Reincarnated as the butt-spanking Knight with a System

Chapter 143

Chapter 143: Ascend

"Save... Cox... Empire..."

Thus, she was leaving the world... Eternally...

Jolie "Reili" Coxana, 

Thirty Four Years old Dog Demihuman with Fairy Blood flows in her blood. 

Leaving her only legacy under the crown prince Kuso Amakusa, depart from the world for eternity, lying under lap of the man who she loved, grabbed his hand hard. Even until her death, her hands were still gripping on him, with a chills dwelling on his hand.

Her beautiful looking face that was initially a petite girl, who had changed completely into someone different after time paradox. Had slowly turned into the pale-faced snow lady. 

"Peace to the fallen, Reili. I won't waste your effort!"

He froze her body by using his Authority, putting her to the void inventory. Thus, Anna came close to him, asking if he was fine. But, Kuso was replied to her casually.

"I'm fine. I had to go back to the empire now."

"But... I had to tell you this right now, Kuso." Anna muttered to him, with a saddening expression.

"What?" Kuso asked her solemnly. Thus, the lady explained to him,

Cox Empire had been conquered as both of you were leaving that place.

As you told Albedo before. Ricky is a snitch.

He's a snitch who worked under Loki. The god of misfortune.  josei

Three of the Technoknights were not being created by me. But by him! 

The man who conspired the jail to Albedo by persuading the hel guard to tell her that intertwined fate is a safe thing.

But you had seen it yourself, do you?

Kuso understood that this will come eventually. Without any more delay, he told the Lady,

"Let's meet Kiana. If they can conquer Cox Empire through Snitching. Then I will use the same way to defeat them. But, I will need her godly power to freed Albedo from the prison!"

"Are you mad?!" Anna asked him in a shocked expression. In a meantime, Kuso replied to her without looking at her.

"If I'm not saving the main character, then who else will be?"

Thus, he walked calmly… Towards the unknown.

In Cox Empire,

"Sorry, brother-in-law. I had promised God of Misfortune to take this empire." Ricky sat in the throne, wearing the crown with the crying baby being heard by him that was being taken care by the nurses.

"That's my niece. Please give her a good care. Until… I managed to defeat that person!"

"Ricky is a snitch."

It was a word that blurted from a lady who had become a human after what had happened earlier. 

Thus, they were hiding in the darkest place. Making sure that nobody would be able to notice their presence.

"Do you know what 'Snitch' is? I hope you do learn English before you are saying so." Chris lamented to the lady while waving his hand, signing that he was not believe that it was Ricky's work all along.

"I'm becoming a mortal after he had stole my goddess power." She replied to Kuso unamusingly. Thus, Kuso asked her over that.

"How do you ended yourself to had your prowess out from your clutch while it's yours?" 

"That was something that I don't wish to talk of, Kuso." The lady answered him. Which later, he asked her again.

"Can you explain to me then for what had happened in Albedo, in full details. I don't think that I can go back to that empire anymore. So, let's save Albedo first."

She explained to Kuso in a serious glance as she looked at him,

It starting from when she had been saved by you as a dog.

Then, you kept loving her, bickering to your parents just to protect her.

Even you pulled the knife when they wants to kill her as a dog back then. 

"That's cringe... And in the same time, I should not doing that! I would only doing that if I was ten years younger!"  Kuso cursed as in his mind, he felt guilty.

Thus, he continued to listen what Anna wanted to say. She continued,

She was supposed to die and live as your wife in your next life. But, she chooses to become a criminal instead, by using intertwined fate.

Intertwined fate is something that is completely forbidden. Not to mention about the damage, even it was recoded in the heavenly book that everyone who had used intertwined fate will be sent to the hel for eternity.

Thus, she is now, facing it. I hope that she would stay safe in that place before you managed to save her. 

"I think prisons were treating its mate properly, do they?" Kuso asked Anna in a question tag that led her to answer,


Kuso was shocked when the lady had stated so. 

In a meantime, he was thinking if Albedo and his child were safe or not.

"I had both of the kids in my hands. One should be in under Ricky. Another one, is with Albedo. I don't know anymore for what I should..."

"I know how to cross in between earth and other dimension in Kanshera. If, you wants to go with me to the Lake of Seikara."

A silver-haired elf walked out from his back, wearing the modern hoodie jacked as she was under hiding or something.

"For?" Kuso asked her firmly. She just replied to him,

"You can revive another person who will help you. He was buried in the Lake of Seikara, the lake of fallen emperors."

'If she had stated so. Then I would think it back again, There are only three person who I know capable to travel around the world. Don't tell me...'

Kuso felt flabbergasted when the he had guessed someone who could do that. Thus, the lady just simply tell him,

"Lira Richeolot. The strongest Dragon Mortal ever alive in humankind history."

"It's not possible to revive someone who had been charred to the dust already. Drop that idea!" Kuso yelled at her as he looked back to look that woman. 

Kiana knew that Kuso won't believe at her. Thus, she told him.

"It was all fabricated. His twin brother, Lex had orchestrated that in order to stopping everyone to asking for his body. In other means, he can be revived anytime soon. And he was the one who capable to break the Intertwined Fate that I did before. Thus, I believe that he could break Albedo's."

"It was my idea before." Anna commented. Thus, in the same time, she pulled her left shoulder dress side gently. Showing the crest of Dragon that led Kiana to say,

"Without a doubt. You are the former one of the ten fairy elders who vowed for allegance to Lex. Or I could say, your real name, Aliadora. The fairy who had ascended as the goddess after her sacrifice to stop the black order." 

'It was visibly seen as the birthmark. I think, it has to be related to the intertwined fate that Kiana had done before.' Kuso muttered on his mind as he had seen it after she closed it down. 

Thus, he asked Kiana in a curiousity,

"How do we be able to find that man's corpse if we are only know that if its on the lake. While that lake is too wide to be accessed."

"Nah, it was only about the naming convention to scare the grave robber off. In fact, it was a bunch of the kings and queens tomb. Including Mari, the last empress of Richeolot's era who had been secured the world balance from the shadow. Amus Richeolot who governed the Laira Village until he decided to die together with the village."

"Let's add it more. You will find a lady named Michina on that tomb as well. She had been fall asleep for centuries on there. If there is a way to revive that lady too. Then we will have an absolute chance of winning. Thus, we can ascend to the higher peak with that!" Anna told Kuso in a stern glance as they had seen it. In a meantime, Kuso knew that he had to use any odds possible to get everything back.

Not only about Albedo,

But... It was for the empire, for his goal as the Technoknight.


"I have promised Reili that I will Save Cox Empire. Thus, I will do that whatever it takes!"


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

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