Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 322 Napoleon At It Again

Chapter 322 Napoleon At It Again

After concluding his speech, Napoleon made his way back to the comfort of his open-top royal carriage. The grand procession resumed its slow and stately journey from Paris to Versailles, a process that stretched over a period of three hours. The royal carriage inched forward, guided by the measured pace of the horses and the diligence of the coachmen.

As the procession approached the road leading to the Palace of Versailles, the number of onlookers grew even larger. The crowds lining the thoroughfares had swelled, with both locals and visitors from distant regions eager to catch a glimpse of the imperial entourage. 

The road itself was a wide and well-kept avenue, flanked by rows of stately trees. The branches of these trees arched gracefully overhead, forming a leafy canopy that dappled the procession with shifting patterns of sunlight. It was a welcome respite from the chilly Parisian streets, and the atmosphere, though no less reverent, had a different quality. 

The gates of the Palace of Versailles opened, giving way to the royal carriage. Officially, the procession has ended with the Emperor returning home. Yet, for the people, it was far from over. They stood outside the perimeter of the Palace of Versailles, cheering and shouting. 

At the main entrance of the Palace of Versailles, Napoleon's gaze fell upon his family. His wife, Ciela, appeared strikingly elegant, standing with their twins, Francis and Aveline, one on each side. The couple's younger children were wide awake and nestled comfortably in their stroller, taking in the grand surroundings with curious, alert eyes.

The royal carriage stopped and Napoleon exited it gracefully as he stepped down from the carriage. The moment was simple and heartfelt, a father reuniting with his family after a long month. Ciela's smile was one of warmth and familiarity, and the twins reached out their little hands toward him.

This is the best moment for being a father, someone waiting for you after a long absence. Napoleon relished in the simple joys of fatherhood. His children's small hands grasped his own, their eyes brimming with excitement at his return. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated happiness, and he couldn't help but share in their enthusiasm. 

"Congratulations father, for winning the war," Aveline said formally. 

Napoleon tilted his head to the side, a smile gracing his lips as he was taken aback slightly at Aveline's formality. She's often enthusiastic and spirited. He tousled her hair affectionately and said, "Thank you, my dear." 

"Congratulations father," Francis said. The way he carried his words with an air of formality didn't surprise Napoleon, as it was to be expected from him. 

Napoleon simply nodded in response to Francis's formal greeting.

Then his wife, Ciela, looked at him with a knowing smile. He wrapped his arm around Ciela's and planted a kiss on her cheek. 

"I miss you," Napoleon whispered softly into her ears.

"I missed you too," she replied, her voice equally soft and filled with affection.

Napoleon released Ciela from his embrace and his eyes scanned her appearance. No matter how many times he repeated it, Ciela is just so beautiful. Despite having borne four children, she still looked as if time had barely touched her. Her grace and elegance were as enduring as ever. Truly, her title as the Empress of the French Empire fits her perfectly. 

Last but not the least, is his two new children. Tristan and Daphne. Tristan is already two years old with Daphne being one of the newest additions to their family. Their innocence and curiosity shone brightly in their wide eyes, and their smiles were infectious.

While gazing at Daphne, he wondered what realm he should give to her. Australia? Canada? Francis is the crown prince of the Empire of France, Aveline would be the future Queen of Italy, and Tristan as the future King of Spain. 

Well, a lot of things would change in fifteen years, so maybe when that time comes, he'll decide.

"Let's go inside?" Ciela invited.I think you should take a look at

Napoleon's thoughts turned to the future as he looked at his growing family. The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the palace grounds. With a smile, he nodded in agreement with Ciela's suggestion.

"Yes, let's go inside," he replied warmly.josei

Together, they made their way into the Palace of Versailles, leaving behind the cheers of the crowd and the grandeur of the day. 

Once inside the Palace of Versailles, Napoleon spent the rest of the day catching up with his family. He asked about the day of their birth, what gifts they received, and how they had been spending their time in his absence.

The twins, Aveline and Francis, eagerly recounted their adventures and lessons, and the younger children, Tristan and Daphne, babbled and giggled in their own charming way. Ciela shared updates about the household and the latest news about how Paris is now beginning to look like modern Paris.

As the day turned to evening, they all gathered for a family meal in the grand dining room of the palace. Napoleon missed the day eating together with his family. On the battlefield, he would only eat rations despite being an Emperor, and he would eat sometimes alone or with his Marshals.

As the evening wore on, they eventually retired to their chambers. Napoleon took his time tucking his children into their beds, planting kisses on their foreheads and whispering words of love and protection.

After ensuring that their little ones were soundly asleep, Napoleon's footsteps carried him towards the bedroom, where Ciela awaited him. As he gently pushed open the door, his eyes were instantly captivated by the vision of Ciela adorned in a sensuous, pale pink silk nightgown. The garment gracefully caressed her form, its hem resting slightly above her knees, teasingly revealing her shapely thighs. 

As he looked up, charmed, his gaze continued its exploration, lingering on her clavicle, a delicate curve that added to the allure of the enchanting scene before him.

"Oh my," Napoleon exclaimed softly as he stepped closer to Ciela.

Ciela giggled.  "I thought you might appreciate this little surprise," 

Napoleon closed the distance between them and took her in his arms, pulling her close. "Oh, I love surprises."

Upon saying that, Napoleon leaned in to capture Ciela's lips in a tender yet passionate kiss. 

With their lips still locked, Napoleon gently guided Ciela towards the large, opulent bed that dominated their chamber. He slowly lowered her onto the soft sheets.

His hands then traced a trail of fire across Ciela's body, causing her to moan softly. The pale pink silk nightgown slipped from her shoulders, revealing her body in all its splendor. 

Napoleon got up to his knees, looking down on Ciela's seductive body. He removed and unfastened his belt. 

"We are going to have our fifth baby here, darling. Let's see how many rounds you can endure," Napoleon grinned.

"I should be the one saying that, because I'm going to suck you dry," Ciela smirked. 

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