Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

379 Chapter 379

379 Chapter 379

“What can run out, but never ends?”

Aldred and the snake woman looked at each other.

“I don’t have a clue to answer that,” Aldred said, “Maverick, what do you think?”

Maverick thought for a moment before he shook his head. “I have no clue either. And I don’t want to try answering it unless I am ninety percent sure.”

“Well, we can spend our time thinking about it, or we can look around for clues.”

“Let’s do that,” Maverick agreed.


Mally whistled as she looked around, “For the armpit of my mother, where is everyone? All I see here is a goblin.”

A goblin popped out of the rock and charged at her.

Sighing, Mally threw a bola, a weapon consisting of a number of balls connected by a strong cord. It entangled the goblin, making it fall.

The goblin wiggled ferociously, trying to break the rope.

“Disgusting little fella,” Mally stomped on the goblin’s head.

“Right, now where should I go? There are so many holes and tunnels in this cave.”

Suddenly, the earth under her feet shook as the sound of something heavy thumping the ground echoed in the cave. Mally hid behind a rock with her arms ready.

The sound became heavier and closer. She became tense, muscles ready to jump out and attack whatever it was that came close.

After a few seconds of waiting, she decided to fuck it and come out of hiding.

Her expression changed when she saw a giant hitting the wall with a pickaxe. Dozens of mana crystals spilled out.

Stars filled her eyes. Because she became a pirate for a few years, she knew how much each of these crystals was worth and knew that Aldred would be very happy to obtain them.

She was thinking of a way to steal some of the crystals until the giant stopped mining, sat down, and opened a tiny bag in its hand.

Inside the bag was a Sea Fruit. The giant picked one and ate it before it shook the bag. “

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