Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 101 Pride’s Decision

Chapter 101 Pride’s Decision

"So, this is how it feels to be an aura user, huh?

I have to say, it is a lot less exhilarating than I had expected, but it is still okay."

He did a few practice swings before nodding to himself and deactivating the aura, along with the rest of the skills he had active.

Turning to Sir Walsh who had a displeased look on his face, he spoke.

"You may have beat me, but she who is stronger than I am, and is in a far better condition is still there.

You sure you wanna go?"

Sir Walsh, who wanted to fulfil the orders given to him by the emperor and also take revenge on Pride for sullying his fellow knight's dignity, roused his magic power and aura, getting ready to battle them, until Evan spoke once more.

"Oh, just so you know. The stronger her opponent is, the stronger she is."

Hearing Evan's words, Sir Walsh narrowed his eyes at the demon two before heaving a sigh and dropping his sword.

"I'll let you go, in return, release my knight."

He decided to take a step back and make a concession, nevertheless, the rage in his voice could not be contained.

"Ah, that's a bad idea."

The royal knight was confused as to why Evan said that but the sudden burst of black ominous aura he felt coming from Pride's direction captured his attention instantly.

He grabbed his blade and took a fighting stance, but that was unnecessary as Pride suddenly retracted her aura and clicked her tongue.

She then glared at Sir Walsh and spoke, her voice dripping with venom.

"Don't talk to me like you are superior to me, human."

She jumped down from the knight's back before turning around and walking away, Evan and Eliza following her after heaving sighs simultaneously.


"How did it end up like that?"

Evan caught up to Eliza and asked, making the girl sigh for the nth time to day as she recounted the events that led to the current scenario.

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"So, when are you going to tell me the true reason someone under the Emperor's direct command is masquerading as one of the Princess' knights?"

The moment Evan said that and Sir Walsh placed his hand on his weapon, Eliza realised that a fight was about to break out and rose her staff, ready to side with Evan.

As soon as she caught Sir Walsh moving, she instantly casted her barrier skill and blocked the royal knight's first slash with it.


"I should have known you would not stay put.

Oh well, that only means me putting more effort into this."

As Sir Walsh spoke, his sword began to glow with the blue light of aura. The other knights also unsheathed their weapons and got into battle ready stances.

Evan then summoned his unforged, kicking off the ground and dashing towards the royal knight.

The magic power infused sword clashed with the knight's aura infused weapon, sending sparks flying in the air.

The other knights turned to assist Sir Walsh but it was impossible for them to do so when in the presence of the high demon, Pride

"You dare attempt to capture this one's contractor."

As she spoke, a black wave of aura poured out of her body, startling the knights facing her and Sir Walsh who was a bit further away.

"What kind of Aura?!"

Even Eliza took a step back in fear as she felt the aura that poured out of the woman beside her. It was then that she remembered that it was a lot familiar with the aura that Evan's sword emitted when they first met.

Seeing Pride then summon the exact same blade Evan used then, confirmed her suspicions.

Despite having spent two weeks with Pride, Eliza still hadn't gotten a handle on the woman's identity or her background.

All she knew was that she and Evan were close and she seemed to know of Eliza before hand and even spoke as if they had met before.

She snapped out of her thoughts and turned her gaze in Evan's direction as he suddenly appeared behind Sir Walsh and thrusted forward the unforged, forcing the royal knight to twist his body awkwardly in an attempt to dodge.

But as expected of a master, he did not loose his balance and was even able to toss in a small counter attack.


Eliza casted a small protection spell on Evan's body in that exact moment, deflecting Sir Walsh's conjured ice blade.

"The boy says to thank you."


Pride suddenly spoke up as she swung her sword in the air, as if trying to get a feel for it. Without waiting for Eliza to speak, she continued.

"Stop assisting him. I want him to use this as a chance to improve his capabilities and activate his aura. That knight is stronger than he is so it is a perfect match."

Being told to not assist Evan made Eliza angry, she ignored Pride and was about to run off towards Evan and Sir Walsh who had moved deeper into the forest in the process of their clash but her hand was suddenly grabbed by the woman beside her.

"What the-! Unhand me!"

She struggled to break free but it was impossible. The difference in physical strength between the two was too much to be ignored.

"I hate dealing with people like you, but Evan values you so I wont harm you for his sake.

Just. Stay. Put."

The last three words were spoken with gritted teeth, the ominous aura around Pride increasing as she stared at Eliza with blank eyes.

Eliza felt fear seep into her body, her legs losing all strength as she dropped to the ground.

Pride then suddenly revealed a smile that beautiful enough to charm both men and women alike as she spoke.

"Worry not, I wouldn't let Evan get hurt too much."

She then turned her gaze to the knights who had circled around the two, the smile on her face disappearing and turning into a frown.

"Stupid Evan, making me promise not to kill them. Holding back is going to be difficult. Controlling my power output now would be difficult as I just regained part of my strength."

Twirling the sword in her hand she and the knights looked at each other in silence.


One of the knights suddenly screamed out, making Pride reflexively turn in his direction, but he remained standing in his spot as another knight was the one who moved, aiming to get a hit in on the seemingly unsuspecting Pride.


Despite not looking, Pride rose her sword and blocked the knight's slash, surprising him temporarily, but he controlled himself and activated a skill immediately.

He knew better to hold back against someone who had stepped into the realm of master swordsmen and had achieved aura.


Lightning sparked around his sword, releasing a bright flash of yellow light that made Eliza reflexively close her eyes.

"Skills with long activation times should not be used in close range."

She heard Pride's nonchalant voice and looked up to see her holding the lightning infused blade of the knight with her hand coated in black aura.

She then pulled the knight along with his blade and tossed him in the direction of the second knight who dashed towards her.

"I don't have time for this so I'd end it quickly."

Her eyes flashed as she spoke, a skill activating as the remaining three knights who had activated their skills suddenly felt their magic power circulation slow down considerably.

Their bodies became heavy, reducing their speed in turn, making them unable to move as fast as usual.

Pride grabbed Eliza's hand and held the young girl close to her body as she coated her sword in an enormous amount of aura.

"Keep them from dying, will ya?"

Hearing Pride's ominous words, Eliza hurriedly casted protection spells on the knights who had dropped to their knees and were trying to distance themselves from the demon of pride.

The moment she did, Pride rose her sword up in the air and spun around, releasing an omnidirectional slash of aura that felled all the trees within a twenty-meter radius.


One of the knights screamed out in pain as the slash went through his armour like a knife going through butter, before going on to slice his torso.

Pride dropped Eliza as she deactivated her skill, allowing the priestess to cast her healing spells on the knights and prevent them from dying.

One might think it was a bit too easy for Pride who was only Level 103 to incapacitate multiple opponents over level 95, with two being level 100, however, this was nothing but a show of the difference in power between 'levels' of the two existences.

Taking into account Pride's ridiculous debuffing skill, it was only natural she was able to deal with the knights so easily.

|Contempt of the Many;

Type: Rare Active Skill

It is futile to attempt to use numbers to overwhelm the user of this skill as the more adversaries they face, the stronger they become.

For daring to be hostile against the Deadly Sin of Pride, those under the effect of this skill experience a reduction in strength that scales of how many hostiles are present.

The more hostiles there are, the greater the weakening effect, but this, in turn, increases the energy cost for the skill and reduces the duration exponentially. |

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