Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 112 The Search.

Chapter 112 The Search.

He meant it, he was distressed due to his son going missing, but anger was embedded in his heart as well. If he doesn't kill the person that was behind the capture of his son, he was gonna leave him half dead the person would just wish to die.

"We are gonna search many wildernesses. We'll divide ourselves into groups, each group for a certain territory". One of the warriors voiced out.

All the knights and warriors just stood there listening and giving suggestions, Ethan was among them. And by now, they had already divided themselves into groups and shared the territories they were gonna base their search on.

And now that they were done, they began heading straight to the communities they were to search. Each of them was with their scabbards with swords in them, and they were ready to search to the best of their capabilities.

How could this happen to Ethan? A warrior that was helping this kingdom in many ways? And was also a chief as well? He was among the warriors that do journey to pay tributes to the two kingdoms they do pay tributes to.

He was a chief, he could choose to say he doesn't want to be involving himself in such things, he could choose to live like a chief fully. But no, he never neglects his warrior duties, his chiefly duties, and so on.

..So how could these things be happening to him? Who was the person doing this to him?

So both the knights and warriors were ready to assist him search for his son to the best of their capabilities. As they marched to the different territories they'd been assigned to, people glanced at them.

Some people had already heard the news of Ethan's son going missing. And some of them also heard the news of when his son got captured as a baby. And they kept wondering why these things were happening to him...he was a good person.

Ethan was marching with his group as they were heading straight to the territory assigned to them, that's where they were gonna search. There were warriors and knights with him, and they were ready to do their jobs well.

Apart from searching wildernesses and other places, they were gonna search people's houses as well. Now, they wouldn't search all houses, they were gonna search houses that looked suspicious.

..How would they know a house looked suspicious? By the people they see around it or the people living in it.

There were bad people around, it could be one of the natives of this kingdom that was behind what happened to Ethan's son, or it could be any of the officials.

Now, if it was one of the natives of this kingdom, they'd definitely hide Aiden, especially now that a search was going on. The person could choose to hide him in his house, so any house that looks suspicious would be searched.

This could also be joint stuff, it could be more than one person that was behind what had been happening to they really had to search well.

And if it was one of the officials that were behind what happened to Ethan's son or even joint stuff. Who knows? The natives of this kingdom could be assisting that official to hide Aiden.

..So this is the reason why they were to search people's houses as well...but they were gonna make sure to do it gently.

The warriors and the knights were already arriving at the different territories they were to search, and they began searching immediately. Ethan and the knights and warriors arrived at their territory, and they began searching as well.

They began searching abandoned houses first, houses that people weren't living in anymore, old edifices. And people watched them as they searched, both people that were in front of their houses and passersby.


The moment the meeting at the king's palace finished taking place, and the officials departed from the palace. All that was running through Asher's mind was to go inform those assassins about the current situation.

And what was the current situation? Knights and warriors were gonna begin searching around for Aiden soon. And surely, they were gonna search wildernesses. So after strolling out of the king's palace, mounting the horse one of his guards brought along...the guard rode him out of that place.

Reaching home, he told his guards he was heading somewhere again, his wife, children, and servants didn't even hear about it. And he told his guards he was gonna ride himself to that place, he could ride a horse.

..Where was he heading to? To the assassins to relay information to them, so no one must follow him.

So walking out of his house, he strolled to one of the horses on the compound, mounted it, and rode it out of the compound.

He reached where the assassins were and met only two of them there, but he didn't care, he relayed the information to them...he gave them instructions. He told them to be really cautious since the search for Aiden had already started or was about to start.

He told them to make sure the warriors and knights searching for him doesn't make their way to that forest though it would be hard for them to reach the forest...they mustn't notice the old edifice where Aiden was in.

They should dress up like normal citizens of this kingdom and try to be roaming close to the forest so they could easily change the warriors' and knights' direction if they notice their destination was the forest...the forest Aiden was in.

They could do this by telling them, 'I think I saw someone carrying that boy you guys are looking for'.

..They'll point to a certain direction, and the knights and warriors would follow that path thinking the person wanted to go hide Aiden somewhere else now that he's heard they were searching for him.

They'll make sure to dress responsibly in nice-looking robes so the warriors and knights would believe them instantly the moment they tell them this.josei

And if another group finds their way to the forest and tries entering it, they should do the same thing to them. Asher didn't see them dividing themselves into groups to go search different communities, but he had a feeling they'd do something like that.

..All these were Asher's instructions, and the assassins took them in and would relay them to the other assassins.

And apart from taking them in, they have to put them into action immediately. After Asher had relayed that information to them, he made his way to the horse he brought along, climbed it, and rode it off heading straight to his house.


The search for Aiden had already started hours ago. They were searching around the different territories they were in. They had searched abandoned houses, people's homes that looked suspicious, and even wildernesses, but they hadn't found Aiden up till now.

..But they didn't stop, they kept on searching.

Anytime they want to search a person's house, they'll explain to the person or people why they wanted to search their house...they never used force. But if it happens to be you don't want them to enter, then they'll use a bit of force to enter it.

In the territory Ethan was in, they searched and searched, but they didn't find Aiden. They had entered people's homes, checked abandoned houses, entered wildernesses, checked intersections...but they didn't find Aiden, not even a strand of his hair.

..Right now, all of them were in a certain forest, both Ethan, the warriors, and the knights.

And the forest wasn't that thick. There were trees, branches, leaves, and so on in the forest. But they weren't that many that you'll have to start dodging all the time. You'll walk a little and bend your head to not hit it on a tree branch.

And it keeps on going like that wasn't like that.

As they were strolling in the forest, they kept glancing around to see if they'll sight Aiden or anything suspicious. You know, maybe someone watching them or something. But they didn't notice any of the two.

And apart from that, they were also watching out for dangerous things. A snake could just bite one of them in the leg, and that would be really bad. Looking for someone to save the person from danger, then getting endangered due to a snake biting you in the leg.

..It wasn't nice at they were watchful of dangerous creatures as well.

The search for Aiden had been going on for hours. It had gotten to evening...and Aiden hadn't still been found.

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