Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 96 Update Changelog

Chapter 96 Update Changelog

"The both of you are getting surprised over every little thing that it becoming noisy here. Let's take this from the top and address the important matters one by one.

First of all, Evan."


"You need to get a haircut done. ASAP."

"No shit."

Evan grabbed a fistful of his unnecessarily long hair as he replied.

"I don't have time for that so I'm gonna improvise for now."


Before Pride could figure out what Evan meant, he summoned the unforged and sliced off his hair from his neck downwards.

"That's better."

Feeling the breeze from the open window blow on his neck made him feel much more relaxed. However, that was not for long as he suddenly realised something wrong.

'Did I just summon my weapon?'

He looked at his hand was met with the figure of an obsidian black one-handed sword with an eighty-centimetre-long blade.

"I just used a skill now, right?"

"Yes, you did."

Eliza replied to Evan as she picked up the fallen hair on the ground. Activating her barrier skill and conjuring a soundproof barrier around the room, seconds before Evan screamed out in joy.

◇ ◇ ◇

Thanks to Eliza's timely interference, the citizens of Geto were saved from hearing a shout of joy from the one they called their hero on a funeral day.

Evan on the other hand was activating multiple skills to confirm that he could still utilize his skills like always.

"Yep. Everything works."

He then called out to his status board and was not greeted with the now familiar 'Status Unavailable' message, but a set of totally different ones.

|System Updates Completely Installed.

The user's body and soul have now been synchronized with each other. |

|Update Changelog;

Resistances tab Added.

Available Skill slot Tab added.

Age Tab modified.

Race tab modified.

Leveling up efficiency increased by 100%.

Stat Effectiveness increased by 10%.

Stat boost increased by 10%.

Due to increase in existence level, user can now access formerly restricted information.

Due to increase in existence level, user can now gain knowledge on world law doctrines that were formerly restricted.

One extra skill slot acquired |

|System Benefits are now as follows;

Extra 200% Leveling Efficiency.

Boosted Life Force.

20% Stat Boost

130% Stat Effectiveness. |

There were so many changes that Evan didn't feel the need to look through all of them one by one.

He just skimmed through them and opened up his status board, before scanning through it to notice any differences.

|Name- Evan Von Bourne

Race- Body: Human; Soul: ###e# ###s###e#;

Gender - Male

Age - Body: 11; Soul: 17;

Level- 103

Existence Level - Master

Titles- The Second of Seven Heroes, Leader of the Seven Heroes, Reincarnated Hero, Wielder of Mystic Eyes, Loved By Nature, Heir of Eris Dukedom, #####c ########.

Class- Magic Swordsman

Health – C-

Energy – C-

Strength – C-

Agility – C-

Durability – C-

Intelligence- C-

Condition- Normal, Surprised.

Magic Tiers- Fire Tier 1, Lightning Tier 2, Shadow Tier 1;

Resistances- Poison, Charm, Fear.

Skills- Full Appraisal, Magic Control, Weapon Control, Paladin, Concealment, Martial Arts, Language Comprehension;

Mimicked Skills-Energy Blast, Body Transformation, Aura Slash, Blink, Inventory, Limit Break;

Available Skill Slots- 4;

Unique Skills- Mystic Eyes of Mimicry (1), Adaptive Evolution, Blessing of Destruction, Vortex. |

'Master Level!!'

The first thing his eyes caught sight of was his increased level of existence. He was now considered a 'Master'.

Although his sword or magic skills were definitely not up to the required level of expertise, he would definitely not loose out when compared to those who had.

After all, he had the memoires of an expert swordsman alongside all of his techniques.

'The previous 'Second' was far above the level of a mere master, with his knowledge, I can compete on equal footing with 'genuine' masters.'josei

Evan also noticed the addition of the resistances tab that listed all the resistances he had acquired with adaptive Evolution.

Going further below, he saw the 'Available Skill Slot' tab and nodded in affirmation as he pondered on how useful these new additions were.

It was then that he finally took notice of the things he was supposed to notice first. Namely, his name, age and race.

