Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

346 Chapter 346

346 Chapter 346

Qrox stood still, waiting for the golem’s master to come out. But no one showed themselves, and instead, the golem charged at him, swinging a sword.

“You fucking coward!” Qrox charged forward and parried the 2-meter sword with his light-blue trident that seemed to contain water-elemental power.

But before they could get into close range, the golem showed something shocking. It raised its right sword, and six large fire javelins shot toward Qrox.josei

Qrox did not expect that the golems would have range capabilities, so the six fire javelins plunged deep into his body, and penetrated through the back.

Frowning, he gritted his teeth and expelled six fire javelins out of his body.

“Impressive,” Aldred said. “Other Gold Ranks would surely die after that attack.”

Aldred had fought against the golem, and he was the one who created it by hand, so he knew its power was nothing to scoff at. Even Elite Gold Rank would be in great pain after being shot by six fire javelins enhanced with Epic fire-elemental mana crystal.

Billowing with a powerful life force coming out of his body, Qrox raised his trident and rushed furiously towards the type 2 fighter golem.

“Waste no time, kill him,” Aldred commanded.

The standing type 2 fighter golem blurred into motion, and for a moment, it looked as if it disappeared from sight. It appeared before Qrox, and mercilessly hacked at him.

Qrox raised his trident to block.

Ding! An ear-ringing, metal-against-metal sound rang in the jungle. Qrox’s face turned pale, as he retreated a few steps. His arms were strained from the impact.

“How can a golem be this strong? This is impossible. Only a Platinum Rank golem master can make something like this, and it will consume a lot of resources to keep it running!”

What Qrox said was true. Golems were generally hard and very expensive to use. They require a lot of mana crystals as a source of energy.

And it also depended on the quality, materials, weight, speed, and other stats that affect how much mana it consumed to run

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