Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Epilogue (Volume 6)

Epilogue (Volume 6)

"Where is he?"

"Find him!"

Early in the morning, Prince Blake was assassinated by Minister Olgren, the summons was given to all territories to seek and capture him.

The knights and adventurers of the empire searched everywhere.

Even in people's homes, all those who were related to him, either in a work, sentimental or social way were arrested.

This news is shaking the empire.

The spies who were infiltrated in the country were surprised like everyone else.

But there was someone who was affected by this more than anything else.

Sitting on a bench in the garden of his room was Crown Prince Sirius, looking down as he repeated the same thing.

"Blake is dead... my little brother is dead..."

"He went ahead to see mother... no... no..."


Sirius shouted as he threw things everywhere.

And just like that, the first school year of the game's prologue ended.

Two weeks have passed since the new year began.

Due to the murder case of the second prince, the vacation was extended and now we will enter the next semester in February.

At this time the whole nation was mourning the loss of the second prince.

Apparently Olgren's bastard killed him.

This event shook the empire and after two weeks of searching for him, he was never found, it is believed that he fled the country thanks to someone.

The weather was still freezing because of the winter that will end this week, then we will move on to spring.

The lines of people to say goodbye to the second prince were immense.

A war band played mournful music as we watched a group of marching knights pass by.

Boys and girls who belonged to the temple were throwing white rose petals at the feet of a group of imperial guards carrying Blake's open coffin.

There, we could see his smiling face and clasped hands intertwined with the family crest.

Behind the casket was the flag of the empire to end the ceremony.

After a while of taking the walk around the palace, the emperor in his best clothes stood in front of a platform and his reflection in a floating hologram was seen by all.

"Citizens, last year a misfortune occurred which was the loss of my son, your second prince."

"In the name of my son, I swear that whoever manages to find the location of his murderer, I will reward you like you have no idea."

"The empire will neither tolerate nor forgive traitors! His blood will be an offering for the second prince who passed away!"

"Long live the Arklight Empire and the Bryes dynasty!"

We all shouted the same thing. Then the members of the imperial family one by one, starting with the emperor, went to lay a rose on Blake's coffin.

After the emperor came his brother, the prime minister, his face looked sadder than that of his nephew's father.

Next was the crown prince, it was the first time I had seen him. He did not throw the rose like his father and uncle, instead he collapsed on his brother's grave.

That made me sad because in the game, both brothers died during the conflict of the revolution.

Some knights helped Prince Sirius, after him came someone I never saw in the game.

The mother of Regulux─ the empress, a beautiful woman with gathered blonde hair, beautiful green eyes and large breasts.

She used her handkerchief to cover her tears.

Next came Cid and Regulux and so came all the members of the imperial family.

As they were leaving the roses, I looked to my sides and the other dukes were gathered.

I forgot, the dukes and their relatives were in a specific section like the important nobles and ministers.

To my right were the dukes I knew. Jake and his father (who seemed to hate being here), Duke Wimlet and Duke Luinberg.

While to my left were the other dukes I had never seen in the game.

Next to me was a man with a hairstyle that looked like an old toy and a wavy mustache, he was Duke Mercury... and further behind him was Hugo.

At the end of the row was the last of the dukes, the one who was part of the revolution, a man who reminds me a lot a hikikomori, shoulder-length hair and scruffy mustache. Duke Carlyle it was.

Barbara was also well presented like everyone else, but for some reason her face looked pale, she even had a handkerchief in her purse for some reason.


In the box designated for the people of the palace, a certain sinister figure was looking at Blake's coffin with revulsion.

(That idiot Blake managed to hurt me a little.)

In its hand it had a bandage, Blake's attack managed to hurt it. But it managed to cut its throat, Blake smiled at least knowing that it hurt and that it would upset it.

(Now that Olgren and Blake are gone, my investigation will progress slowly, shall I see how it's going over there?)

Its gaze shifted to a certain person who was crying as she gripped the railing tightly.

"Why did you leave? Blake nii-sama."

A sinister smile flashed as it looked at its new victim.

After a couple of hours after seeing the tomb, we returned to the mansion.

