Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 91 [Bonus Chapter]Interlude 4-3 – Resultant Actions

Chapter 91 [Bonus Chapter]Interlude 4-3 – Resultant Actions

" dead."

Felix's words served as a confirmation of the reality of the situation. He ignored the looks of shock on the scouts' faces and began to think about how Xakon could have possibly died.

'Albeit low ranked, Xakon was an Ilmoth, a noble demon. He should have been capable of using 'True form release'.

If he still died, then this means that his opponent was just that strong.

The problem is if he was killed instantly or captured and tortured for information before his death. It would be good if it was the former but in the case of the latter, just how much did he spill before dying.'

His frown deepened as he sank deeper into his thoughts, only breaking out when he heard one of the scouts say something shocking.

"Sir, I have a conjecture on how Xakon died."


"One of 'The five' was on the Alpha continent where Xakon was just a few days before he died. The one called 'Strongest Human' Rathal."


Hearing this, Felix abruptly stood up and walked out of the office, not before dismissing the other scouts.

'I have to contact the Council of Generals; we need to move our plans forward.'

He gazed out the window of the hallway and looked at the horizon in the distance before changing his thoughts.

'No, it'd be better if I go in person.'

As soon as he made his decision, he pulled out his pocket watch and pressed one of the buttons on the side.


There was a short ring and he turned around to lock gazes with another demon who was coming up the stairs.

"General Gillet."

Seeing that the person he wanted to contact was already in front of him, Felix placed the watch back into his pocket and spoke.

"Good thing you are already here. Let's go to the roof, I'll fill you in on the way."

Felix then proceeded to inform his assistant and aide, a Colonel of the Demon Army, about what the scouts told him and how he discovered Xakon was dead.

"The Ilmoths would not take kindly to this news."

"Yes. Even if they don't give two fucks about what goes on in the branch families, their Pride won't let them accept the fact that a human from a world we wish to conquer killed one of them."

Felix heaved a sigh as he thought about one of his fellow lesser generals who was also the head of the Ilmoth Clan and how he would react upon hearing this.

As he talked with his aide, the went up the last flight of stairs and arrived on the roof.

"Handle everything here when I'm out, I'd be gone for at least a month so make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Yes Sir."

"Good, I trust you'd do well."

After saying that, Xakon took a few steps back and released a pair of black bat-like wings from his back.

He then kicked off the ground and soared into the sky, his wings beginning to flap as he maintained his balance in the air.

'I wish I knew teleportation magic.'

The demon general lamented to himself as he gazed at a certain direction before taking a deep breath.


The next moment, there was a loud boom as he instantly shot forward, blitzing across the sky faster than the naked eyes could see.

◇ ◇ ◇

It was, an infinite darkness.

No matter how far one went, there was no end

No matter how long one waited, there was no dawn.

There was one spot, where there was light.

A throne that floated within the darkness--Only there.

A being sat on this throne looking at a screen in front of him, displayed on the screen was the scene of the Demon General blitzing through the skies as he flew to his destination.

" seems making him meet that demon was a bad idea. The demons would move their plans forward now and I highly doubt he would be strong enough to resist their armies when they come through."

His left blue eye glowed a bit before a surprised look appeared on the face of this being.

"Oh? He would not have the influence required to make the other world powers move at his command, huh?

Since he has decided to distance himself from political matters of Aidos, he has to get his influence in another way.

He has to up his game, get strong enough to make even the strongest countries bow to his will just like the 'Strongest Human' did.

That way, even if they don't follow him out of respect, they'd do it out of fear."

The being's right red eye glowed as he laughed evilly to himself.

"Even if he wants to go down that road, he needs to have public opinion on his side. While I would have waited for him to get to the Cheverton Duchy, that's too far off.

How about I do this..."

As he spoke, the image displayed on the screen changed from the demon world's skyline to that of a sword, a large black great sword that seemed to be stuck in the ground.

It was a massive two-edged, two-handed sword with a massive blade measuring about 70 inches long and 8 inches thick.

The sword's brown handle was about 10 inches long, giving the weapon a total of 80 inches in length.

There were dozens of chains that wrapped round this sword tightly, as if keeping it bound to the ground.

"Let me make him see the power of public opinion for a bit..."

He snapped his fingers and the chains around the sword all shattered to pieces.

After that...there was silence.

"That was expected, Even the prideful one had to take a while to readjust, much less this one."

Yawning a bit, the being waved his hand and the screen disappeared, leaving the only source of light in this entire dark space to be his two heterochromatic eyes.

◇ ◇ ◇



There was a rumbling sound as the earth trembled, followed by a loud explosion as something burst out of the ground, sending large chunks of dust and dirt flying.


Emerging from the ground, was a large worm of about thirty metres long and three meters wide. It had scales all over its body and sharp spikes protruding from its back.

The worm shrieked and opened up its mouth cavity to reveal a set of sharp teeth-like appendages that twitched occasionally.

It then twisted its cylindrical body and shot towards the cloud of dust that rose up when it burst out form the ground.

Before it reached its destination, it seemed to sense something as it abruptly stopped its movements and rolled to the side.


The next moment, the dust cloud cleared up as a large horizontal tornado shot into the air and drilled right through where the worm was mere seconds ago.


The worm shrieked once more as it moved its magic power. The ground cracked open and spears of earth emerged from withing the cracks, piercing through the air and every other animal or minster that unfortunately happened to be within a fifty-meter radius.

"I see, so that's how you do magic. Even an unintelligent monster could do this, to think that i could not even after hundreds of years.

I'm ashamed."

A voice tinged with a bit of surprise rang out as a gust of wind blew away all the dust that resulted from the ground cracking open.

The figure of the voice's owner was revealed to be a fairly tall man with dark complexion and distinctive red irises. He had a muscular build and his hair was shaved close on the back and sides, leaving a black-coloured crown on top.

Strapped to his back was a huge great sword that was more than two metres long and twenty centimetres wide.

Seeing him, the worm charged towards with speed so fast that it looked like a blur, however, this man only looked at the rock spear that emerged from the ground beside him and thought to himself.

'I need to learn magic.

That other human I killed said that there was a city of magic not far from here. Maybe i should go there next.'

A soon as he thought that, his left hand stretched to his back and grabbed the handle of the large great sword pulling it out of its sheath as he poured magic power into the blade.


The steel brown blade vibrated as it resonated with his magic power, its colour turning a deeper shade of brown as he grabbed it with his second hand and took a stance while facing the charging worm.

His magic power flared as he coated his blade with wind magic and shaped the already long blade into a longer blade, extending its reach.

All these actions were taken in one fluid motion, within the ten seconds it took the worm to close the distance between them.josei



With a downward slash, his blade cleaved through the worm, splitting int into two halves and ending its life.

"One strike...huh..."

He gazed at the two halves of the worm's corpse as he spoke, before turning his gaze towards the sky and continuing.

"I'm getting stronger.

Soon, we would have our rematch...Sixth Finger of the Demonic Hand, Seith."

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