Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 117 Festering Threat

Chapter 117 Festering Threat

Artemisia reached out to grab the crown atop Sinclair's head; his symbol of authority as the Spirit King as he found himself unable to even move his body.

Right before she touched it, another hand grabbed hers as a voice laced with rage rang out.

"You ignore this world for centuries and then randomly pop up whenever you feel like just to change things how you feel like?!"

Artemisia turned her golden eyes in the direction of the person who grabbed her hand, gaze meeting the vertical slit golden eyes of the dragon lord that had flames of hatred burning within them.

[Did you notice? All three of us here have golden eyes.]

The goddess asked a question that was totally unrelated to the current situation, causing the dragon's rage to go over the limit as she pushed Artemisia's hand to the side and swung her fist to the goddess' face.


A loud noise rang out with shockwaves spreading for hundreds of meters, even knocking Sinclair''s body to the ground.

However, despite this, Altrishia's fist never met its target.

Exactly one centimetre from the goddess' nose, a translucent barrier that looked as fragile as glass stopped the dragon lord's fist from meeting the goddess' face.

[I told you this was a mortal's body and I can't have it getting damaged. What part of that did you not understand?]

Artemisia's cold voice rang out as she grabbed Altrishia's hand faster than the dragon could react, only to push her hand away lightly.

However, what Artemisia considered a 'light' push, wasn't so light for Altrishia as she found her body being sent flying for about a dozen meters.

Before she could stand up, Artemisia was already in front of her as the goddess tapped Altrishia's head and spoke calmly.

[You see, I understand your hatred for me.

After all, I watched Demon General McEnda IV enter this world and battle your father, Gorm, eventually double suiciding with him to prevent the peak-ranked demon from spreading more chaos in Aidos.

I could stop it, save your father, kill McEnda, but I didn't and I instead watched Gorm die. So, I understand why you may resent me, however, you do so without knowing the full story.

You resent me because of what you believe happened, not knowing the full truth as you were far too weak to even survive being in the vicinity of the battle that occurred that day.

You have no idea about the circumstances of those involved, McEnda's, Gorm's, and mine.]

To her words, Altrishia slapped Artemisia's hand from her head as she screamed in response.

"Circumstances?! Bullshit!!!

You're a freaking goddess, you were powerful enough to kill McEnda, powerful enough to prevent him from even entering this world in the first place, but you did nothing.

You just stayed there and watched it all happen, you stayed there and watched the millions of people who called out to you suffer at the hands of the demons and get cruelly murdered by them, and yet you have the audacity to speak of 'your circumstances'?!"

Artemisia only heaved a sigh of exasperation in response to Altrishia's outburst before shaking her head and turning around.

[Sometimes I wonder how stupid the dragons of this world are if they chose someone as foolish as you to be their lord.

Use that thing in your head to think.

If I had the free reign to do whatever I wanted, then the dimensional rift in the dark continent would not even exist and I would have personally wiped out the demons myself.josei

Yet I didn't do that.

Can't your brain even think of a reason why I didn't?

When it can, you can talk to me and I'd listen to your bullshit.

If it wasn't for your father's sake, I would have killed you long ago and placed another dragon in that position you hold.]

Artemisia waked towards the circular portal before snapping her fingers and continuing.

[Your stupidity has pissed me off, get out of here before I turn you back to a baby lizard.]

As she spoke, she unconsciously put magic power into her voice, causing her words to become reality as space-attributed magic power wrapped around both Altrishia and Sinclair's bodies, warping them to a totally different part of Aidos.

[Hmm? Oh, well, the noise is gone. Now I can concentrate on designing the 'Tower of Trials' entrance.]

The goddess rose her hand and placed it on the portal, continuing the task she was undertaking before descending to Bishop Amelie's body when a blue notice board appeared in front of her.

[The 'Eternal of Time and Destruction' says that you should really just tell the young dragon what happened on that day.]

[There's no point, it's only going to put her in more...despair?]

[The 'Eternal of Time and Destruction' laughs at your uncertainty.]

[Well, I'm uncertain because I don't know how she would react if she found out what was to come.]

[The 'Eternal of Time and Destruction' states that it is only a matter of Time. He goes on to elaborate on how he wishes to sit back and watch the show.]

[Sometimes, you make me wanna punch you in the face.]

Artemisia's brow twitched as she waved her hand and turned the circular portal into an Archaic door with intricate designs. Inside it, one could see a swirling mass of purple space attributed magic power as she began to fine-tune it to prevent errors.

[The 'Eternal of Time and Destruction' says that you should really find someone besides himself to confide in, as not every problem can be solved by keeping to yourself.]

[What do you mean?]

[The 'Eternal of Time and Destruction' explains that he means you should tell someone, preferably the young hero you sent over here, exactly how you truly feel about this world and your attachment to it.

Informing him of your relationship with it, and finding someone to help you 'carry' your burden would also be ideal as it would get a load off your chest.

Literally and figuratively, of course.]

[Son of a-!]

Artemisia held back her urge to curse as she ignored the being who was giving some reasonable advice, only to turn it into sexual harassment in the end.

[The 'Eternal of Time and Destruction' laughs heartily at your current mood]

The goddess hurriedly finished her task and cross-checked it multiple times before going back to the Alpha continent to return the bishop's body and ascending back to her realm.

'Ignoring his stupidity, maybe I should consider taking his advice? Perhaps talking to someone, perhaps telling them about my connection with this world would help.

Still, am I really okay with telling someone about the thing I've thoroughly hidden from the eyes of even my subordinates for thousands of years?

The true nature of my connection to Aidos, my birth world.'

◇ ◇ ◇

Bonas City

Great Western Empire

December 11th

Year 1051

Evan, Eliza, and Pride, who had packed up all their things, boarded a carriage that was heading for the City State of Magic, Kasteblum.

As they had achieved their goal for coming to Bonas, which was to get the two spirits with Evan healed, they were free to set off to Kasteblum since they had nothing more to do in Bonas.

Eliza was the most excited of the three as she had always dreamed of visiting the City State of Magic.

Pride, on the other hand, was merely interested in seeing how the city had advanced compared to what it was a thousand years ago when she watched Gluttony reduce it to a pile of rubble during one of his tantrums about not getting to eat dragon meat.

As for Evan, he was thinking about the hidden pieces that were in Kasteblum, wondering how he was going to get to some of said pieces as he didn't feel like using the badge signifying his identity as a noble as that would draw too much attention.

I guess I have to forfeit some of those hidden pieces, huh?

Too bad.'

Evan looked at the passing scenery through the window of the carriage, heaving a sigh of exasperation as he closed his eyes and descended into dreamland.

◇ ◇ ◇

Unknown Area

Bultom City

Great Western Empire

December 11th

Year 1051

Inside a slightly dark cavern, footsteps could be heard as a lone being walked towards a throne and sat on it.

Around him were various living armours and flying weapons scattered everywhere. Some of the living armours wielded bloody weapons while others were empty-handed.

Beside the throne was a black horse with a big enough body to swallow any ordinary horse whole. The being who sat on the throne, had a large build to suit the horse's size, with his every breath expelling a blue gas.

A large cleaver leaned against his shoulder while he carried a helmet in one hand.

His black steel armour had sharp spikes coming out of its joints, looking extremely intimidating. More importantly, he did not have a head.

The helmet he was carrying, was his head.

He was one of the highest class of undead monsters, a headless undead knight, Dullahan.

The red eyes on the helmet on his eyes gazed towards the ceiling as he muttered one word.


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