Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

Chapter 402 -402

Chapter 402 -402

Fiona sat in her room, reviewing the speech she would deliver on stage later that day. Today, she wore her elegant green Royal dress, complete with her crown and makeup.

She had this Royal Air around her that felt natural. josei


A sudden knock echoed on her door.

"Come in," Fiona called.

A butler dressed entirely in black entered the room, his age appearing to be around 1500 years. He had a white beard and black eyes, wearing glasses.

"Madam, your carriage is waiting at the front door," the butler informed Fiona.

Fiona promptly rose from her chair and looked at the butler. "Is our guest ready, Charlie?"

"It appears so, ma'am," Charlie replied with a smile.

"Then let's go," Fiona said as she started walking towards the exit door.

"Yes, ma'am," Charlie responded, bowing and holding the door open for the Queen to pass through.

As Fiona entered the main hall, she spotted Anon approaching from the other side, dressed handsomely in a black suit. His long hair added to his charm, and the way he held his cigar and slipped one hand into his pocket oozed confidence. Two flushed maids followed closely behind him.

'This guy is so handsome, I wish I can spend only one night with him.' One of the maids thought as she looked at Anon.

"You look rather dashing in black, Mr. Jule," the Queen complimented.

"I know," Anon replied with a smile, taking a pair of round sunglasses out from his inventory.

"What are those for ? Do you have vision problems ?" the Queen inquired, puzzled because in this time there was no concept of sunglasses.

"No, these are special glasses, custom-made to protect my eyes from sunlight," Anon explained, showing the sunglasses to Fiona.

"Hmm...? Are your eyes weak against Sunlight ?" Fiona asked with a confused expression.

"No, I am perfectly fine." Anon replied.

"So, are you a glassmaker?" Fiona asked again.

"No, let's just go," Anon said, donning the sunglasses, which transformed his appearance into even more sexier.

"Wow, you do look even more handsome now," Fiona praised.

'Master, don't fall for her flattery. She will definitely try to manipulate you like she did to me, before selling me to slave traders, i can't forget this bitch's trap from that day.

She said she wanted to take me out for a hunt because I am looking so beautiful and-' Jessica's voice echoed in Anon's mind but before she could've finished her story and interrupted her.

'I know, Luv. Don't worry. I doubt a woman like her can easily manipulate my mind, My mind is a machine that no one can easily manipulate and you think this chick can do that ?' Anon replied as he assisted Fiona into the carriage.

However, as he was about to step into the carriage with her, Jessica intervened.

'Don't enter that carriage, master. My sister has a habit of making fun of everyone. The moment you sit in that carriage and close the door, she'll kick you out and ridicule you in front of the servants to put you in your place,

Always hated this bitchy habit of hers.' Jessica explained.

Anon glanced around and saw that all the servants from throughout the house were watching him as if waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly a smile appeared on Anon's face.

'Thanks for the heads-up, Luv. Your sister seems to have quite the twisted fetish, huh?' Anon remarked as he took a step back and shut the carriage doors.

"Hmm... Clever boy, looks like I can really win this time." Fiona commented with a smile as she looked toward the closed door.

"Well, kid, you did a good thing. The servants were about to burst into laughter at your expense," Charlie said, opening the door to another carriage for Anon.

"Thanks, Charlie. I prefer my own carriage anyway," Anon stated as he entered his carriage and Charlie closed the gate.

Thirteen carriages, all marked with royal insignia, were dispatched from the castle. Everyone who crossed paths with them immediately bowed in respect.

"Weak always bows, but the strong always fight," Anon thought, smiling as he observed the bowing onlookers.

'The carriages arrived in front of a grand colosseum, the largest in the Elven Kingdom. It was used for only two purposes, one of which was the Academic Exchange' Jessica explained.

'Wait, are you following me?' Anon asked with a puzzled expression.

'Of course, I am. Look out the window of your carriage,' Jessica replied.

Anon glanced out and saw Jessica sitting in one of the colosseum's windows.

'What's the other purpose for this colosseum?' Anon asked with a confused expression.

'It's used to determine the leader of an upper noble family. If two suitable candidates in an upper noble family wish to see who is more capable of leading, they fight to the death here,' Jessica explained.


Suddenly, a maid opened the door to Anon's carriage. "Sir, please step down. Everyone is waiting for you," she said.

"Yes," Anon replied, disembarking and walking into the colosseum.

Many academies were present near the colosseum, with over a hundred participating in the tournament each year. Each academy had a unique flag, and their carriages bore these flags.

Anon noticed that all eyes were on him, even more than on the Queen herself.

"What are you doing?" Fiona whispered softly.

"What am I doing?" Anon asked, puzzled.

"Take out your cigar. When you're walking with royalty and if you're not a butler or a woman, you should always have a cigar in your hand," Fiona instructed.

"Really?" Anon asked, surprised.


"As you wish," Anon said, retrieving a cigar from his inventory and lighting it with a fireball spell.

Hello, My Queen. It's nice to see you again." An old lady around 1800 years greeted the Queen by bowing down. She looked around 50 years in looks. Brown hairs, Green eyes, fair skin colour and extra long ears.

"Hello, Mrs. Glen. It's nice to see you too." Fiona replied.

She is Mrs. Glen, a wealthy woman who has a knack for ladies make up. She owns almost every factory that produces natural beauty products for royal ladies.

She always comes to this contest with her grandson and for the last three years, no one is able to defeat her grandson, Maison.

"So you brought your grandson again, Huh ?" Fiona asked.

"I did. You see he is my lucky charm hahaha and they say three time is a charm." She laughed as she mocked Fiona.

"Ahha... you are right." Fiona fake laughed in front of her.

"Umm... is she mocking the Elven Queen ?" Anon asked Charlie in a very low voice.

"She is Mr. Jule. She has a very big attitude and she mocks Madam Fiona everytime she comes to this tournament." Charlie whispered.

"Well, isn't she the queen ? Can't she just kill her ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"It's not that easy sir." Charlie replied.

"So, whom do you bring this time ?" Mrs. Glen inquired.

"Well, i bring him." Fiona spoke as she pointed towards Anon.

"Hello, Gentleman. You look handsome." Mrs. Glen spoke as she showed Anon her hand.

'Hmm...? She Wants me to kiss her hand right, Jessica ?' Anon asked.

'Yes.' Jessica replied.

"Hello, Ma'am." Anon spoke as he didn't kiss her arm and just took a puff out of the cigar.


Afterward, he exhaled the smoke on her face.


"Not a very gentlemanly guy this time, Fiona ?" Mrs. Glen commented, coughing from the smoke.

"What can I say? The gentleman kept losing every time, so I thought, why not bring a real man this time who is not so gentle ?" Fiona replied with a smile.

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