Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Dragon Hunt

The morning came.

After what Celestine said yesterday, I don't know what to think anymore.

It's all... bizarre.josei

She's supposed to be the villainess who's supposed to sell this territory, but it turns out to be her husband in truth.

What am I supposed to do?

Who is my real enemy in this event?

I was walking down the street of the territory in my fancy suit when as I raised my head, my gaze and the gaze of certain people met.


One of them has light brown hair styled in a neck-length bob cut, her eyes are turquoise and she was wearing short shorts and a blouse that marked her blue bra.

She was Celia von Algrand.

While the girl next to her had light ash blonde hair. It was long to her hips, wavy because of how fluffy it looked, she had much of her hair tied in two braided buns that made her look like a little mouse, and amethyst eyes.

Her clothes were a long dress like the color of her eyes and white sneakers unlike Celia's boots. Evelyn von Exner was her name.

And they are both my fiancées, but, not that we are close. Rather, we have minimal contact.

I asked them.

"Girls, what are you doing here?"

It was Celia who answered me.

"We came because our parents are here too."

"What are you doing here honey?"

"Huh? Didn't they tell you? I was sent here against my will by our dearest emperor."

"No. Those two haven't told us anything, rather, it's not like we have anything to talk about in the first place. And, wow."

Even if they along with Eli and Lily are my girlfriends, it doesn't mean they are or we are close. It's a hare, which reminds me a bit of my old family, separated.

Now Evelyn was saying to me.

"Err, Razel-san, can you accompany us?"

"Accompany you where exactly?"

"My dad asked me to go get..."

Evelyn stopped talking and leaned close to my ear.

"A dragon."


I was surprised by what they said.

But now that I noticed, they had a small travel suitcase with stuff in it.

They were my girlfriends, though we didn't interact much. And I should calm down about yesterday.

I told them.

"No problem."

For some reason, Celia seemed happy.

Will this be the beginning of my harmonious harem?

This is not what I imagined when I said I wanted my harem harmonious.

We were in a nearby forest, I was carrying the girls' bags. My back was heavy.

The only good thing, was that since we were going up a hill, their butts were in my view.

Evelyn's white underwear with teddy bears was visible, but Celia's was not, I just watched as her shorts showed off her big round butt.

I wonder if Barbara's butt had been like that in her teens?

We were a long way out of town.

When we got to the top, Evelyn said.

"Thanks for carrying our stuff, Razel-san, you can rest."

I dropped the suitcases on the ground and fell on my butt.

Celia stretched her arms, showing her belly.

"The fresh country air feels good~."

"We're not in the countryside though Celia-chan."

"Don't worry about trifles. More important, honey~."

Celia approached me.

"I'm hungry."

Apparently they have food to cook outdoors... and none of them know how to cook. That means...

"I get it."

I proceeded to cook for my girls....

"Thanks for the food."

"Same here."

Me and the girls were saying thank you for the food we ingested.

Since we were full, we had to wait for the food to melt in our stomachs.

As this is a unique opportunity for me, as we never interact despite being in the same classroom.

"By the way, Evelyn, what do you wish to hunt a dragon for?"

"Well, my father said that the dragon he saw is a two-headed one, a mutant dragon so to speak."

"It escaped mind control and went somewhere in this area."

"Apparently having two heads equals having two brains and maybe two hearts since two brains need a lot of oxygen, which equals a lot of blood carrying that oxygen."

Both, me and Celia had no idea what the heck she was talking about. I admit, I'm not smart, but she was.

"Err, to put it in simpler words. It' s a specimen that my father would like to keep almost intact its organs. He's not interested in keeping him alive since he can use his necromancer magic to momentarily resurrect him."

"I see."

Though in itself, I don't understand anything.

"So... how were you two planning on defeating it alone?"

"Originally it was going to be just me, but I ran into Celia-chan yesterday and told her about it and she decided to help me."

"That's because you're so weak, you can use level 4 magic, but you're still using a staff."

That surprised me, Evelyn is level 4 magic, meaning she is one of the most powerful young ladies in this country.

Come to think of it, what kind of level will mine be?

"That doesn't answer my question."

Evelyn and Celia took out some interesting weapons from their respective suitcases.

Evelyn's was a metal staff with a blue gem in the center.

While Celia wielded some long guns.

Evelyn's staff was a random item from the game, it was called Muse. I remembered it as it sounds like dessert.

While Celia was using some pistols that should be Jake's. He called them Grimnir.

Probably... Jake hadn't been around the day they were auctioned and that's why she bought them.

"Believe it or not, I have an adventurer's name, Cecilia the Fleeting Bullet. And I'm rank C."

"I-I just have my five-pointed magic. It's the combination of almost all the elements achieving a rainbow of danger."

That sounded really cute that, but a little scary too.

"Alright, let's get going."

After putting the food away, we proceeded to look for that dragon.

Two or maybe four hours passed.

It was morning when I left the mansion.

The sun was still high still.

