Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 249

Chapter 249: Duel’s End

Chapter 249: Duel’s End

William wasn’t able to read the rest of the information of the Centennial Beast in front of him because it gave him no time to do so.

After screeching, the Centennial Ant fired an acid spray in William’s direction. The ground he was standing on a while ago melted into a puddle of acid. Since it was an AOE attack, William wasn’t able to prevent himself from getting grazed by the acid on his shoulder and legs.

Fortunately, William had coated his body with his Aura, but he still suffered second degree burns from the acid spray. He was, afterall, fighting against a Centennial Beast that was way out of his league.


Name: William Von Ainsworth

Race: Half-Elf

Health Points: 4,500 / 7,500

Mana: [ Disabled ]


‘Just a graze and I received this much injury,’ William thought as he distanced himself from the giant ant who was now running towards him. ‘If that thing hits me directly, I’m doomed.’

Smoke rose from the injured area of William’s body as he dodged the Ant’s relentless attacks. Initially, he thought of attacking Prince Aziel, but the latter had summoned dozens of Blood-Eyed Torment Ant Soldiers to protect him.

The prince currently had a gloating expression on his face as he looked at the pitiful Half-Elf.

[ Host, it is going to fire another Acid Spray! ]

“Yin Yang Cauldron!” William shouted and a cauldron materialized in front of him. It enlarged itself and formed a shield in front of William. The Acid Spray landed on its surface, but the cauldron remained intact.

Wendy and Amelia breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that William was safe. Their hearts were beating wildly inside their chests in anxiousness for the boy’s safety.

To William’s surprise the cauldron even absorbed the acid spray and stored it inside its “storage space” meant for ingredients. The Half-Elf decided to use the acid to his advantage and ordered the cauldron to spray the acid back.

However, his target was not the Centennial Beast in front of him, but the Prince that had surrounded himself with soldier ants.

Aziel immediately ordered the ants around him to form a meat shield to protect him from the acid spray. The dozen of ants melted as soon as the acid landed on their bodies, but their mass was enough to protect the Prince who hid behind them.

“If one is not enough then have a couple more!” Aziel screamed in fury. “Hear my call! Grim Nightmare Ant Commanders!”

Two more Centennial Ants appeared in the arena. The combined pressure of the three Centennial Beasts made the warriors look at them solemnly.

William still had a calm expression on his face, but that was because his consciousness was elsewhere. He had assigned the system to “temporarily control his body” while he negotiated with someone inside his Thousand Beast Domain.

“Hahaha! You stupid elf! You finally made your appearance!” Kasogonaga roared in anger. “How dare you trap me inside this domain. I will make you pay with your life!”

“Wait! Wait! Listen to me first!” William raised both of his hands in an attempt to pacify the enraged Demigod. “I came here because I have a proposal!”

“I will not negotiate with any elves! Die!”

“If I die, you will be trapped here for Eternity. Do you want that to happen?”

The rainbow-colored, two-meter-tall, curled-up Anteater, stopped in its tracks. It was about to ram itself on William’s body, but the moment the elf mentioned being trapped for Eternity, it hurriedly stopped its attack.

“You dare to threaten this Demigod!” Kasogonaga shouted hatefully.

“Just listen first, how about we make a deal? I promise that you will gain benefits from it.”

“What deal?! Speak you wretched elf!”

William decided to come clean because he didn’t have much time remaining. The system said that he could only take over his body for ten minutes max before the auto-pilot feature was disabled.

“I am currently fighting three Centennial Ants…”

“Hahaha! Doesn’t that mean that you’re as good as dead? Good! You deserve to die a gruesome death.”

“If I die, you will be trapped here for Eternity.” William reminded the smug-faced Anteater, which made the latter immediately choke on its own laughter.

“The two of us started on the wrong foot, but let me tell you one thing,” William said after taking a deep breath. “I am not an Elf. I am a Half-Elf.”

“You’re still Half an Elf!” The Kasogonaga didn’t want to compromise.

