Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Young Adventurers

It has been two weeks since the school year started.

There are four semesters per year.

The first semester ends at the end of February.

March is vacation.

I am happy that, unlike my previous life, my new school life is more fun.

The only drawback, or rather the only problems I have are two.

The first is that Lily has been hanging out with me a lot.

That prevents her from going to events where I have to socialize and conquer capture targets.

The second problem was that a girl was bothering me.

In fact, right now she's glaring at me.

A beautiful blonde girl with cherry red eyes and big breasts was looking at me like I was a pest.

It was a combined class of the pointy-mustached professor.

We were divided into groups of two, I was in the second group alone. My friends were not here.

Not even Cid, funny how he seems like a normal kid.

I've been secretly watching him to look for a weakness and destroy him.

He doesn't seem to have one, but at the same time he doesn't look like someone who could threaten the quiet life I want.

He is currently in Amy's situation, avoid his bad future and not kill him.

I like her, I hope that doesn't happen.

Back to this girl...

"What am I supposed to do here?"

Turns out she was Elize, the villainess.

I had forgotten about her.

No, lie, I hadn't.

I was trying, but I couldn't.

What became of her after that goodbye, I wondered?

Her eyes didn't seem to leave my sight.

It scared the hell out of me.

"Hey, I asked you what I'm supposed to do here."

We were recreating a magic circle in a grimoire.

Grimoires are books created with magic for students to learn about.

"I don't know. Maybe you should abandon it like you always do."

Huh? What's that supposed to mean? I don't get it.


"If you don't want to help me, we'll both get a bad grade."

"Fine with me, I'll take you down with me."

This girl was getting testy.

Well, I don't blame her.

I told her I'd go to her birthday party, but I never went.

So I'll tolerate it for now.


In the end, we got a bad grade.


"Listen well, we will go to a dungeon."

We were in the big ass professor's class.

As always, it was a visual spectacle to look at her big fat butt as she walked.

We had divided into groups of twelve.

There was the shared class.

In my group were other bottom students like me, including my friends, Cid and for some reason Lily.

While another group had the capture targets and Eli.

He kept giving me a dirty look as usual.

We walked deeper into the dungeon.

"This place sucks."

Derrick was saying as we walked through a narrow, smelly cave.

In the game, dungeons served only to gain experience, their backstory was that they are nests of monsters.

There's no greater mystery than that.

I would ask Lily if she didn't want to go with the gold group.

"No. In fact, they asked me to join you guys since I had no one else to hang out with."

You know, they're your potential boyfriends.


Wait a minute, what did she say?

They turned her down?

That can't be, it's against the events of the game.

"Did they say why?"

"You're in the way."

"That's what the cold eyed guy said to me."

(Damn Lambert, just like in the game, you're a pain in the ass.)

I don't get it.

Isn't this part of that game?

Something weird is going on here.

Love events must be happening every so often, but Lily seems to barely know about them.

In fact, yesterday she was supposed to have a meeting in the library with Jake, but he never went, I was there spying on her in a wholesome way and never saw him.

Things like that were happening daily.

I'm getting terrified.

If Lily didn't get together with the capture targets, it's really going to be bad when the goddess Alexia tells her that the power of her love can awaken the true power of the spear.

"Everyone, watch out!"

Cid shouted, as I realized what it was.

We were surrounded by a group of giant ants.

Everyone was scared except me. That's because I was hunting ants while running my errands as a D-rank.

Cid drew his sword and acted like a brave leader.

"Prepare to fight!"

Just as he said, the ants came to bother us, they wanted to kill us.

But we are many so....



Some students, among them my friends, ran away.

There were only a few of us left.

One girl had a rifle.

She was shooting at these things.

Since I am a guardian in the shadows, I must act just like a background character.

I was getting ready to run away when something unexpected happened.


From above, a large spider kidnapped Lily.

This was bad. It was dragging her into its burrow.

Cid and the others were fighting the ants.

I just said.

"I'll be back soon!"

And with those words, I took a leap upward to look for her.


Elize's group was in another direction.

"Aah, Aah, how boring this is."

Bellange complained as they had been walking for several minutes and found no monsters.

"I'm with you, this is very quiet."

Jake was supportive, then came Oscar.

"I don't want to agree with you, but it's true. We haven't found a single monster."

"Maybe they're afraid of us?"

The one who said that was Regulux, as he pointed to the person in front of him.

Lambert had his sword drawn.

His aura was sinister.

"Your Highness, I ask you not to joke about that. I am protecting him, if by any chance something happens to him, I will not forgive myself."

Everyone could see that Lambert's murderous aura was growing with every step he took.

Elize was close to the prince to cover him.

She was dressed like everyone else.

Classic adventurer's clothes with leather shoes and a sword.

Her hair was tied in a ponytail.

Regulux said to her.

"Elize, would you mind giving me some space?"

"But Your Highness I-!"

She reluctantly heeded him and walked a few steps behind him.

They continued on like this smoothly.


I had reached a place that was the base of the spiders.

I was laughing out loud.

"You're kidding right?"

Their base was a huge spider headquarters.

And not just any kind.

They are of the queen spider type.

They are all seven meters long and seven meters wide.

They are very large.

More than I could imagine.

The spiders were black, with body hair on their legs and their big butts.

Their red eyes watched me like a snack.

I found Lily, she was being wrapped in a web and also asleep.

"Damn spider!"

With those words, a magic circle glowed beneath my feet.

Electricity was slowly coursing through my body.

It really hurt.

I could feel it as it touched my body, but she's more important.

I ran at high speed between them, but their legs were so agile and nimble, they prevented me from getting close.

