Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 114 They'll Most Likely Kill Me.

Chapter 114 They'll Most Likely Kill Me.

We all know Ethan was searching for him, but Aiden wasn't aware of this. So his thinking was based on probability...was his dad searching for him or not?

But he had a feeling Ethan was searching for him, he knows how much his dad loves him. How he wish he could just find a way to release himself from this place and depart was just so uncomfortable here.

And at that moment, he remembered something,

'I haven't gotten a quest from the system today'.

He was still concerned about completing daily quests though he was tied to that chair? He wants his skill points to keep increasing, he wants his Exp to keep increasing so he could be leveling up.

..So though he was stuck to that chair and was uncomfortable, he wants to earn rewards.

He called out on the system at that moment, "System".

<Yes, host>

"Wouldn't I be getting a daily quest today?". He inquired.

<Host wouldn't be getting a quest in this condition, there's nothing for you to accomplish>

"Try to find one, even if it is me smiling for five minutes, I'll do it though I don't feel like smiling at all. I just need to earn the rewards".

<There'll be no quest for you today host, there might even be no quests for you in the meantime. Let's see how it goes>

..As said, the system was hiding something from him which would be revealed at the right time.

Aiden sighed, so there'll be no quest for today...well, there was nothing he could do about it. All he could do now was sit there without being able to do anything. He was tired already...he'll only get more tired.

He was still sitting on that chair with a gloomy expression on his face when he heard a sound...actually, he was hearing sounds. Like someone was heading toward this place.

The sounds were getting louder, and he was sure someone or people were heading toward this edifice. And the thought that ran through his mind at that moment was,

'Is it someone dangerous? Or someone that has come to save me? Is it one person, or are they more than one?'.

..Asher and the two assassins that came to feed him in the morning stepped foot into the compartment...and he's found answers to his questions.

He wouldn't be getting saved at all, these were the people that captured him, how would they be coming to save him? They were wearing masks, and according to what Aiden was seeing, seems like he'd get to eat dinner.

He was seeing a certain plate in one of the assassins' hands and bottled water in the other. Noticing the gloomy expression on Aiden's face, Asher uttered,

"Kid, it's been a really bad experience for you staying here, right?".

"Yes, a really bad one, I want to be set free". Aiden voiced out.

Asher laughed a little, then uttered once again, "That would never happen, but it can happen in another way though".

..Now, that meant something else.

"I'm sure you're hungry considering you didn't eat lunch. You'd be given something to eat now". Asher stated once again.

Then Aiden said something they weren't expecting to hear, "I have a feeling my dad is most likely looking for me. I want you to know something, he's strong. You'd most likely pay for what you're doing to me right now. You'd pay for keeping me captive".

Asher paused, he was surprised by Aiden's utterance. Yeah, his dad was searching for him, and he wasn't doing it alone. Well, he was gonna make sure they wouldn't locate here easily.

"Even if that's the case, I'm gonna make sure he doesn't find you easily. And before I even pay for capturing you, I'd make sure something bad had happened to you first".

..Hearing that sent shivers down Aiden's spine...that meant they'll kill him.

Asher glanced at the assassin with the plate and bottled water in his hands and said to him,

"Go feed him".

And the assassin did just so, he began strolling toward Aiden. Reaching where Aiden was sitting, he bent, opened the plate of food, and began feeding him.

Aiden didn't like this, but what can he do? He has to let himself get fed like a baby, he was hungry. He should get fed like a baby than for him not to eat anything throughout the night.

The assassin kept feeding him until the plate had been emptied, then he was given water to drink. And now, it was about time for them to depart. Asher just wanted to see them feed him, he wanted to see his captive.

The three of them strolled toward the door of the compartment, opened it, and stepped out.

"They'll most likely kill me". Aiden muttered to himself.

..And that was the absolute truth.


The search for Aiden wouldn't stop, Ethan, the other warriors, and the knights would continue with the search. The next day had reached, and by now, Ethan had already gotten up from bed while his wife was still sleeping.

He remembered her crying out her eyes yesterday as Hazel and the servants kept consoling her. He was in pain too, he was distressed as well, but he can never cry. He was a man and a f**king warrior at that.

Getting up from the bed, he began preparing for the search for Aiden would continue today. And by now, he had already dressed up in his normal warrior style.

He wore his meeting robe to the king's palace yesterday, and it was the same robe he used in searching around for Aiden while all of the other warriors were dressed in their warrior style.

But today's own would be different, he was gonna be dressing in his normal warrior style. As said, he was already dressed up, and his scabbard was on his waist. He didn't go to work yesterday, and he wouldn't be going today too.

..But somehow, he was gonna be going today, but he wouldn't last long there.

As known, his animal field was what generates his main income...and it generates a lot. He didn't go there yesterday at all due to the search for Aiden. But he was gonna be going there today to handle a few things and put someone in charge in the meantime.

And once he's done with that, he'd head straight to the king's palace where he, the other warriors, and knights would gather before they begin moving to different territories again to search for, Aiden.

So we can say he'd be going to work today, but he wouldn't last long there at all. That's why as early as possible this morning, he's already woken up and prepared. He wouldn't want to keep the warriors and knights waiting due to him going to his animal field.

..Right now, he was standing in front of his family. Emma, Hazel, Alora, and Lydia.

And these were the words that flowed out of his mouth that instant,

"The search for Aiden would be resuming today. I'd be heading to the king's palace again, but before I go there, I'll have to head over to my animal field to handle some things and put someone in charge for the meantime".josei

After making that utterance, he strolled toward Emma, held her back and patted it a little, then voiced out,

"Don't lose hope completely, we'll try our best to find Aiden. I'm also in pain too, I'm distressed, but I'm doing my best to hold it in. Him being dead is based on probability, so there's hope of finding him,

And as for the person that is behind this, the king said he would help in finding out who that person is if it's among the officials. Don't lose hope completely, alright?".

And with that, Ethan pecked her on the forehead, glanced at Hazel, and said,

"Take care of your mum".

Hazel did nothing more than nod her head. The tailoring skill Hazel wanted to learn would have to wait, there was a big problem at hand that needed to be solved before they begin talking about that.

..And she understood completely.

This was her younger brother that went missing, she was also in pain. And by now, Ethan had already departed from the house.

And he did exactly as he planned. He went straight to his animal field, handled the things he wanted to handle, put someone in charge, then begin heading straight to the king's palace.

Reaching the compound of the king's palace, he could see some of the warriors and all of the knights waiting for him there. They weren't only waiting for him, they were waiting for the other warriors to arrive as well.

After parking his horse well, he came down from it, tied it to somewhere, then began walking toward the knights and warriors.

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