After much walking, we found a place where the dragon was resting.

There were corpses around, it was feasting no doubt.

Its body was large, at least ten meters.

Celia used a magic item in the shape of a bat, but it was called a golem.

The golem was similar to a drone. Which watched over the dragon and also seemed to analyze it.

The magic was truly frightening to the point that I no longer knew what was fantasy and what was science fiction.

Celia proceeded to explain the plan.

"Right. Honey, your magic was electricity, right?"


"Well, dragons are sensitive to electricity, so you'll electrocute it and then I'll shoot it and Evelyn will finish it off with her magic."

"Right." X2

We proceeded to make the plan.

I threw a lightning spear at it.

It landed on his back, the dragon felt it and then Celia proceeded to attack it.

"Eat this!"

She pointed the weapons and then a multicolored magic circle appeared.

A large beam of light appeared.

It also fell on the dragon, now came Evelyn to finish this.

"Star Magic: Uranus Collision!"

Evelyn's staff pointed to the sky, a magic circle appeared and then as if it was rain.

A great shower of meteorites of light was falling straight at the dragon.

After a few seconds of waiting.

It seemed to be all over.

The dragon lay dead in that place that reeked of sulfur.

I like things to end this quickly.

We approached to check if there was no damage.

Evelyn was analyzing it, as I watched that, Celia spoke to me.

"I forgot, honey, you need to send those two a letter. They're really bad."

"Huh? Something wrong with Lily and Eli?"

"I'd say they're not right in the head, but besides that, they look down as they're thinking about your situation."

I wanted to ask her. "And you're not despite being my girlfriend too?"

But I kept quiet.

Evelyn after a while of checking that her brain and heart are fine.

"It's perfect, now let's go back to get help to bring it─"

Suddenly, she became silent.

But I understood why.

A big shadow appeared over our heads.

As we turned to look, we were astonished.

It was a dragon.

And not just any dragon.

It was a dragon whose bones we could see.

I recognize it.

In the whole game there was only one dragon like that.

It was the dark dragon king, Belphegor.

The reason you could see his bones was something chemical.

Apparently, his scales are not only hard as steel, they also have a chemical that makes them translucent. Their organs could not be seen, but their bones which were almost similar could.

Its danger level was SS.

This monster was a threat where the entire city would have to be evacuated.

I don't know how they caught it, but it's certainly bad for us to be here.

I yelled to them.


Evelyn and Celia were terrified, unable to move.

My attacks wouldn't work on this monster.

All that was left was to run.

The creature raised its neck, it was an attack no doubt.

I hurried to run towards them.

With my left I grabbed Evelyn and placed her over my shoulder.

While I grabbed Celia with my right arm and held her firmly.

Before running, I activated my Raijin, or, god of lightning speed.

Magical power coursed through my body.

I ran as fast as my legs could run.

After a few meters, a purple flare burned the place.

The body of the two-headed dragon was burned and melted by the flames.

Running, I had no choice but to escape.

The intensity of the flames was high.

A large part of it was still burning.

I ran so far that I reached the hill.

I left the girls there.

Celia spoke up, followed by Evelyn.

"W-What is that thing!"

"My father never told me there was such a creature among their forces!I don't think it came out of nowhere."

"Probably... since that dragon escaped, they've sent one to catch it."

"In that case we shouldn't tell them to control it, there's not supposed to be a war anymore."

"No. That creature won't give us time to look for help. Besides, if they sent it it was to liquidate it, and since we did that, its mission was harmed."

Celia seemed to understand what I was referring to.

"W-Wait honey... you're not suggesting that we take it on, are you?

I don't think it came out of nowhere."

"Probably... since that dragon escaped, they've sent one to catch it."

"In that case we shouldn't tell them t control it, there's not supposed to be a war anymore."

Besides, if they sent it it was to liquidate it, and since we did that, its mission was harmed."

Celia seemed to understand what I was referring to.

"W-Wait're not suggesting that we take him on, are you?

I stared at her as I answered.

"There's no other way. If we escape to the city, we'll get everyone involved."

"And even if someone can stand up to him, it would still mean civilians getting involved."

That's right, as a guardian in the shadows, I have no choice but to defend innocent people in danger.

Also, in the game, upon defeating this monster, it would drop an item called "elixir of youth".

I always wondered what crazy game stuff I was going to find here.

I took off my jacket and threw it, the creature was approaching at high speed.

The girls had their weapons in their hands.

"This will be our first battle, but I could tell you are both adept at long to medium range your attacks."

"Evelyn, you will cover me, charge the strongest spell you have, one that can defeat steel and Celia."

"Cover me, my attacks will be useless, but combined with yours they will be useful enough to keep me from reacting in time."

The creature already arrived, I could see that it was about fifteen meters long, it had four wings and its neck was longer than a giraffe.

I thundered my fingers and neck as I rolled up my sleeves in step.

We were facing each other.

"Time to hunt a big lizard."

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