The news surprised us all, but it bothered me more for two reasons.

The first is that everything is the same as in the game, Blake died, the position of the second prince is vacant just like the game.

The second problem is that Cid probably must be sad about his brother's death... incidentally Regulux too.

I guess I'll go visit them later.

We have two weeks left to spare before the new semester starts.

Let's take a break for this sad day.

Almost a week went by and everything was going as if nothing had happened.

Eli summoned all of us, me, her mother and the girls to a room.

"We only have a week left to enjoy this vacation."

"That's why I called you here, together with Lily-chan we talked and..."

Lily stood up and showed a drawing.

"Ta~da~! A family trip to the coast!"

"A trip?"

Said Barbara, whose mind had been wandering for a while now.

"That's right, I want all of us to go on a family trip and enjoy that week off."

"Sounds good."

"I'm in."

"Well, mom and you?"

"Huh! Oh yeah... sounds good to me."

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I've just been thinking a lot recently."

"Well, tomorrow we're going out, so everyone─"

Someone knocked on the door, it was Cordelia who called Eli.

"Eli ojou-sama, there is a visitor who wants to see you and your friends."


"Yes, also a message came."

"Umm, I don't remember requesting anything or having anything pending."

"Let's go."

Eli along with the girls walked out. Me and Barbara stayed in the room, I was planning to go out as well to see who it was, but she stopped me.

"Razel-kun, wait a moment."

"Yes, is something wrong?"

Barbara stopped me and stood up.

"You see, there's something I've wanted to tell you for a long time."

"Is there a problem?"

She gave me embarrassed looks from time to time, starting to scare me.

Then she took my hand and placed it on her belly.

"I... I'm pregnant, I'm in the fourth month."

"... Huh?"

What did she say?

"I was supposed to take care of myself when we loved each other, but it seems this happened the day I told you that secret."

"It was weird for me that my period didn't happen, I thought it was a stress thing, but I was wrong."

From her purse she pulled out a small tablet which had a + in the middle.

The technology in this world scared me sometimes, but this surprised me.

"I took the test since last week since it seemed weird to me, in the end it was reality... I should be happy, but I'm scared."

Her eyes red from tears hinted at that.

"I wanted this to happen after you married Eli and the others, after you got them pregnant, it would be my turn, but this... I didn't plan for this to happen."

She really ached to be the first to get pregnant, no time to hesitate.


I hugged her and showed her my resolve as her man.

"You should be happy! For at this moment, our child is inside you."

I looked into her face so she could see how serious I was.

"Don't cry with sadness, make it with joy. You finally ended up pregnant again, but this time I will be by your side as your husband."

"So don't cry, you are one of my women, both you and the creature in your womb I will love you both equally."

I wipe away her tears and we kiss.

(I will not allow her to cry again, my son or daughter right now is growing in her womb.)

(By all this... I don't know how to raise a child. I mean, from the point of view of my previous life I am still a teenager.)

(I never thought that in my second seventeen years of life, I would have a child.)

(Now how am I going to explain this to Eli and the others?)

There had been a strange noise outside for a while, but I didn't think anything of it.

As we withdrew our lips, I felt some presences that were not there before...

No... it seems they were there for a long time.josei

"Razel... why were you kissing my mother?"

Eli and the others were there.

We quickly parted ways Barbara and I due to the presence of Eli and the girls.

Celia and Evelyn looked confused, Cordelia, just made a face that implied that sooner or later this would happen, while Lily covered her mouth.

Eli's expression was the most frightening, as if she had seen something repulsive.

Her eyes darted to Barbara's hand as she spoke in a harsh tone.

"... A letter from the palace came... the first princess requests to see you as soon as possible... but there is something more important than that..."

"Mom... what's that in your hand? And why is there a plus sign on it?"

"Mom... what were you doing with Razel?"

"Eli... you see, I..."

Barbara was trembling as she didn't want to hurt her daughter.

While I was with a much more important and scary question.

(What is she doing here!?)

In the background, along with Cordelia, was both Amy without a costume and Leila watching me.

What the hell happened to make the events of my sentencing as a background character happen now!?


War Game arc completed

Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly background character, volume 6 end.

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