Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 114 Alvey Sargon

Chapter 114 Alvey Sargon

"You never change, do you?"

Pride ignored the man's question and called out his name. If anyone of the members of the heroes she had murdered was to hear it, they would wonder what the point of fighting Pride was when the being they wanted to stop her from calling over was already in their world.

"Lord Sargon."

Upon hearing his name from the mouth of this prideful demon, the Demon King Alvey Sargon revealed a light smile as he walked toward her.

He took a seat on the floor beside her and stared at the sky silently while Pride continued reading her book.

A few minutes later, he finally broke the silence as he spoke up.

"I saw your battle."


Pride nodded in reply, showing no surprise whatsoever. She was the one person who knew of the Demon King's power more than anyone so she was not surprised when he said he could peer through the special space that was created and see what was going on inside.

If he wanted, he could have even broken into it and eliminated all the heroes there but he refrained from doing so.

The reason was simple, he did not want to lose the respect of the high demon seated beside him.

Demon King Alvey Sargon was a wise man, one who knew that getting the Seven Deadly Sins under his control was impossible.josei

The other six all listened to the orders of Pride, and she was someone who would never be truly subservient to anyone, so to keep her in check, he opted for an alternative means.

And that was simple, he became her friend.

It was as easy as that, he was the most powerful Demon in their world and Pride respected him for that, from that point on, getting to know the Leader of the Seven Deadly sins was as easy as pie.

He also knew that neither Pride nor the rest of the seven deadly sins, had any intentions of going against him even if they would garner a great amount of support if they did so.

The Seven deadly sins had that much power and influence in the demon world.

In fact, for Alvey, getting close to the Seven Deadly sins wasn't the issue, the real problem was keeping the aides of his who didn't think the Seven Deadly Sins didn't have ambitions for his throne and tried to scheme against them.

He even tried to assure them that even if the Seven deadly sins started a rebellion, it would be futile but they didn't believe him.

'It was a hassle dealing with those guys, especially McEnda III.'

He heaved a sigh of exasperation as he thought about the battle that played out earlier and how Pride managed to win despite not going all out.

Pride had way too many debuffing abilities that stacked atop each other and prevented her opponents from utilizing their full strength, adding the second effect of her blade that reduced the power behind every attack directed at her, fighting the high demon was an arduous task.

To add more problems to the mix, Pride could literally make herself stronger with the power of hubris itself!

Then when one considers the fact that her Pride manipulation let her manipulate more than just 'Pride' and went on to make her opponents lose contact with the reality of their situation, almost as if they were stuck in an illusion, the mere thought of fighting her became terrifying.

Alvey remembered the look on the face of the celestial hero when he discovered that he had been under the effect of Pride's skill since the beginning and had been severely underestimating both Pride and himself.

The sight of multiple heroes letting out attacks at half their maximum power while thinking they had been squeezing out all their energy, along with those who had been fooled into using their life force when completely unnecessary made Alvey change his evaluation of Pride.

"You didn't go with the swift but destructive approach this time, huh?"

"Hmm...I wanted to draw things out a bit. By now, Gluttony and the others should have finished taking out the headquarters of the alliance force.

Our conquest in this world is effectively complete."

Pride declared as she flipped to the last page of the book with her eyes darting around the page for a minute before closing the book.

"That was a good read."

"Which book was that?"

"A novel called 'A Queen Disgraced'. I found it in one of the libraries of the Magic country Greed flattened a few weeks ago."

Pride answered Alvey's question as she placed the book inside the storage necklace on her neck before turning to him and asking.

"What else is left?"


"When I said 'Our conquest in this world is effectively complete.', you did not affirm my words. This means there's something I'm missing.

What is it?"

Her question made Alvey stare at her in silence for a few moments before bursting into laughter.

"You never cease to amaze me, if I had someone like you to be my son's queen when he ascends the throne, then I would have no worries in life."

"I believe I told you that while I hold lots of respect for you and the high demons in your generation, my feelings about your son Ginaroad and his aides, especially McEnda IV, are on the opposite end of the spectrum."

Pride spoke about the Demon Prince Ginaroad and his right-hand man with so much disgust in her voice.

Alvey smiled as he decided to mess with her a bit, keeping up the topic of her getting together with his son even though she clearly didn't like it.

"The age difference between the two of you isn't much, just a measly 300 years. You should really consider it, or perhaps I should bring the offer to your 'sisters', Lust and Envy?"

"There are limits to jokes, Lord Sargon."

Pride spoke as she stood up and dusted the blades of grass stuck to her trousers before turning to Alvey and continuing.

"And you know I don't do well with jokes."

"Always so serious, loosen up a bit, would you? I bet your 'siblings' also tell you this too."

"They do, and I always ignore them."

Alvey shook his head upon hearing Pride's reply as he got up and stared at the setting sun, the wry smile on his face then vanished as his entire demeanour turned serious.

"Hey Pride, did you know what happens when one person acquires three unique 'series skills'?"

Hearing the question she was suddenly asked, Pride pondered on it for a moment before shaking her head.

"There is a reason why 'Series Skills' like your 'Incarnation Series' and my 'Annihilation Series' are a step above other unique skills.

It is because the 'Series Skills' are the fragments of something greater."

Alvey's body began levitating as the effect of that world's gravity on him reduced considerably. Pride took to the skies with him as the two of them instantly ascended far above the clouds.

He then grabbed Pride's arm and coated her entire body with his energy as he suddenly accelerated, his speed being so fast that even Pride wouldn't be able to catch him moving if she looked on from afar.

In no time he had reached the sufficient speed required to do something that even though she had gone over to a dozen worlds, Pride had never done.

While carrying Pride with him and protecting her from the intense heat caused by his actions, Alvey easily crossed tens of kilometres in a single second, breaking through the planet's atmosphere and floating up into the darkness of space.

It was a scene Alvey had seen multiple times but it was a first for Pride so she couldn't help but stare blankly at the sight in front of her.

Stars of various colours and sizes lit up the dark space, with one of said stars being particularly brighter than the others due to its close distance.

"...Is that...the sun?"

"Yes. That is this star system's sun."

Alvey replied to her as he looked down on the world they had just left, before turning his gaze to the other planets around them.

"Nine, an average star system."

He counted the planets around them as Pride finally turned her gaze downwards, her eyes widening in shock as she saw the enormous size of the planet she was just in.


"The world we were just on. The world, 'planet', is more fitting in this case."

It took Pride nearly ten minutes to recover from the shock of being suddenly yeeted into space for the first time, something Alvey acknowledged to be 'quite fast'.

"Most people spend longer in a state of shock, some even pass out from the shock."

Alvey yawned as he spoke, warning Pride to stick close to him as he was the only reason that she was not freezing due to the coldness of space.

"Oh well, before you could even freeze, the pressure of the ambient energies in space would bear down on your body and soul and crush them to bits."

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