Reincarnated As The Hero’s Daughter: Wait, Why Is My MP Not Running Out?

Chapter 585

Chapter 585: Fighting Deadly Robots


The room here was too big, I was unable to see the second one coming from behind me, and there was even…




There are actually three more?! So four in total?!


"AAGGGH…! Y-You damn…!"

I gathered my power within my sword and then swung it against the arms holding me, quickly slicing them apart and managing to escape their grasp, only to find the other two right before my path.

The room wasn't even small but before these three behemoths, it really looked small now! The golems began chasing me down as I started jumping away from their blows. Ignatius was tired after overdoing it there, but he pushed himself to his limits, fusing more with my Mana and my Aura.

"Draconic Arts: [Dragon Punch]!"


He began punching the golems with all his might while I ran away from them, enormous blazing explosions echoed across the entire room, the golems started backing down while being blown over and melted, only to regenerate quickly through their strange methods.


"You damn pests, don't you see I am tired?!"

"Sylphy! Darkness Magic barely can even touch them… even less poison."

Beelzebub panicked.

"My chains can't stop them, my curses don't work!"

Curse was also panicking.

"Light Magic seems even less effective… even with the potential enhancement of my divine runes…!"

Not even Alice could put a scratch on them!

"The only thing that seems to work is intense flames, huh?" Ignatius sighed, looking at the golems. "Then I have to just-"


Suddenly, Naturia flew towards the Golems directly!

"NATURIA! What are you doing?!"



Naturia's entire body began to grow exponentially in size, as she started to drain all my Mana in the process! An enormous tree emerged, her roots and branches quickly began to wrap around all the golems, putting them on place!


"Wait, she's telling us to run away now!" Said Alice.

"But Naturia!" I cried.



I know that Spirits can revive as long as they have a master to where their souls are connected, but even then, the revival process might take years, and I don't want her to experience death to begin with!




The three golems unleashed red beams from their heads, quickly beginning to burn through her entire body, at the same time, their swords started slicing her apart!


I called for her, quickly summoning her to my side as the tree she left behind was destroyed. At least it worked as a decoy, but that was too risky!


"You dummy, I would never leave you behind!"

However, Naturia didn't seemed at all affected, and suddenly looked like she got an idea.


Suddenly, Naturia began glowing brightly, and then merged into Ignatius body!

"Eh? Ah! R-Right, the thing we did back then!"

"Then let me aid you as well!"

Alice flew towards Ignatius as well, as all three of them merged together!

"This is… [Spirit Fusion]!"


A flash of bright light emerged.

Ignatius body quickly reconstructed itself, as his enormous dragon form came back.

This time, he looked more glorious and holy, his scales shining with life and light element.

"GAHAHAHAH! This is it!"

He laughed his lungs out, as the golems quickly drew closer.

"I'm gonna blast you all!"

The dragon opened his jaws, unleashing a devastating blaze breath, the life and light element combined with the fire element created Divine Flames, somehow, they were able to melt the golems way more easily!





The three golems started to melt into liquid, it was working! However, Ignatius continued burning them and laughing, and laughing, and laughing…



When they became a puddle of liquid metal, he finally stopped, the three spirits immediately separated as they were all exhausted, immediately going inside my Soul Scape to rest.

"I-I guess that's it." I sighed in relief. "Is there no other surprise I should be aware of-"


The floor opened.

Yep, I guess there's more!

The gods really put a lot of security here!




An enormous spider made of the same material as the golems showed up!


It had eight red eyes over its entire head, and sharp metallic jaws. And above all, its jaws were unleashing a deathly and strange black smog, which seemed to be some sort of toxin.

"This is poison! Sylphy!"

Beelzebub rushed to my mouth, suddenly protecting me from the poison my connecting his soul with mine and giving me some sort of toxin and poison temporary immunity, although it should be fine seeing how I cannot die from poisons and the like-

"This is not the normal poison you think it is! This thing is some sort of smog that melts your insides, don't breathe it!" He roared at me.

"Shit…" I muttered, keeping my mouth and nose shut as I walked back, the monstrous spider drawing closer.


I began firing fireballs at it, as enormous as I could muster them. But this guy was strange, it was way too powerful! Its defenses compared to the other golems was a hundred times higher, and I had already received the backlash of overusing my powers, changing classes, and using Mana.

But I have to keep pushing myself to my limits or I'll simply end up getting crushed into bits… Or worse, melted alive! I don't want that at all!





The fireballs barely did any damage, the spider seemed to enjoy my struggle as it drew closer. Its legs suddenly shapeshifted as their tips gained sharp black blades, attempting to get to me and slice me apart! I tried to run away, jumping around as I evaded its enormous blades.





The entire room started to shake, as cracks spread everywhere.

Crack… crack!

However, the cracking sound of something completely different echoed behind my back.

The egg I was carrying in my back using threads made of mana suddenly started to crack more and more, light and darkness emerged from its interior!



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