One of them gave me a blow, that blow was so strong that it scratched my skin and blood was coming out in piles.

I ran without rest between the legs of the spiders.

I couldn't stop.

One of them pierced my leg.

The pain was unbearable, but I had to hold on.

Finally, I reached Lily.

I hit the spider hard and proceeded to open the web to pull Lily out.

I could feel her breathing, she was still alive.

I took her in my arms and even with the pain in my legs, I ran to the exit, but she was being covered.

This is bad.

At this rate, I'll only be left with the option of abandoning her and running away.

But that won't happen.

I was trying to escape through the openings in the base, but they wouldn't let me, the place was well protected.

I was running to avoid being caught, but it was useless.

One of the spiders threw its web at my legs.

Lily fell down.

This is bad.

At this rate, we're both going to die.

If only Amy were here... no, if only i were stronger.

I wouldn't run away so pathetically again.

"Fire magic: rising pillar of flame!"

A mysterious voice came from far away.

At that moment, a large pillar of fire was burning the ceiling.

The chandeliers were burned instantly.

I looked at the figure, it was a man covered by a cloak. He had a beautiful sword which had flames on it.

The man took a step, and somehow reached us.

"I didn't expect there to be kids here, I was assigned to take down a nest of queen spiders, but I didn't imagine there would be student. Someone's going to get a big lecture for this."

The mysterious figure took off his cloak, covering me and Lily with it.

"Cover up well, it's going to be very hot and I don't want anything to happen to them."

For a brief moment, I saw that the man had flame-like hair.

After covering myself completely, I heard the following.

"Fire magic: fiery spiral of the sun god!"

Then, through the mantle I could feel an enormous force that warmed everything around us.

The heat was so much, I wanted to cry.

Only seconds passed.

The cloak was removed and immediately introduced a gelatinous thing into my and Lily's mouth.

"You're lucky I brought pressure pills with me."

From our mouths, a kind of slime came out and covered us in its entirety.

After wondering what happened.

I understood after seeing it with my own eyes.

The whole place had been burned.

The spiders were evaporated.

Only their silhouettes remained.

Everything was burned to ashes.

"Well guys, get back safely, I'll continue my spider hunt. bye!"

The strange man left.

A few moments later, Lily woke up.

"Hey, Razel-kun, where are we?"

Lily was still asleep, but after a brief moment, she understood.

"Hey, what is this place? And why are you hurt?"

I laughed lightly.

Lily said. "This is no time to laugh!"

And proceeded to heal me.

A faint white light that looked like a membrane covered me.

The pain and wounds went away as the blood disappeared.

This was the power of the protagonist.

I stood up and held out my hand for her to do so as well.

"Are you okay?"


She looked around and asked.

"Did you do this?"

(How do you think?)

"Yes, it was me."

Obviously it's a lie to make fun of her, it's impossible for her to think I really did that.

"Yes you're fine, let's go together with the others."

"... Yes."


Lily could see Razel as she walked behind him.

The thought she had was as follows.

(He did all that for me.)


"What a disappointment."

Bellange and the others were disappointed, they found nothing and went around the creditors several times.

Elize was pleased to not find anything dangerous.


But that luck ended at that instant.

From the ground, a huge, petrified tree came out.

Its branches were so thick and large they looked like punching bags.

Bellange screamed.

"That's what I wanted!"

As she pulled out her jet spear to go in front of the monster.

"So it's a monster tree, an Yggdmillenia."

Oscar uttered those words as a magic circle of green manifested in the air.

"I'll be the one to finish it!"

Jake said as he pulled out some sort of mini bombs.

He was throwing them like crazy at the tree.

Various explosions were occurring.

At that moment, he was hit.

Lambert was hitting Jake in the head.

"What the hell are you doing!"

"That's what I want to know."

A gust of wind hit the tree while Bellange was hitting the branches with his gun.

Both were useless.

The tree was regenerating from the blows of the weapon while the wind blows had no effect on it.

Both were starting to get annoyed.


Lambert called out to Elize.

"I'm momentarily entrusting you to His Highness."

"I understand."

Lambert looked sideways at Elize who was drawing her sword.

He was walking very quietly.

The others said to him.

"Hey, do you think you can defeat him alone?"

"Don't make me laugh."

"I won't believe what you say until I see it."

"I'll show you."

Lambert got into an attack position.

The tree raised its large branches and brought them down to crush Lambert.

Anyone would think that would happen, but not for him.


It was less than a second.

Lambert got into position and then....


Shouted the monster tree as it was slashed an infinite number of times great speed.

"Slash at the speed of sound. Still a very weak attack."

Everyone watched in amazement as in a split second, the monster fell into pieces.

At that moment, Lambert turned around.

"Your Highness, watch out!"

He shouted due to an ape-like monster approaching from behind to attack them.

Elize realized it late, the moment she noticed Lambert coming running, the monster bit the prince's right arm.

"Your Highness!"

Elize shouted as she stabbed the ape.

The latter instantly turned to ashes.

Regulux writhed in pain at its expression.

Elize tried to help him, but he....

"Don't come near me!"

She yelled at him for some reason.

"Why can't you do anything right!"

Lambert arrived to check the wound.

"It's not deep, but the bleeding won't stop."

His look of hatred was directed at Elize.

The other students who did nothing also looked annoyed.

The other three approached and sighed at the sight of her.

"You can't do a single thing right, is that too much for you?"

Elize wanted to cry, all she could say was.

"I'm sorry, so sorry. I'm really sorry, so sorry."

As she apologized in pain, Razel's group arrived.

Lily saw the injured prince and ran to heal him.

Upon returning to the academy, it was reported that Elize had hurt the prince, witnesses included.

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