Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 102 Graduation Ceremony.(2)

Chapter 102 Graduation Ceremony.(2)

He stood up and strolled straight to the front as he was facing both the parents, the students, and the teachers. Then he began speaking,

"It's a nice thing to see kids go to school to get basic knowledge and learn a lot of things. Being illiterate isn't good, and I'm sure no parent would want that for their child or children. It brings joy to parents' hearts when they see their children completing school,

This academy has produced lots of intelligent students in the past and is still doing so up till now".

He then glanced at all the graduating students and uttered,

"Look at these students that would be graduating from this school today. They've passed through all the necessary classes, they've gained knowledge, they are well equipped to accomplish things in life, in this kingdom,

I'm sure the parents of these students are proud. And a lot of thanks go to the kings that have ruled this kingdom in the past and the one that is ruling us currently. They made learning easier, they made it easier for kids to get the basic knowledge,

We all know how education was done back then, things hadn't improved that much at that time. But the kings did their best to improve things with the help of the officials. They built better structures, made seats, and so on. So lots of thanks go to the kings,

These students over there should be proud of themselves 'cause they patiently passed through all the needed classes. And now, they are done, they are graduating. Some students dropped out of school, they weren't patient enough to pass through all the necessary classes,

It's happened in this academy before, that's why I'm saying it. So these graduating students should be proud of themselves. And I'm sure you parents are proud of them too. So I'm done with my speech, that's all I have to say,

So I'm gonna be inviting the class teachers of these students to come give their speeches".


And the moment the head teacher finished his utterance, claps resounded, they were clapping to what he was a nice speech. The teachers of the graduating students stood up from their chairs and began strolling toward where the head teacher was standing...male and female.

All the graduating students weren't in the same class, they were from two different classes. But most of them were age mates, and some were older. So the teachers strolling toward the head teacher were the teachers of the two classes.

They reached where the head teacher was as they were facing everyone now. Then the female teacher gave her speech, and the male one followed. And both of them received claps after they were done making their speeches.

And now, it was about time for the class teachers of the graduating students to say something about the students. What was their behavior like when they were at school, and so on?

..This was something Aiden was interested in hearing. He wanted to hear what Hazel's class teacher would say about her.

The female teacher was the first person to begin speaking. She started with a boy that was among the graduating students. Now, they weren't teachers of these students while they were still kids, when they hadn't even entered their teenage age.

They became teachers of these students after they transferred to their classes and were already in their teenage age. So the male and the female teachers were never class teachers of kids that weren't in their teens...they were always teachers of teenage students.

But for the time being that they've become teachers of these students, they had already known them well, their personalities and all that. So when the female teacher began speaking about a certain boy, his mother that was present among the other parents listened attentively.

"One thing I have to say for sure is that he's stubborn, he barely listens to instructions. And apart from being their class teacher, I was also teaching them a subject. Now, being one of their subject teachers, I also noticed that he doesn't listen in class,

He gets distracted easily, something small can easily catch his attention which would cause him not to focus on what is being taught anymore".

..The moment she made that last utterance, she glanced at the boy, and he glanced away a little.

His facial expression reads, 'Why are you exposing my secret? Don't you know my mum is here? Don't you know she thinks of me as a really good boy?'.

..She noticed and read the expression on his face, but she didn't care about that.

She had mentioned the bad side of the boy, but he had a good side too, and she wouldn't fail to mention it.

"But he's really intelligent. What surprises me is that, though he doesn't listen that much in class and gets distracted easily, when they are given tests or exams to do, he does well in them. So he's stubborn but intelligent, really intelligent. That's something that amazes me about him".

And the moment the teacher was done making that utterance, a kind of relieved expression appeared on his face. Though she mentioned his bad side which would have most likely made his mum disappointed, she mentioned his good side as well.

..He was relieved.

And so the female teacher kept mentioning the qualities of the graduating students that were in her class. Some were positive throughout, while some were negative and positive at the same time. No one was only negative.

And by now, it was about time for the male teacher to begin mentioning the qualities of the graduating students in his class. He began mentioning them one by one. And just like the female teacher, some were positive throughout, and some were negative and positive.

For each student he'd be talking about, he'll focus his gaze on them, and the parents of the child would be listening attentively. Right now, he was talking about the positive side of a girl after talking about her negative side.

"But she's smart though, knows when to behave herself at times, and does well on tests and exams".

..And done speaking about the girl, he focused his gaze on, Hazel.

"And as for this girl named, Hazel..."

Hearing their daughter's name, Ethan and Emma listened more attentively at that moment. And Aiden listened attentively as well, he had been waiting for this time.

"All I can say is wow. She's well-behaved, smart, hasn't caused me any sort of trouble before. Listens attentively in class, I can keep going on and on, and they'll all be positive comments. She's just an outstanding student".

The moment the teacher was done making that utterance, a smile appeared on Hazel's face. All her teacher said about her was positive. And she agrees to all, she does tries to behave well at school. And she was a mild girl naturally...and also pretty.

..Ethan and Emma were satisfied with what they heard, and so was Aiden as well, he was glad they didn't say any negative thing about his sister.

Done speaking about Hazel, he began talking about the next student. And so it kept on going, he kept on talking about the students until he was done talking about them. Just like Hazel, there were some students he said outstanding things about, all positive things.

..And as usual, he said both negative and positive things about some students.

While the teachers were talking about their graduating students, the head teacher had already gone to sit down. And now that they were done, he strolled out as he was facing everyone again. Then he began speaking,

"You all have heard the things said about your children, both negative and positive things. But all we know is that they were patient enough to be done with school, they didn't rebel...we are still proud of all of them".

And all the parents nodded their heads a little. Then the head teacher's voice resounded again,

"It's about time for you parents to have a drink. Those bottles of drinks you all are seeing on the tables right now are alcoholic, they are meant for the fathers mostly, but you mothers can still drink out of them if you want,

But another round of drinks would be served around right now, they aren't alcoholic at all. Those are mainly meant for you mothers. Please, no one should get intoxicated. As for you kids and the graduating students, you'll get yours soon".

..And at that moment, about three teachers went into one of the buildings of the academy. And by the time they came back, they were with cups and more drinks...non-alcoholic ones.

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