Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Side Story

Side Story: Black Dog

"Haah.... haah..."

On the streets of the lawless city many years ago.josei

A boy was running, he had just stolen a ham.

The boy─ Ludger, was running for his life while being chased by a butcher.

"Come back here you snotty little shit! I'll turn you into steak when I catch up with you!"

Ludger who was an eight-year-old, malnourished and above all an unwanted child, had to learn to live on his own as no one would watch over him.

Reaching a dead end, the butcher pulled out his knife.

He approached Ludger who smiled.

He grabbed a rock, and despite throwing it weakly, the rock soared up hitting him in the forehead.

Ludger was using his magical ability, a trick skill he was born with.

As the butcher fell to the ground, Ludger laughed.

"Hahahahaha, now that you're down, I'll go get the rest, thanks for the free food."

Ludger was soon known as the thieving dog, wanted by many for stealing from them.


"Who is the target?"

Years passed, and now Ludger was eighteen years old. He was very young but already recognized as a real criminal.

His jobs ranged from stealing to killing.

Presently a very suspicious client asked him to kill a nobleman.

Ludger was already wearing his charismatic eyepatch.

He exhaled the smoke of his cigar to then indicate the price in that seedy bar.

"I want one million crystalia, half upfront for now and the other half after finishing the job, the guarantee is your identity, so you won't be able to betray me."

"Sure, here."

The man was very respectful, Ludger found it suspicious.

But if the job was to kill a nobleman, it had to be business.

"Okay, send half the money to this address and then to this address the missing half. You have less than twelve hours to do it, I will confirm by my own methods the job."

"Yes, thank you very much."

Ludger was still puzzled by the man's behavior.

But he still didn't care.



Ludger was running as his arm dripped blood and with his other hand he covered a wound on his stomach.

"I never thought this would happen."

Ludger was one of the best contractors at taking people out. But the competition was too much and they hated him for it.

They struck a fair deal to kill him.

Ludger arrived at the right place and hundreds of men were waiting for him.

He killed many, but he was so wounded that he ran through the alleyways of the capital on this rainy night.

The men chasing him were getting closer and closer.

Due to the loss of blood, Ludger slipped and fell on the road after coming out of an alley.

His vision was blurring.

The hellhound... had just been caught.

A light was approaching near him, the men behind him as well.

Someone got out of a vehicle.

The men reached where Ludger was lying and as they lifted him up.

They were sliced.

Ludger did not understand how this happened, but due to the loss of blood he could not think of anything.


"... Where am I?"

Ludger woke up in a white room. His body was covered in bandages.

There, serving him some water was an old man.

On the other side of the bed was a young man with a few gray hairs holding a sword.

The old man handed him the glass of water, Ludger looked at him doubtfully, he could hear the birds singing outside the room.

"What do they want from me? I don't think you helped me just because you want."

"Why do you think that?"

"Are you stupid old man?"

The servant put his sword to Ludger's jugular.

"Disrespect my lord again and I'll cut that throat of yours."

"There, there, take it easy."

"But my lord..."

"Easy, I said."

"You see, it is true that I am an old fool. I helped you since I possess good eyes for people."

"Good eyes?"

"Let's say I can tell just by looking at someone whether they are hostile or trustworthy."

"Are you saying I'm trustworthy?"

"No, you're hostile, but not to me or him. With society you are."

"Your look indicates that you have a strong hatred against the empire."

"No one would blame you for that, but I will tell you that there are things worth living for."

"For example, that your family welcomes you."

"I don't have a family."

"I figured as much, but you have a chance to become a family man."


"Maybe. But when you get to my age you care more about people than money or possessions."


The old man and the servant were leaving the room, but Ludger stopped them.

"Wait. What will you do with me?"

"Nothing, just heal yourself and decide what you will do now."

"What's your name?"

The man turned and said a name he would remember forever.

"Richard. The current Duke Rosenberg."

"Let's go Glenn, today Alvin is bringing Barbara-chan home."


Richard and Glenn walked out of the room leaving Ludger alone.


As the days passed, Ludger healed and the day he was to leave the summer house he was hiding in. Glenn handed him a letter.

"And this?"

"A gift from my lord, you should be thankful that someone like him found you, it was the best luck you could have ever encountered in your entire life."

Glenn left as Ludger opened the letter.

There was a paper furniture title there, on which he indicated that Ludger was a nobleman. With this he could easily escape the clutches of those who wished to see him dead.

Ludger laughed a little and put the letter away carefully as he walked straight to the exit.

Lighting his cigarette he said.

"Ridiculous old man, kindness is not something that should exist in this rotten world. You'd better still be alive to return the favor."

But a long time later, Richard died, the Rosenberg Household fell into ruin and Ludger disappeared.


But years later, Ludger walked into a party.

"It's a nice night don't you think."

Since he had little education he acquired to do bodyguard work, Ludger walked into the Rosenberg Household.

He had spent the last few years looking for the former Duke Rosenberg, but without any success.

So he decided one thing as he looked at Eli, who reminded him to Richard.

(I couldn't return the favor, old man, but I promise I will make sure your family never suffers again.)

(From now on, I'll become your watchdog.)

"I am a new entrant to this faction, the newly appointed baron, Ludger von Valtrane, a pleasure."

Ludger who was originally an enemy of Lily and an assassin of Rosenberg Household, ended up becoming her ally and moreover her protector.

All because of the kindness of one man.

The power of showing affection and understanding to others is greater than the darkness of the heart, as it can change lives forever.

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