Although it knew that Half-Elves were also treated badly by the Elves, its long imprisonment made it hate anything that had an “Elf” attached to it.

“You hate the elves right? I mean, I also resent them to a certain extent because they forced my mother and I to be separated,” William explained.

The Kasogonaga paused and looked at William with a serious expression. As a Demi-God, it had the power to see through all lies and deceit by mortals. No mortal on Hestia could lie to a Demi-God and think that they could get away with it.

William then hurriedly narrated the story about how his father saved the Silvermoon Continent and sacrificed himself to save the World Tree. However, some of the Elders of the Elven Council still hated William’s father because he had made the Saintess his wife.

“Hmp! Even after thousands of years, those hypocrites are still hypocrites!” the Kasogonaga stomped the ground with its little foot in anger.

“I’d like to tell you more, but I don’t have much time left,” William said anxiously. “Right now, I need your help. Please, help me.”

The Kasogonaga pondered for a while before reluctantly noddings its head.

“I will help you, but in return, you will allow me to use some of the High-Grade Magic Crystals you have stored inside your Domain.”



Back in the Arena…

“It’s time for you to die, you wretched slave!” Prince Aziel ordered the three Centennial Ants to corner William and end his life.

Right now, William’s back leaned against the wall of the Arena. The three Centennial Beasts had him surrounded and there was no longer any place to run and evade.

The three ants opened their mandibles wide and attacked William.

Wendy and Amelia covered their eyes with their hands. They didn’t want to see their Commander’s gruesome death in the jaws of the Centennial Beasts.

Brianna, who was watching the battle, clenched her fists so hard that her nails had dug down into her palms, drawing blood.

Princess Aila, sighed internally as she averted her gaze. She knew that the battle was already at its end, and she didn’t want to personally witness the death of a brave young man who only wanted to save the damsel in distress.

It was at that moment when a loud and arrogant voice echoed inside the arena.


A two-meter tall, rainbow-colored wrecking ball slammed on the face of one of the Centennial Ants. After hitting its target, it bounced towards the other Ant and hit its head as well. Naturally, it didn’t end there and it hit the head of the remaining ant that had a look of surprise on its face.

Although the Kasogonaga was only a Class C Beast, it was still a Demigod and the “bane” of all ants. Its attacks, no matter how weak it was, would always give the maximum damage towards all kinds of ants which were its food.

The three Centennial Ants collapsed on the ground, shrieking in pain.

The rainbow-colored Anteater, uncurled itself and a long, elongated tongue extended from its snout. The tongue wrapped around the body of one of the ants and pulled it towards the Anteater.

The Centennial Ant struggled helplessly but it was of no use. Faced with the bane of its existence, all of its attempts to break free were futile.

“Nom nom.”

The ant was devoured by the smaller Anteater as if it was nothing. It was akin to a goldfish eating a baby shark, but the irony was, there was still room to spare in its stomach!

The stomach of the Kasogonaga was similar to a small blackhole. Any Ant type creatures would be instantly absorbed within that blackhole and they would be digested gradually over time.

After seeing the demise of their comrade, the two Centennial Ants tried to escape, but the Kasogonaga was a step ahead of them. It wrapped the two ants with its tongue and devoured both of them at the same time.

Prince Aziel watched this scene in disbelief. Actually, he was not the only one. Everyone who was watching the battle had dumbfounded looks on their faces.

While everyone was still reeling from the shock, one of the Mithril Ranked warriors from the Anaesha Dynasty shouted.

“Prince! Above you!”

Prince Aziel hurriedly looked above him and saw another unbelievable sight.

William was holding a flaming spear in his hands that was over two meters long. His robes fluttered in the air as he raised the spear to strike.

“Bloom in the battlefield,” William roared. “Fleur Du Soleil!”

The spear left a blazing trail in the sky as it streaked towards the horrified Prince that was frozen in place. josei

Prince Aziel’s vision was bathed in a golden light. That was the last thing he saw before his body, and ambitions, turned into ashes.

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