Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 171

Chapter 171: Me, My Perfect Father

Kidomaru sensed that something had occurred on the battlefield, but he couldn't determine the details and preferred not to dwell on it. However, he believed that his father, an invincible and renowned demon known as one of the three great demons, could not have been defeated.

Nevertheless, a sense of unease crept over him when he saw Otakemaru's sword in the hands of a weakling.

Kidomaru was aware of the significance of that blade to Otakemaru, his father's second in command. Otakemaru was a formidable force, almost on par with his father in terms of power, and some even considered him stronger in certain aspects.

Despite contemplating his father's potential demise, Kidomaru found it difficult to muster any sadness for the man who had never fulfilled the role of a father and had never disclosed the identity of Kidomaru's mother.

The only one who had ever shown him any form of paternal affection was Ibaraki, his father's strategist and an exceptionally powerful ultimate class demon who had fallen at the hands of inexperienced individuals. Kidomaru had harbored a desire to exact revenge on those kids, but they had managed to elude him.

‘Maybe I am a failure after all. Destined for nothing, there was never any great ending to my journey…’

With his father absent, Kidomaru gazed at the sea, disregarding the pain coursing through his body. If only he could plunge into the ocean, he would find safety and liberation from the current predicament. With his father out of the picture, Kidomaru could finally attain freedom and explore his own potential.

He held no concern for humans, harboring neither the inclination to harm nor save them. His sole desire was to break free from the confines his father had imposed on him.

However, his dreams were shattered as a searingly hot blade sliced through his legs, cauterizing the wounds before they could regenerate. Strangely, Kidomaru's thoughts turned to the time when his father had suffered a defeat. Perhaps, in his final moments, he yearned to be his father's failure—a flawed individual in a world where perfection was demanded of others.

Nearly sixteen years prior, Kidomaru vividly remembered the moment when his father had first threatened humanity with war. It was during the clash between Shuten Doji, his commanders, and The Magician, the most powerful exorcist.

The battle had left an indelible mark on Kidomaru's memory. The Magician had intervened to prevent the war, despite being gravely wounded with a poisoned arm, a consequence of attempting to seal someone as formidable as Yamata No Orochi.

No matter how strong the Magician was or how hard he countered his father, in the end, Otakemaru caught the human off guard and delivered the killing blow."

"You know, this whole shtick could have been about me learning forgiveness and realizing that nothing I do to you will bring my friend back… But I'm not going to do that," said the human, brandishing Otakenaru's sword.

In all honesty, Kidomaru didn't care about the human's rambling. Having killed numerous humans, he had no clue who this man was talking about, nor did he have any interest in finding out. "Can you please shut up and get on with it already?"


Anika seethed with anger as the demon dared to speak to Kon in such a manner! Her rage nearly drove her to attack the fallen demon, but Sei intervened by placing a hand on her shoulder, halting her.

Turning to face Sei, Anika found him shaking his head, preventing her from acting impulsively.

"We should leave," he suggested.

Anika felt perplexed by his words. Sei, being no fool, should know that as long as the demon remained alive, it could regenerate its limbs. "That's an ultimate class demon you're talking about. It could become dangerous at any moment."

Sei raised a questioning eyebrow in response. "You're a Blaster. You should be able to sense it. Kidomaru doesn't stand a chance. Kon will be fine."

Was he just spouting bullshit? Her frown deepened, and she closed her eyes. Despite her efforts, she sensed nothing unusual about Kon. He felt normal, possessing above-average Ord. The only abnormality present was the demon's extraordinary amount of Ord, far surpassing that of a typical high-class demon. But that wasn’t a new thing. "What are you talking about? Have you lost your mind?"

Sei ignored her insults, a slight twitch in his eye betraying his true feelings. "No, don't rely on your usual affinity. Use your instincts and soul. Feel the aura surrounding him, the way the world reacts to his presence."

Anika dismissed Sei's words as nonsense, but a pang of jealousy rose within her. How could someone else potentially know something about Kon that she didn't? She was on the verge of complaining and exposing Sei's charade. Just because he wanted to appear cool, he shouldn't spout baseless claims.

