Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 330 It's Final

Chapter 330 It's Final

Chapter 330 It's Final

Francis blinked, processing the words his father had just spoken. "My fiancée?" He glanced at Princess Charlotte, taking in her presence.

"That's correct, Francis," Napoleon confirmed. "She will be a suitable match for you. Now, reintroduce yourself properly to her."

Francis's gaze was fixed upon Charlotte, and a moment of silence hung between them. The young prince, still grappling with the revelation, managed to compose himself. With a mixture of curiosity and formality, he extended his hand.

"I am the Crown Prince of the Empire of France, Francis Bonaparte."

Charlotte took a deep breath, her posture poised but the nervousness evident in her eyes. 

"I'm Princess Charlotte of Prussia," she said with a slight nod, extending her hand in a formal gesture. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Francis."

Francis, attempting to mirror her formality, gently took her hand. "The pleasure is mine, Princess Charlotte," and planted a kiss on her knuckles. 

Charlotte's cheeks flushed a pale rose at the touch of his lips, an involuntary reaction that did not go unnoticed by those in attendance.

King Frederick William III cleared his throat softly, directing the room's attention back to the moment at hand. 

"Your Majesty Napoleon. Is it okay if we can talk to our daughter for a moment? We haven't prepared her fully for a meeting. We are simply going to share a word of advice with her and after that, the two of them may get acquainted with each other," King Frederick William III requested. 

"Of course, Your Majesty. We understand completely," Napoleon replied with a nod, and his gaze flickered to Ciela. "Let's give them room, darling." 

With that, Napoleon, Ciela, and Francis exited the stateroom, leaving the Prussian royal family alone inside.

"Charlotte," her mother, Louise, knelt down to her eye level. "The boy is smitten by your beauty. You can thank your mother for that. We can use that to our advantage. Get friendly with him even though you may not like him, for he is the only way we could regain our family's prestige." 

Charlotte nodded resolutely. "Understood Mother, I will do as you are told. I will make him like me more." 


Meanwhile, outside the room, the Imperial Family of Bonaparte were also having their own discussion.

"Is she truly to be my fiancée, Father? You are not speaking lies are you not?" Francis said, still couldn't believe that the Prussian princess was to be her future partner in life. 

"I'm not lying. Though not yet official," Napoleon said. 

"What do you mean by not official?" Francis asked, wanting to get clarified.

"One of the terms of the peace treaty we are going to sign with the Prussians is that Princess Charlotte of Prussia is to be your fiancée. The treaty is still being worked on by the parties. But I will make sure that she is to be your wife."

"Why" Francis inquired again.

"Because, I see potential in her, that she'd be a powerful figure that can help you run the Empire once I abdicated my throne to you." 

"Father, to be honest, she is beautiful but she comes from a Kingdom that we recently warred with. She will naturally feel resentment and one day, it will bite 

back," Francis voiced his concern. 

"That may be true, but you forgot the fact that she is still a child with the same age as you. The mind of children is still malleable and can adapt to new realities. As you grow together, and share bonds together, such thoughts being ingrained in her by her parents would disappear and be replaced by her love for you. Once you capture a woman's heart, she will be loyal and devoted to you, regardless of previous enmities or family histories," Napoleon explained as he flickered his gaze to Ciela. "Isn't that true, darling?" 

Ciela nodded in agreement. 

"But I know nothing of her father," Francis said. 

"Don't worry, you'll get to know her soon once you two are alone," Ciela grinned. "As your mother, allow me to give you some tips on how to make a positive impression during your first meeting with a girl, especially a princess."

Francis looked at his mother with keen interest. This was unfamiliar territory for him, and any advice was welcome.

"First, be attentive. Listen to her, not just with your ears but with your heart. Women appreciate a man who is genuinely interested in what they have to say."

Francis nodded, absorbing the advice.

"Second, be confident but not arrogant. Hold your head high, but keep your heart humble. You are a prince, but she is a princess. You both have inherent value."

"Third, be kind and respectful. The way you treat her, as well as others around you, speaks volumes about your character. A man of good character is always appealing," Ciela continued.

"And lastly, be yourself. You're not just the Crown Prince to her. You're a person, with feelings, thoughts, and dreams. Allow her to see that side of you, the human side. The genuine connection stems from authenticity."

Francis absorbed his mother's words, each piece of advice carving a space in his consciousness. 

"I understand mother, I'll follow your advice," Francis said resolutely.

The door opened, and King Frederick William III appeared, signaling the end of their private counsel with Charlotte.

"It is time," Napoleon declared.

As they reentered the room, Francis's gaze met Charlotte's. 

"The garden of the Palace of Versailles offers a great spot for the two of you to get to know each other better," Napoleon suggested, gesturing towards the magnificent vista outside the window. "Now, Francis, invite Princess Charlotte to accompany you for a walk."

Francis, gathering his nerves, turned to Charlotte. "Princess Charlotte, may I have the honor of accompanying you for a stroll in the garden?" he asked, recalling his mother's advice on being respectful and kind.

Charlotte, equally aware of the importance of this interaction, accepted gracefully. "I would be pleased, Prince Francis," she replied.

They exited the room together, leaving behind their parents.

"Okay, let's hope for the best."josei

Napoleon and Ciela chuckled softly but it died down quickly as they noticed the expression on the faces of the Prussian royal couple. It must be because of the fate of their kingdom. Well, this is how the world works. If your country is defeated, you have no choice but to heed the demands of the victor. 

"Your Majesty Napoleon," Queen Louise broke the momentary silence. "Is there no way we can appeal to you? I plead for mercy and reconsideration of the terms of the treaty. They are too harsh. Our kingdom will be crippled for generations."

Napoleon looked at Queen Louise, seeing the genuine concern in her eyes. He knew that the terms were harsh, but it is what it is. His plan for Europe is to have a puppet German state. 

"It's final," Napoleon said. 

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