father?" Isabella heard him mumble.


"Ah…nothing, forget about it," Napoleon waved his hand dismissively. "So I assume that your father is popular with the people of Spain?" 

Isabella nodded. "You could say that…he is a philanthropist who helped the people during the economic crisis brought by the War in the Pyrenees."

The more he heard about Ciela's father, the more he grew his interest in him. If he were to think about it for a second, Ciela is his wife, and her father is an influential figure in Spain. 

He had this ambition of spreading influence in North and South America. But Spain is on the way. If he could manage to get Ciela's father to replace a deeply unpopular King of Spain, he might achieve his foreign policy over those two continents. After all, their grip on their colonies is weakening. Economic instability in Spain meant that they couldn't govern their colonies effectively. Industrialization is one thing, but if the government is unable to efficiently run its affairs, then the economic boom brought by the new industries is useless.

Heck, there might be even a chance that he could control Spain indirectly. His view of Spain is not that high compared to France's neighbors. They weren't that much of a threat in his opinion. 

He is even considering taking Cuba and Florida from Spain and integrating them into New France. The prospect is making him excited.

"Duke of Castellano…after hearing much about him, it's making me want to visit him myself." 

Isabella blinked. "You are going to Spain, Napoleon?" 

"I want to see the father of my wife," Napoleon responded with a determined look in his eyes and continued. "And talk about many things that would suit both our interests. Is that okay darling?"

"I don't mind you coming with me, darling," Ciela said. "But don't you have a busy schedule ahead of the week?" 

"I can clear my schedule for this trip," Napoleon said. "Speaking of schedule, when do you plan on leaving France?" 

"Next week," Isabella replied. "I plan to explore other cities in France. I have taken a liking to your country, especially Paris which I assume is undergoing a major makeover?" 

"That's correct," Napoleon said. "Where are you staying?"

"At Hôtel de Crillon," Isabella answered with a smile. 

"I see, why don't you stay here at Versailles? We have a lot of rooms and you won't have to pay," Napoleon offered. 

Isabella graciously considered Napoleon's offer and then replied, "That's very generous of you, Napoleon, but I wouldn't want to impose on your hospitality."

Napoleon nodded understandingly. "Very well. Ciela, you might want to use this opportunity to reconnect with your little sister." 

Ciela simply nodded. 

'This is going to be exhilarating' Napoleon thought to himself. 

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