Reincarnated as the butt-spanking Knight with a System

Chapter 132

Chapter 132: Planing (4)

"Yes. This is why that we are trying our best to hid our country as much as we can. Cause we know that Seikara Empire and Ansherkam Empire were trying to take our resources away which I forbid most. This is why, as the princess of Nox Empire. I won't allow anyone to take that from us..."

"You can basically buy the whole seikara empire with that amount of resources!" Kiana yelled at her in a surprised look. Thus, Reili asked her,

"What's the benefit of buying them? I want both of the resources. Not buying any!" 

So, I decided to explain to her the benefit if we manage...

Oh wait...

If I'm buying their stuff... It means that we will lack our resources and they will had more...

But if we managed to press their currency...

"There is a rule of currency, girls." I told them right away. Thus, both of them looked at me in a full attention and I started to explain,

This is how the currency works.

Currency is the physical paper notes and coins in circulation.

By accepting the currency, a merchant can sell his or her goods and have a convenient way to pay their trading partners.

There are other important benefits of currency too.

The relatively small size of coins and dollar bills makes them easy to transport.

Consider a corn grower who would have to load a cart with food every time he needed to buy something.

Additionally, coins and paper have the advantage of lasting a long time, which is something that can't be said for all commodities. A farmer who relies on direct trade, for example, may only have a few weeks before his assets spoil. With money, she can accumulate and store her wealth.

And then, you guys need to know as well for how the currency will rise or down.

The amount of currencies were depending on the gold deposit amount that we had. The more we had it, the more we can create.

But, too much money which surpass the gold value will cause the inflation. And too few money will cause the deflation.

The most tolerable value of currency is one percent inflation. Or else, it will be very bad.

So, I will try to make our currency goes deflation... Forcing them to sell their resources to us with low price. And we did it repeatedly until they are colapsing.

"That plan... It's exactly like what Aaron had said!" Kiana looked at me with that surprised look. And then, she rejoiced as well that as if it was me the only one who could destroy that empire.

While if we put that logically. Every countries will use this scenario to overtake the other empire as well. Logic!

Thus, I requested Reili as I said,

"Can you call the ministry of finance over? I want to consult something to that person."

"Alright." Reili answered to me firmly.

Thus, she looked back and called her guards over.


Two guards were coming as soon as the lady calls. With a speed of light. They comes to her and knelt in a respect as they said,

"Hail empress Reili."

"Rise up." she replied to them abruptly. She commanded to them,

"Call ministry of finance right away. I had a words need to be talk to him."

"Roger." Both of the guards were knelt and respected her. Thus they backed off and walked quickly towards the outside... Vanishing as if nothing exists there.

Then, she looked at me and she asked,

"What you could do next?" 

I'm thinking it back.josei

Apart of currency...

Propaganda? Hmm... 

I don't think that would work since the society had advanced...


"Do you know anything else that could ruin a country in seconds?"

"Sabotage." Kiana replied to me abruptly.

To be honest, Sabotaging is a big no for me. I mean, look.

There are many innocent citizens there.

If the sabotage had gone wrongly. Then what happened to the citizens?

Clearly that they will vanish into nothingness. And then, people will hate us.

I just want them to like us. But in the same time. We can manimpulate them as well as if that we are the kindest. While...

If the sabotage had gone wrongly. Then what happened to the citizens?

Clearly that they will vanish into nothingness. And then, people will hate us.

I just want them to like us. But in the same time. We can manimpulate them as well as if that we are the kindest. While...

"Wouldn't your idea is a bit kind of evilish?" Kiana looked at me with an unamused look that drawn at her face clearly. As if that she said "FUCK YOU IDIOT" in her forehead that written clearly. But, I know that it wasn't a real deal.

"If sabotaging isn't the plan and propaganda won't work... Hmm..."

"You can start from seizing their natural resources by lending them money." Kiana suggested which led the man who wearing the suit with the dragon humanoid figure who had shown, reacted in an amusement.

"Money Trap Strategy? Prince Ricky had told me before about how powerful that tactic is."

"Can you explain to us for how is it works? This two block-headed asshole couldn't understand it." Kiana replied to that man while pointing to us.

"block-headed asshole? Says someone who begged us for the help." Reili looked at that lady with a smirk. Thus, she replied to her,

"Oh? So... I can't rant? Envy on you if that's the case!" 

Both of them seemingly wanted to fight. Well... Girls fight.

I remember that my dad once told me,

"Girls fighting? As a dudes. We should fuck off from that place before things is getting bad."

As I remembered what my dad told me. I moved back shortly while focusing with the ministry of finance... Moved him back altogether with me as well.

We were head back far to the back... Making sure that nobody disrupts us. 

Thus, we moved fast towards the corner side of the meeting room. Started the discussion.

"How much money you guys can use to fund the other countries?"

"Three quadrillion Cigs."

I remember that I had read the rust book from Kiana. It had said that according to Hartpeler, the ancient god of Technology. One Cigs has one united state dollar worth in my world. In other means...

Three quadrillion USD.


That's enough to buy the whole country ten times!

Not even the richest country in my world could had that amount of money. This clearly could overthrown Seikara Empire easily.

"What's your plan, Mr. Ministry?" I asked him in a serious tone as I was piqued into the interest to know how strong that is.

Thus, he explained by pulling his scroll up to show it to me.

"This is the list of the construction that we will need to overtake. Take from that first. I had asked the Empire's noblemen that it was all the highest priced resources ever in that empire to be build."

He showed to me the book. Thus, I read it.

Building for seven Pyramids of Richeolots for honor. Three billion Cigs,

Building Sky Bridge in the southern seikara empire, fifteen billion cigs.

It was all the most important document I can read. I can estimate that this confidential information costs ten or twenty trillion of USD.

I mean... Look,

There are three hundred and forty five amounts of assets that be able to being invested. Thus, it was not only that. 

It was a bunch of the information of the resources used as well. In fact... I had an idea...

"How about we are buying that resources. Scalp all of them and then, force the Seikara Empire to give their land one by one slowly to us?" I suggested it to him as I remember that when I played the empire strategy game. It will be the most common strategy to be used for dealing with the stronger empire.

"It's risky. But also doable in the same time. I agree with you, Crown Prince." The Ministry of Finance agreed to me.


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Pirate this book and Corona will send a calamity to the earth, and then, you will lose your life for eternity.

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Privilege 1k In March = Mass release is as much as you can request, and I can do.

No 1 all-time trending for 1 year straight = manga adaptation


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