Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 136 Kuro’s Brightest Shadow

Chapter 136 Kuro’s Brightest Shadow

[Turning around was futile. I never intended to move into your shadow in the first place.]

Those were the last words it heard as the forked tail was pulled out of its chest, its body dropping to the floor in the next second.

Kuro looked at the blade wraiths that were paying attention to him and turned his gaze to his master who was severing the head of another blade wraith that had attacked him with his sword before speaking.

[I'm going to use it.]josei

As soon as he spoke, Evan's eyes widened in surprise for a moment, hurriedly calling out to Pride and Eliza in the next as he backstepped.

"Clear out of the area, Kuro's about to use a big one."

While they didn't exactly understand what Evan meant by 'Big one', they were sure that whatever Kuro was about to do could potentially harm them, hence the reason Evan called for them to pull back.

The moment that the cat noticed that they were a reasonable distance away, he turned to the group of blade wraiths charging over with one of his black eyes bow glowing with a white light and called out softly.

[Brightest Shadow.]

Above the cat's head, black light began concentrating until it built up into a large sphere. From the large sphere, a multitude of very thin beams of light and shadows were released, shooting straight toward the remaining enemies and piercing them in various parts of their bodies.

By the time the beams stopped, the majority of them had been pierced to death while the stronger ones were heavily damaged.

However, the shadow spirit was not done yet.

His white and black eyes gazed at the remaining enemies for a moment before he raised his paw and swung it down.

The sphere of dark light that had considerably reduced in size, shone brighter for a bit before being released in a column of light too fast and too widespread to avoid.


There was a small explosion as the column of dark light collided with the ground, however, it didn't last for long, dying down mere seconds after and revealing a small crater about thirty metres wide.

Seeing this, Evan and Eliza stared at Kuro with slacked jaws while Pride was busy talking about something with the fire spirit on her shoulder.

Kuro's skill was automatically deactivated and his eyes returned to normal, after which he walked over to Evan's feet and re-entered his shadow like everything was normal.

It took Evan a few minutes to recollect himself and he only spoke two words to Kuro.

'You're broken.'

[I know.]

The spirit lazily replied as he readjusted himself inside Evan's shadow and closed his eyes to continue his nap.

Seeing the spirit's lackadaisical attitude, Evan's brow twitched in annoyance but he held it in with superhuman willpower.

And like so, the group continued their dungeon diving, coming across a total of five other adventurer parties besides the first one that was also dungeon diving.

Evan asked them if they knew the location of any monster rooms but sadly, none of the parties was able to give them information on the location of a monster room that hadn't been raided already.

They even encountered a party that had just finished raiding a monster room that they had just happened to find and decided to raid because they felt like, leaving Evan screaming about the injustice of the world.

Eventually, the group found a secluded-looking area in one of the collapsed rooms of the dungeon and spent the night there, keeping watch in shifts just like before.

◇ ◇ ◇

Mansion of the Damned, 3rd Basement Floor

City State of Magic, Kasteblum

December 22nd

Year 1051

The next day began with Evan pulling up the details of Kuro's skill and reading it again, trying to deepen his understanding of how the skill worked.

|Brightest Shadow;

Type: Unique Skill

Concentrates dark light until it builds up into a large sphere that hovers above the user.

The user can then consume this concentrated dark light and use it to attack in various ways ranging from firing thin beams of light and shadows that pierce the enemies, to absorbing it to release a large burst of light and shadows from their body, and reforming it into

dozens of shadowy blades that can be launched at targets from a distance. Despite being composed of shadows, the blades would have all the properties of a real one.

When the sphere of dark light has been consumed completely, the skill is automatically deactivated. |

No matter how he looked at it, this skill was the kind where how powerful it was depended on how good the user was at utilizing the skill.

'It didn't explicitly state that he has to use only those three means to attack, after all, the last column of light wasn't stated in the skills description. This means that Kuro was the one who thought of that himself.'

Evan was analysing Kuro's wonderful skill as the group moved along a twisted trial that led them past collapsed rooms and pillaged treasure storages, eventually entering a weary area when Eliza suddenly tapped his shoulder and broke him out of his thoughts.

He looked up to see the priestess pointing somewhere and after turning his gaze in that direction, he finally realized why she called his attention.

"What are the odds..."

"...that we just happen to find a room that seems very suspicious, the next day after I told you that I was looking for a monster room."

Evan narrowed his eyes as he stared at the room, or rather, the door that he was sure definitely led to the monster room.

As for why he was so sure, it was naturally because he had seen it hundreds of times in the game!

It was a very normal-looking door and the group would have thought it was just another door that could not be opened, if not for the intricate writing all around the doorpost that glowed a green light instead of red like the others.

"So, are we still entering?"

Hearing Eliza's question, Pride placed her hand on her chin and thought to herself for a moment before nodding in affirmation.

"The enemies here are indeed too weak and it's quite impossible for me to improve my skills with the difficulty being so low, at most, I'm only managing to accumulate experience points that are being shared with Evan and his contracted spirits."

"Though in your case, it's not that you're improving your skills. You're simply regaining the skills and techniques that you already had in your prime."

Evan added as he walked towards the door, pushing it open and looking inside.

The sheer amount of ambient magic power in the room was so much that even Eliza who was normally unable to see the flow of magic power could see it as clear as day.

"Magic so potent it has physical form...Are you sure we should enter that room?"

She began to have second thoughts as there was no way any monster that spawned in that room could be normal.

Looking through the slightly open door, she could see an altar in the centre which was covered in runes, some of which were glowing.

"That's what's drawing so much magic power into this place and generates the monsters when it detects the presence of other beings entering the room."

Evan explained as he wore his gauntlets that seemed to be barely holding up after the constant channelling of the lightning magic belonging to the great spirit of lightning.

It didn't take long for Evan and Pride to skilfully swindle Eliza into entering the room and by the time she realised she had been had, it was already too late as the door snapped shut behind them.

The room was quite large, being about fifty metres in length and width, almost half the size of an average adult football pitch.

At the four corners of the room, were openings large enough for a ten feet tall person to walk through with relative ease. Looking through them, all they could see was endless darkness that gave one chills down their spine.

"Those are where the monsters appear from, the room is big so we should be expecting dozens of monsters to come out with each wave.

It won't stop until we kill them all so get ready for a drawn-out battle."

Evan scanned through his inventory and picked out one of every potion, healing, strength enhancement, agility boosting, mental resistance, poison resistance, and magic regeneration.

He put them in small partitioned knapsacks and tossed them to Pride and Eliza.

"In case I'm too far to give you a potion when you need it."

As soon as he spoke, the runes on the altar began to glow with a brighter light as three of the four monster spawn points flashed with light.

"Evan bumped his fists together, lightning crackling down his arms as he locked his gaze onto one of the three spawn points, his trusted contracted spirit floating beside him as the duo prepared to roast the unfortunate blade wraiths."


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