Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

377 Chapter 377

377 Chapter 377

Aldred ran around the cave but failed to find the source of that voice. He then saw a cramped and narrow crevice.

Entering, he noticed someone or something had destroyed the wall and blocked the way to the other side. There also seemed to be a sign of battle here recently.

Aldred knelt down and felt the dirt and rocks. A blood stain caught his attention. Using his finger, he dabbed it and smelled it.

“Snake… but why does it smell like a human as well?”

Aldred stood up and kicked the rubble away. After that, he made his way deeper into the crevice.

At the end of the crevice was another vast cave, complete with stalactites, underground lakes, shining crystals, minerals, and whatnot.

Aldred sighed. He felt like he was going in a circle. He was annoyed, and also enraged. The emotion that bottled-up inside urged him to rampage and burned the whole cave to the ground.

“No. Control yourself, Aldred.”

His demonic bloodline protected him from emotion manipulation, but he was more prone to be controlled by the emotion that came from his own heart. This meant that his impulses might get ahead of him.

But burning the whole cave did not seem like a terrible idea to get attention.

“Should I do it?”

Aldred sighed. “You only live once.”

Summoning all the Bajaragon, Aldred ordered them to burn everything they saw whether they moved or not.

Fifty five giant dragons went on a rampage, belching their breath of flames in all directions. The whole cave was ablaze.

[+4,241 EXP]

[+5,156 EXP]josei

[+5,990 EXP]

[+5,691 EXP]

[+4,325 EXP]

[+5,521 EXP]

All the creatures that dwell in this cave were burned to a crisp. They were calmly sleeping and were busy doing whatever underground cave creatures do, but then all of a sudden, the whole cave was engulfed in flame.

Aldred and his Bajaragons kept going forward. The creatures that managed to survive were shocked to see this.

A human and his pet dragons were burning the cave… what a sight to behold.

Some of them trembled in fear as their habitat was destroyed.

A group of monsters was enraged. How dare they destroy the cave. This was their home! With anger in their heart, they threw logic out of their minds and charged toward the dragons.

When the flame touched their body, however, they were turned to dust. Instantly.

The creatures scurried away immediately after seeing that. As they escaped, they spread the word to the whole cave that a madman brought hell into the cave.

The whole underground ecosystem hid, terrified of the rumor.

Flame Demon was what the creatures called him, and Aldred did not even know that as he went inside cave after cave, throwing flames all over as if he was doing pest control.

A group of goblins ran away as they put out the flames on their shoulders. They looked back to see the wave of flames coming after them, and their feet ran faster.

That was until they were stopped by a snake. The snake glared at them, making them unable to move.

“Why are you running?”

“Please, we don’t mean to come to your territory. It’s because of that person.”

“What person?”

“The human that calls himself the flame demon. He’s coming to our homes with his dragons and burning us all!”

The snake transformed into a beautiful woman. “I will handle it.”

The goblins salivated when they saw her body. Their crotch went hard.

“Don’t you dare set your disgusting gaze upon me!” her left arm moved in a blur, beheading the goblins in less than a second.

As the heads rolled to the ground, she entered her small cave which a man was inside, sitting on a nest while being tied with seaweed.

It was Maverick.

“Wait here, my love. I am going to handle something. I wouldn’t be long.” she smiled, knelt down, and kissed him on the lips.

“This human flame demon. He’s going to kill you,” Maverick smiled.

The woman lost her smile for a moment before it returned to her lips. “Don’t worry, my love. Nothing will hurt me.”

“When you lose. Please tell him this.”

Maverick beckoned her to come closer before he whispered something into her ear.

The woman was shocked but nodded nonetheless, “I don’t know you have a sibling.”

“Just tell him that when you lose.”

The woman chuckled. “I will tell him that, after I win.”

Maverick scoffed. “I doubt that.”

The snake woman walked out of the cave and her sweet smile left her face. It was replaced with wrath and annoyance. “Whoever dares to come to my territory shall learn a lesson!”

She glared at the person fifty meters away from her.

“A human? Wait, no. You’re not a human,” Aldred said as he sat on top of one of his dragons.

“But you looked like a human, so I will let you leave. I know this is kind of racist, but I don’t want to burn your beautiful face.”

“Arrogance. Your army of lizards is too weak. Leave now, and you can keep your head intact. If not… you may find yourself leaving without your soul.”

“Calling my dragons as lizards… and calling me arrogant. Fine. Fight one of my dragons.”

A Bajaragon charged forward and then rolled a ball of flame.

The woman’s face showed wrath as veins popped on her beautiful face. She transformed into a giant snake, and then chomped on the blazing ball of flame, stopping it completely.

The snake was far larger than the dragon in comparis

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