Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 107 Distress.

Chapter 107 Distress.

Ethan had arrived in front of his house by now, and he didn't waste time riding the horse straight into the compound. Up till now, Emma was still restless, she wasn't pacing around though. She just sat on that same chair with Hazel still sitting close to her and comforting her.

The moment she heard the horse's neighing, she knew Ethan had arrived home, and she quickly stood up from the chair she was sitting on. It was completely dusk, but she wasn't feeling sleepy at all.

..How would she feel sleepy when she was so worried?

All she wanted was feedback from Ethan, did he find Aiden?

Ethan had parked the horse by now, come down from it, and began walking toward the house. And the moment he stepped foot into it arriving at the living room, Emma strolled toward him.

He wasn't with Aiden, she glanced at the door, and Aiden doesn't seem to be coming in, there'd most likely not be good news. But she still asked anyway,

"So, what is the situation? Any good news? Did you find Aiden?".

With a bit of gloomy expression, Ethan shook his head a little while voicing out, "No good news, I didn't find Aiden. I searched to the best of my capability, but he was nowhere to be found. I went to his academy but didn't find him there, no one was there,

I roamed while glancing around, but didn't still sight him. I even searched wildernesses but didn't see him. It's a sure thing, Aiden has been captured, and we're most likely not gonna see him today. We just have to hope he hasn't been killed, hope he is still alive".

..Emma became more distressed at that moment, she just strolled toward the chair she stood up from and sat back on it.

Hazel made sure to keep comforting her mum. Though she was distressed too, her brother was missing...she had to keep consoling her mum to the best of her capability.

Emma was just trying her very best for water not to flow out of her eyes, she was holding back her tears. Lydia and Alora heard what Ethan said as well, that he didn't find Aiden, no good news...and they were distressed as well.

And as of this moment, they were feeling pity for Emma, this was really hard for her. With that gloomy expression still plastered to his face, Ethan strolled into his room and kept his scabbard where it was supposed to be.


Right now, Hazel was in her room, and the servants were in their room as well. And the three of them were feeling distressed, where was Aiden? Hope nothing bad happened to him?

And as for Alora, these thoughts kept on running through her mind,

'Where is that small boy? That boy that is good at satisfying my sexual urge without penetrating me? Hope nothing bad has happened to him, hope he is still alive'.

..She was truly worried, she wanted Aiden to be safe wherever he was.

She wasn't worried 'cause he wouldn't be able to satisfy her sexual urge anymore if he goes missing completely...but that was part of the reason though.

The only people that were in the living room were Ethan and Emma, they were sitting on chairs. And somehow, tears finally flowed out of Emma's eyes, there was a time she couldn't control it anymore.

And when was that time? When they were eating dinner. Though Aiden was missing, they still had to eat dinner. The only person that didn't eat was Emma, while the others were eating slowly.

Everyone was sitting round the dining table and eating. Emma's food was in front of her, but she didn't have the appetite to eat it. She just kept glancing at it and thinking about the fact that her son was missing...

..And then, water flowed out of her eyes, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

As said, Ethan and Emma were in the living room currently, and the expressions on their faces weren't bright at all. They just sat there in silence when Emma finally spoke,

"How could this happen? Where is my son, Aiden?".

..Little tears began flowing out of her eyes again.

Then Ethan spoke, "Emma, there's something I want to tell you".

"What is it?". Emma uttered glancing at Ethan and wiping off the little tears that streamed out of her eyes with her hands.

"Remember, Aiden was almost captured when he was a baby. If not for the effort I put into getting him back, then he would have been captured and might even be killed. Up till now, we don't know the person behind the failed capture. Was it one of the chiefs or nobles? Or was it one of the natives of this kingdom?

Up till now, we don't know if it was a joint thing, or if the assassins were sent by only one person. We don't know these things, we haven't found out. And now, Aiden has gone missing with a very high possibility that he was captured,

I am having a really strong feeling that the person behind his failed capture in the past is the same person behind his going missing. And I just keep wondering, who is that person that hates me this much and wants to keep torturing me by capturing my son?".

Emma nodded her head a little and stated, "This makes a lot of sense, but who is that person? Is the person still jealous that you have a son now and he doesn't? After all these years that have passed?".

"This is something that is still surprising me. If truly that's the case that Aiden got captured by that same person that tried capturing him when he was a baby, then that person really hates me. Like, I have received some of the privileges that come with having a son,

One of them is my promotion as a chief, which took place years ago. Since that, I haven't been promoted again. So is that person still envious of me? After all these years? If I find out who that person is, he's gonna suffer at my hands...I mean it".

..Ethan made that last utterance with a stern look on his face.

All Emma could say was, "They shouldn't harm my son, they shouldn't do anything to him, I beg of them".

She said it with a bit of sobbing voice.

It was complete nighttime heading straight to midnight, but the both of them weren't feeling sleepy at all, they were so worried. They'd be staying in the living room for some time.


Aiden opened his eyes, and he was so surprised where he found himself. He was sitting on a chair with a rope tied around him...he couldn't even move his body.

And where was he? He was in a certain compartment that was a little dark, he could barely see around. There weren't many things in the compartment apart from him, the chair he was sitting on, the rope tied around him, another chair, and a certain piece of wood on the ground.

And he could still feel he was wearing his school bag, they tied the rope around him with his school bag on.

And at that moment, he began recalling what happened while he was coming back from school that ended him up in this place. He didn't even know when he reached this place.

He was walking when a certain palm covered his nose with black clothing. And due to the substance he sniffed on the black clothing, after glancing at the person that covered his nose, he blacked out immediately...he dozed off.

..And the next time he opened his eyes, he was already here.

'The person was wearing a f**king mask, I couldn't see his face'. Aiden thought to himself.

The next thoughts that ran through his mind were,

'Maybe it was a she. I feel it was more than one person that was around that place when that stuff happened to me, but it was one person that executed the plan. They must have hidden really well 'cause I didn't see a single soul while passing that place,

Maybe it was even them that made everyone evacuate that place so they could execute their plan. But who are they? Why did they capture me? Are they going to kill me?'.

..He was somehow scared at that moment.

Lots of thoughts were still running through his mind, 'Everyone at home must be really worried right now. According to what I'm seeing, seems like it's nighttime currently, the capturing took place today'.josei

..And at that moment, Aiden discerned something, a major thought struck his head.

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