Reincarnated As The Hero’s Daughter: Wait, Why Is My MP Not Running Out?

Chapter 302

Chapter 302: Mist


My mother looked at the little demon girl as she was quite shocked by her state. She was surprised I was holding a demon in my arms. But I think that the name these people are given is just wrong. In my previous life, demons were beings of myths and folklore that represented all evil things and sins… but this girl is just a girl with a slightly different appearance than us.

"She's not a demon!" I said.


"I hate how these people are called after such a vile name that represents monsters that embody our sins and evilness… I bet her tribe has a name of its own… She's just… a lost girl, mistreated by the world." I sighed.

"…Sylphy." My mother opened her eyes in surprise, raising her eyebrows, as she smiled gently. "You're right, leave this to your mother now."

My mother gently held the little child, as she suddenly began to emanate a bright, heavenly light that made the surroundings bloom with life. The trash nearby slowly began to dissipate as grass started growing around her. The aura she emanated was of pure life, as if she were a goddess.

"That's… What's going on now?" Asked my father in surprise.

"Mom is healing her." I said.

"Sylphy! W-Who is… she?" Asked Aquarina, catching up to me and then asking about the girl being held by my mother.

"I-I'll explain it later…" I said.

"Those broken horns… Is she a demon?" Wondered Zack.

"Yeah… I guess." I sighed.


The bright light emanated by my mother encompassed the little girl's body completely, infusing her with the brilliance of life itself. Her bones started to make cracking sounds as they reattached with one another and merged back, regenerating completely. Her bleeding completely stopped and she even regained vitality and stamina. Both of her horns regrew as well, bigger and sharper than before. And her entire body was cleansed alongside her bloodied clothes.

When the little girl slowly opened her eyes, she found herself in the embrace of my mother, smiling gently at her. Her shiny emerald eyes met with the girl's golden eyes, as the girl felt the warmth of mother's magic, and felt comforted, perhaps without realizing it, she hugged my mother with her tiny arms.

"Big sish…" She said gently.

"I am not your big sister…" Said my mother while caressing her hair, even the parts with hair missing had regrown. There was certainly nothing my mother couldn't heal, it seemed.

"No…? Ah… Uwaaah!" The girl finally came back to her senses, realizing she had been in the arms of a stranger. "W-Who… Wha… where?" She wondered, looking around as she noticed there were all of us looking at her.

"Are you alright now? Can you move?" I asked her, walking to her side as my mother gently put her down. The little girl stood with her feet as she looked at them with surprise, her little toes moving around as if she had never seen them move before.

"W-Wow… My wounds… My legs and arms were… they were… Ah… Uguh… Sniff… They beat me up…" She cried, as her four eyes started to cry out rivers, she covered her face with her tiny arms.

"D-Don't worry, it's alright now… Are you sure you're okay now?" I asked.

"Yesh… T-Thank shyu…" She said. She seemed to have a hard time talking. "It was very painful… But I feel better now…"

"I am glad…" I sighed. "W-What's your name? From where you are?" I wondered.

"I… I am Misht…" She said. "I live in the orphanage…"

"Misht?" I wondered. "You mean Mist?"

She nodded.

"It seems her name is Mist then…" Said my mother. "Dear, what happened to you? Did somebody bad beat you up to such a terrible state? They… almost killed you."

"T-They did…?" She asked. "M-my memory is fuzzy… I… Ugh…"

The girl suddenly felt sleepy out of nowhere, almost falling into the floor, I barely managed to catch her in my arms. She seemed to be rather malnourished though, something my mother couldn't really heal. She needed to quickly eat something with a lot of vitamins and proteins. She had been probably only eating bread if she lives in these conditions.

"There, there…" I said, caressing her head. "Mother, we should bring her back to the tents, right? We can leave the Adventurer Requests for later I think."

"Yeah, I think so too." Said my mother.

"Alright then, let's go…" Said my father.

We all quickly decided to go back to the tents set up around the woods near the fiefdom where nobody could annoy us. In there, we left Mist resting over my bed, covered in blankets because she got very cold out of the sudden. Her face was quite particular, although she looked almost like a human girl, her mouth could expand, and went all the way up to her forehead. It was most of the time closed while she talked, but it seems it could open up wide, she also had a lot of sharp teeth. Instead of eyebrows she had smaller black eyes over her normal-looking eyes and… that's about it.

"I've never seen such a demon tribe like this before, they look a lot like humans except the obvious features…" Said Arafunn. "Are there more demons living in this village? I had no idea… Could these be refugees from the invaders of the war? But how could they bring children?"

"Hm… Well, it has been many years since the war ended, this girl obviously looks way too young to have seen the war. She's most likely the daughter of surviving demons…" Said my mother.

"A daughter of the survivors from the war… Could there be more like those in the orphanage she talked about?" Wondered my father.josei

"Perhaps…" Said Shade. "Maybe we should go check it out… I feel… obligated to help these children if possible. After all, they ended stranded in a continent unwelcoming of them all because of our fault…"

"Hm… You're right." Sighed Nepheline.

It was decided that after Mist woke up and had a big meal to recover stamina, we would move back to the village with her, hopefully finding out where her orphanage is so we can bring them some help.


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