Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 127 The Truth Mustn't Be Revealed. (How It Happened) (2)

Chapter 127 The Truth Mustn't Be Revealed. (How It Happened) (2)

And he did just so, carefully, he was able to get close to them without them noticing him. And he heard everything they talked about. The messenger told the woman what the king wanted, and the woman agreed to help him out with it.

The messenger said he'd deliver her reply to the king, then he'll come to tell her what he tells him next, and she only nodded her head. And with that, the messenger departed from her presence.

..According to what the assassin was seeing, the woman doesn't seem to be that stable financially.

Not that she was very poor, but she wasn't average either. She could be bribed according to what he was seeing, but he wasn't sure.

What was his next plan? To keep stalking the messenger and the king. He wanted to know what the messenger was gonna tell the woman next...what was their next plan. Once he's known that, he'll then relay the whole information to Asher.

And that's what he did, he was doing his job properly, he was being cautious, so neither the king nor the messenger noticed him. This was what the assassin heard the king telling the messenger,

"Go tell her I'll need her in the palace in the next two days to read through the minds of all the officials. She'd be rewarded well".

And so the messenger carried the statement to the woman, he told her exactly as the king told him...and the assassin was around when the messenger was telling her that.

He's confirmed everything, he's known the community where the woman was residing, he knows exactly where her house was situated, he knows she wasn't that stable financially, he knows she was a really good mind was about time to relay the whole information to, Asher.

Currently, Asher had just arrived at their residence. He came to check out the assassin the next day after the mission was given to him, but he didn't see him. He came to check out on him the upper day but didn't see him as well.


..Arriving at their house now, he's already sighted the assassin.

He strolled toward him and uttered, "How come you were absent for two days".

"I was doing my job, I needed to do my job properly. And now that I've completed my job, I'm expecting my great reward. I've discovered what the king plan on doing to find out the person behind Aiden's capture and even more".

..Asher's face lightened up the moment he heard the assassin's utterance...his face was filled with curiosity.

He inquired of the assassin at that moment, "What is it? What does he plan on doing?".

"He plans on making use of a person with the mind-reading ability to read through the minds of the officials. With that kind of plan, there's no how you wouldn't be revealed as the culprit. Once the person searches through your mind, he or she would find out you were the one that captured Ethan's son, and you'll be exposed".

..Asher's eyes widened at that moment, yeah, that was a really nice plan to fish out the culprit.

What can he do? He can't bury his thoughts so the person wouldn't be able to read them? Once the person searches his head, he or she would see through what he's done in the past.

But Asher was somehow glad, at least, the assassin has been able to find out what the king planned on doing...that has been handled. At least, he's known, it would have been really bad if he wasn't aware.

He uttered to the assassin once again, "And what is the more? Did you discover anything else?".

"Yes, as I told you, I was doing my job properly. Apart from finding out that the king plan on using a mind reader to read through you guys' minds, I know the person that's gonna do the job of reading through you guys' minds". The assassin responded.

Asher's eyes widened the more the moment he heard that, then he voiced out, "Who is the person?".

"A certain woman living in a certain community in this kingdom. I heard when the king gave the task to one of his messengers, so I trailed the person and discovered where he found a person with the mind-reading ability, and it was a woman,

The woman hasn't met with the king yet according to what I saw. But according to what the messenger told the woman which was from the king, she is gonna come to the palace in the next two days. I'm sure the king is gonna summon you all for a meeting once again when the time reaches so the woman can read through you guys' minds,

And according to what I heard, she's gonna be rewarded for it. According to what I saw also, she'd be really good at mind reading, she would have possessed the ability for a long time now. And also, she doesn't seem to be that stable financially, she can be bribed with more rewards,

You need to act fast, there's no time, you all would soon be summoned to the palace once again". The assassin dropped all the needed information.

..And at that moment, a lot of thoughts were running through Asher's mind, he was contemplating what to do...he was a little confused.

He glanced at the assassin and inquired, "What do you think I should do?".

"You need to visit the woman as fast as possible. Reveal to her you were the one behind Aiden's capture. Don't threaten her, try to reason with her. According to what I'm seeing, she can be bribed easily, most likely...I can't be wrong about that,

Promise her greater rewards which you'll definitely give to her. But first of all, you have to give her some of them there and promise to give her the rest later. You can start by giving her a lot of money. The king hasn't given her anything yet, and for sure, she'll need money,

Tell her not to reveal you as the one behind Aiden's capture even if she sees it after reading through your mind, but she shouldn't accuse anyone falsely either. And with a large amount of money you'll give to her with the incoming rewards, she'd most likely agree to do what you've told her".

Asher nodded his head at that moment, that was a really nice idea. Then the assassin's voice resounded again,

"See, I did my job properly, and now, I've given you advice. I'm also expecting my great reward".

"Don't worry, you'd be rewarded greatly, you've done a really great job, I have to appreciate you for this. Since there's no time to waste, I'm gonna head over to the woman's house today. And since you know the community where she's residing, you are gonna follow me with one of your other comrades,

You guys would bring your swords along, but you'd do well to hide them from case".

..The assassin understood Asher, so he only nodded his head.

"I'll be going home now to bring a large amount of money. By the time I'm back here, you guys should be prepared for the journey".

The assassin nodded his head again, then Asher strolled over to the horse he brought along, climbed it, and rode off.

He reached home, took a large amount of money as copper coins filled a certain bag. Then he began journeying back to their house. Reaching their house, the two assassins were already prepared. They weren't dressed like assassins at all, they were dressed in robes.

..But though they were wearing robes, their swords were with them.

Now, they weren't holding scabbards in their hands, they hid them under their robes.

"You both are prepared, right?". Asher inquired of them.

"Yes, fully prepared". One of the assassins responded.

"Where are your swords?". Asher inquired of them once again.

"Just as you told me, they are hidden, we hid them under our robes". The assassin that gave Asher advice retorted.

Asher nodded his head then uttered once again, "Then we'll begin the journey".

He then glanced at the assassin that gave him advice and said, "You'll ride the horse since you're the one that knows where the woman's house is located".

The assassin only nodded his head, then the three of them began sauntering toward the horse. Currently, the three of them had sat on top of the horse. The assassin that gave Asher advice was sitting in front, Asher was sitting at his back, and the other assassin was sitting at Asher's back.

..Then the assassin put the horse in motion...the journey began.

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