'That's my real name!'

Ever since he possessed the body of the deceased new generation hero, the name displayed on his status was not Evan's real name but that of the body's original owner.

The age was also that of the body's original owner.

The race displayed on the status board was the only thing Evan believed was because of him, and now seeing his current status board, his suspicions were confirmed.

'The body's age is eleven while my soul's age is seventeen. It adds up, given I just turned sixteen when I came here and I have spent more than a year here.

The body's race being human also adds up as the parent of this body were both humans. As for the soul race however, that's obviously a different case.'

While Evan had come to terms with the fact that he was not human over the past one year, seeing the reality of the situation shoved in his face once more, he could not help but have mixed feelings about it.

However, before he could turn melancholic, a suspicion suddenly flashed through his mind.

'Could it be that Artemisia chose me not because is was the highest ranked in Aidos online but because of my race?'

He didn't have anything to confirm this suspicion, until another notice board suddenly appeared in front of him.

[The 'Eternal of Time and Destruction' smiles upon you]

His entre body went stiff the moment he saw that message, the next, he let out a hearty laugh, surprising Eliza and Pride who were in the room with him.

'This is obviously something that Artemisia doesn't want me to know about.

But in that case, why didn't she just make my status show 'Human'?

Was there a specific reason behind it?'

He received no answers to his question but he didn't really mind. The boy took his attention back to the name displayed on his status board.

'Evan Von Bourne. Full name, Evankhell Vontdante Bourne.

That's definitely my name.'

[The 'Eternal of Time and Destruction' says you should guard your true name as your closest secret. Especially now that you are a master level existence.]

Evan couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in surprise upon seeing the message sent by the other 'godly being' who had been watching him since he came to Aidos.

He didn't need to be a genius to understand that this being's advice was for his own good. The memories of the previous second hero he possessed enlightened him on the existence of magic and sorcery that required the target's true name to be activated.

He nodded in affirmation before turning towards Pride with the intention of telling her about the changes in his level and his stats.


But before he could speak, a burst of energy was suddenly released from Pride's body as Evan could feel her power increasing due to their connection.

The amount of demonic energy she could store within her body increased exponentially, alongside her magic and aura reserves.

She summoned her weapon, Vanitas, in her hands and coated it with and ominous black aura, a feat that could only be accomplished by a master level existence.

Evan appraised the high demon and let out a sigh of exasperation upon realising that this power up was only a drop in the bucket that was her full power.

|Name- Pride

Race- High Demon

Gender - Female

Age - 1351

Level- 103 (777)

Existence Level - Master (Sovereign)

Titles- Leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, Deadly Sin of Pride, Peak Rank Demon, Ascendant, H#£&Ger of Pride.

Class- Magic Swordswoman

Health – C- (X1-)

Energy - C (X2)

Strength – C (X1)

Agility – C- (X1-)

Durability – D+ (SSS+)

Intelligence - C- (SSS)

Condition- Curious, Slightly Surprised.

Magic Tiers- Fire Tier 6, Wind Tier 6.

Skills- Pride Manipulation, Pride Embodiment, Aura of Pride, Contempt of the Many.

Unique Skills- Incarnation of Pride. (HIDDEN) |

'It's just level hundred out of seven hundred.'

He looked through her status board once more, his eyes going through each detail, eventually arriving at the unique skills tab.


It was then he realised something that he didn't find weird until now.

"Hey, Pride."


"Against that demon, Xakon. Did you use your unique skill?"

Pride momentarily stiffened upon hearing his question, but she played it off and acted normally right after.

Unfortunately, Evan who was paying a great deal of attention to her, noticed this.

"...No, I did not."

"I thought so."

Evan replied as he remembered the effects of Pride's skill from the game. He did not recall seeing any of said effects.

"Since you possess the 'Appraisal' skill, you should know the name of my unique skill.

The reason I did not use it, or rather, the reason I could not use it was simple."

Pride unsummoned her sword and gazed at Evan with her piercing red eyes as she continued.

"An existence below the master level, is not worthy to be the 'Incarnation of Pride'."

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