However, before she could voice her complaints, a chilling sensation washed over her. It felt as if she were swimming and attempting to find solid ground with her feet, only to discover that the water was much deeper than expected.

What was that feeling? Anika felt genuine fear creeping in. It was an indescribable sensation, beyond the reach of words.josei

But before she could dwell further on the peculiar feeling, Kon swiftly bisected Kidomaru. The demon screamed as its internal organs were consumed by the fiery sword.

While Kidomaru writhed in agony, Kon remained unfazed. It was difficult to discern whether he inflicted pain upon the demon intentionally or merely weakening a potential threat.

No, he was Kon, not some ruthless executioner. This slash was likely intended to neutralize any danger posed by Kidomaru.

Kon delivered an overhead strike, cleaving the head of the ultimate class demon in two. Before they could react further, Carpy swooped down and devoured the demon.

"So, what now?" Sei glanced at Kon, who shrugged.

Yeah, they were just going to not talk about this whole thing. Kon wasn’t the kind of guy who usually let his emotions get the better of him, but that was what had happened here. Despite what he said, Anika knew that Sei considered him a friend, so neither was going to bring up something painful.

"Now we go back to camp. The war is over, and all we have to do is train for what comes next," Kon said, lying on his tamed demon and snuggled a bit before closing his eyes. He fell asleep effortlessly, as if they weren't deep within enemy territory.

Sei frowned. "How can he sleep so easily? Does he really trust his demon that much?"

Anika didn't care for the feminine-looking exorcist, but she agreed with him. While humans could tame demons, it wasn't wise to place too much trust in them. However, she chose to trust Kon's judgment and decided to follow along. Just in case the serpentine demon acted up, she and Sei would be there to protect Kon.

Her worries were unfounded as the demon flew with Kon on his back, ensuring his safety by using water to prevent him from falling off. It was almost endearing how much the demon cared about the small details.

Upon reaching the camp, celebrations were in full swing, although some watched solemnly from the sidelines. The war had taken a toll, causing many to lose friends and family. For them, there was little to celebrate. It was the harsh reality of war.

Anika couldn't help but feel confused as to why her clan hadn't participated in the war. While other clans had lent some assistance, the Raion Clan seemed to avoid any responsibility that came with being a prominent clan.

Kon was escorted to his tent, receiving better care and healing than the average elite exorcist due to his high standing. With healing potions and special abilities at their disposal, Kon would recover soon. However, with each treatment, his demon scrutinized the doctors, as if ready to remember any mistakes they made.

The next day arrived quickly, and a wide field was selected as the burial ground for the fallen exorcists. Except for those from clan backgrounds with potential secrets, whose bodies were typically taken care of by their clans.

The graves were marked only by white marble stones, a simple reminder of their existence. Anika felt a pang of sympathy for the fallen exorcists as she gazed at the countless graves. Meanwhile, a platform was raised, and a somber priest delivered a speech about the deceased, a topic she cared very little about.

Standing beside her were Agon and Sei. Anika didn't feel much sadness, knowing that Sei's clan had perished before the war, leaving him with no one to mourn. However, Agon, the emotional member of their team, cried and lamented for each fallen individual. Some of their fellow exorcists exchanged strange looks, as such behavior was uncommon in their profession.

Just then, Anika caught a soft flowery scent, and a bespectacled man appeared beside them. He offered Agon a napkin to wipe his nose and tears with.

"I am always grateful to find individuals in our midst who shed tears upon witnessing someone's demise," the Moon Exorcist spoke softly. Anika considered him a weakling lacking any redeeming heroic qualities, yet she still listened intently. After all, this man held one of the highest positions an exorcist could attain, a position no one in her family had achieved.

He sighed, his face filled with melancholy. "We are so accustomed to dealing with death that we often forget that everyone here has a family. The pain gnaws at them from within. Older brothers are meant to protect their younger siblings, but I have failed..."

Anika grasped the meaning behind the first half of his speech, but the second half seemed unrelated to their present situation. Before anyone could question him, the Moon Exorcist forced a smile, now clearly revealed as insincere.

"Hmm, what's bothering him?" Anika wondered.

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