Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 206 Blessing Of Destruction’s Massive Power Up

Chapter 206 Blessing Of Destruction’s Massive Power Up

After the original effects of the skill, came the newly added effects that required Evan to be level 150 before he could use.

|1st Activation;

For the total time period of one hour per day, this skill would allow the user to temporarily channel the essence of an aspect of destruction.

The user is also granted limited manipulation over the essence of destruction for this time period.

This envelops the user in an aura of destruction essence that boosts their overall power by 300% and gives them the ability to deal True Damage to an opponent, damaging not only their physical body, but also their soul.

It can only be defended against by using outrageous amounts of energy or with the power of another law aspect, however, this has a low chance as the essence of 'Destruction' is more likely to 'Destroy' this attempt of defence, provided the user is more skilled at manipulating it than the essence than their opponent.

2nd Activation;



Can only be used when the user's energy reserves have not been completely exhausted.

While it is possible to use this skill on an empty energy reserve, it is inadvisable as the essence of destruction is very likely to destroy the body of the user that lacks energy to protect it.

Attempting to use this skill for more than one hour per day would result in the user's body and soul receiving severe damage, which is not advised as the current user does not have an inkling on how to heal soul damage. In the worst-case scenario, the soul damage dealt by the essence of destruction, might end up being permanent and cannot be healed by any means. |

The original skill effects that he had received from the skill were still there, along with a few other mind blowing extras.

Starting from the newly added '1st Activation', something that pretty much gave him the effects of limit break for an hour, without him having to pay back any energy afterwards.

Then the ability to channel the 'essence of destruction', this was another effect that blew Evan's mind as his newly acquired knowledge on worldly laws told him just how frightening the ability to channel this essence was.

'It's just like how Eliza can use the essence of the law of life with her skill, I'm using the law of destruction.'

And it was through this ability to channel the essence of destruction, that the effect of being able to deal true damage could be actualized.

Explaining the relationship between the body and the soul was something that was quite complex, yet very simple at the same time.

If one was to consider the three most important aspects of most existences, then these aspects were the body, the soul and the energy core.

Though things were a bit different from beings with non physical bodies, but those were different cases and had different structures.

A being's energy core was the source of energy in their body. It was from this energy core that the being's energy was generated and spread out across the body via their energy circuit, just like how the heart pumped blood through out the body via the veins and arteries.

A lot of people believed that the magic stones gotten from monsters, were actually either bits or whole pieces of their energy cores, however, many debunked this theory as it was not all the time one found a magic stone within a monster's corpse, with some other claiming that the energy core of an existence was what was absorbed by their 'killer' as 'experience'.

As for the body and soul, they could just be respectively summed up as the material and immaterial aspects of an existence, with the body housing the souls and energy cores of most existences.

A strong enough soul, was capable of persisting after the death of the physical bodies. Naturally occurring Liches were an example of this case.

The body was driven by the soul, the root of one's existence, and the soul was housed in the body for protection. Any problem with the body and soul would spell disaster for the existence.

If one's 'Level' was a numerical measure of their body's power, then the 'Existence Level' can be said to be a measure of the body AND soul's power, as one's soul would grow stronger with each increase in existence level.

Then there came skills, abilities that one possessed and acquired through various means. The skills of an existence, could be likened to ability runes engraved in the soul of the existence.

If you pit two individuals with the exact same skillset, exact same level and with the exact same stats against each other, but with one of the two having a higher existence level, then you would see that the skills of the one with a higher existence level would be more powerful than that of the other.

This was also the reason for the 'Ten Fingers' of the Demonic Hand still retaining their skills after death and revival.

If the body was harmed, the soul would remain unaffected, provided the source of damage was not capable of dealing true damage that affected the soul too.

However, in a case where the soul was also harmed, then even if the body was healed, it would be impossible for that existence to return to top condition unless the soul's damage recovered too.

And this was a big 'IF' because in cases where the soul of an existence received damage, said damage reflected on their bodies through various means.

For example, one might experience certain physical disabilities, may become unable to use certain skills, or have their stats reduced drastically despite not being physically or mentally injured.

With this, one could understand just how dangerous the ability to damage the soul directly was, and how useful it would be in Evan's hands.

And with how dangerous it was, it only made sense that such and ability had outrageous drawbacks and restrictions.

Starting the fact that it could only be used for one hour every twenty-four hours, for the reason that using it for more than the stipulated time, would result in the user's body and soul receiving SEVERE damage.

It wasn't a MIGHT, but a WOULD, meaning that it was 110% certain he would receive soul damage if he tried to over do it.

Summing it up, the skill was telling Evan one line:

'You can deal soul damage to others with this power, but if you abuse it, you'd be dealing soul damage to yourself!'

Even if Evan had an abnormally strong soul for some reason, he didn't even want to risk it.

Especially with the possibility of the soul damage being permanent.

It was a powerful skill, with powerful restrictions to match.

'A real double-edged sword, just that one edge is on a timer. And the moment I exceed that timer, the two edges become equal and deal damage to both sides.'

Evan's analysis of the skill was spot on.

He gazed at the currently sealed 2nd activation and wondered just what else this already outrageous skill could give him again.

'If I had to guess, it might be like Kayla's skill?'

Evan looked at the Skill type tab, which currently showed the exact same thing that Kayla's Pseudo Authority of lightning showed.

[Type: la#s1#7i5 Unique Skill.]

He didn't know what the garbled text meant, but he felt he would understand when he eventually unlocked the 2nd Activation.

But he doubted that was something he could achieve anytime soon.

|Connection Initiated|

|Connection Declined|

|Connection Initiated|

|Connection Declined|

'Just what are these two doing?'

Evan asked internally as he saw what was most likely a spat between Artemisia and the being who gave him his unique skill.

|Connection Initiated|

|Connection D&%0##]######### Confirmed|

[The 'Eternal of Time and Destruction' says that you should not even think about the Second Activation for the next few years.

He goes on to further state that the first activation is challenging the limits of what the current you can withstand.]

"Is it really okay for me to have such a thing at Level 165?"

[The 'Eternal of Time and Destruction' says it is just 'barely' okay. He commends you for being able to finally use part of his blessing's true power, further stating that your current existence level is also passable.]

"Again, with you insinuating that I'm weak.

You do realize that there are beings in this world who are centuries old but are only just in the master level, right?

Shouldn't you be commending me for getting to their level in less than a year?"

[The 'Eternal of Time and Destruction' states that at your age, he was already breaking through from superior master level to the intermediate grandmaster, in a world that didn't have an 'oh so convenient' thing like a 'system' and he was in a state where he was unable to use his body's energies.

Furthermore, he was capable of defeating superior stage grandmasters while being an entire existence level lower, and by the time he reached grandmaster, he could kill an inferior stage epic level existence.

And all of these, was done by him at the tender age of thirteen, just like the current you.

So now you should understand that by his standards, you are weak.]

[The goddess 'Artemisia' says that you should not listen to the ramblings of a being with standards that even gods like herself find ridiculous.

The fact that you can achieve the master level in less than a year is a feat worth commending and you should keep up the good work.]

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