Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 130 Something Special.

Chapter 130 Something Special.

While sitting with Aiden in his chair, they began conversing with him, they were so happy to see him safe and sound. Then Aiden told them he heard from his sister they came to check out on him at his home, and their reply to him was 'yes'.

And Aiden was just like, 'Thank you for checking out on me', and they were like, 'What are friends for? We know you'll do the same if we were in your condition'.

Then Oliver was like, "We were so worried, we weren't even sure if you were alive or not".

"I was alive, but I went through a lot, I was frustrated, and I was tied to a chair for days".

..And that's where Aiden stopped, he didn't tell them how he almost died in the hands of the assassins 'cause they definitely planned on killing him.

He didn't tell them how he made use of the system's skills to defend himself. He can never tell them that, they weren't aware of his system, and they'd be really confused.

After that, many students began asking Aiden how it felt like being captured, how he know, questions like that, and Aiden gave answers to their questions. But he didn't tell them what they shouldn't know.

..He limited his explanation.

By now, Miss Alice had already heard that Aiden had resumed school, he was in the classroom. And she was heading toward the classroom at that moment.

How did she hear? She didn't sight him walking on the compound heading toward the building where his classroom was situated. She heard from a certain student.

Almost everyone in this academy heard the news of Aiden going missing, remember, it spread around. But not everyone cared about the news though. While Aiden was walking on the compound heading toward his classroom, a certain teenage student sighted him.

He knew Miss Alice was their class teacher, so he headed straight to one of the teachers' offices to inform her that the student that went missing in her class had returned.

Miss Alice was handling some things at that time, so she couldn't go to see Aiden. But the moment she was done handling it, she began heading to her classroom, she wanted to see Aiden.

She had arrived at one of the doors that led straight into their classroom, and she didn't waste time entering. Arriving in front of the class, she glanced straight at Aiden's seat to see if he was there...and he was truly there.

A bit of smile appeared on her face at that moment. She was really worried when she heard Aiden had gone missing, she doesn't wish that for any of her students. She was also very happy when she heard Aiden had been found though he hadn't resumed school at that time.

..But now that he had resumed school, she was really glad.

She strolled toward him as Oliver and Ava were still sitting with him in his seat. And they didn't stand up from it when they discerned she was strolling toward it.

Reaching his seat, the first thing she did was to tell him how glad she was that he had resumed school. She was glad that he didn't die, she was glad that he wasn't hurt. Then after telling him those, she began asking him some questions.

Questions like, did you suffer in the hands of the people that captured you? Have they found the person behind it? and so on. Aiden gave answers to all her questions, he satisfied her curiosities.

Now that her curiosities had been satisfied, it was about time for her to leave their class. She had already told him she was glad that he had resumed school, she had known what she wanted to was about time for her to leave.

Before she left, she told Aiden again how glad she was that he had resumed school, and Aiden only nodded his head with a little smile on his face. Oliver and Ava didn't stand up from Aiden's seat even after Miss Alice left, they still sat there conversing with him.

..Then a teacher stepped foot into their classroom.

And Oliver and Ava had to move to their different seats due to that. The moment the teacher set eyes on Aiden, she was just like, 'Wow! Aiden, you're back'. And Aiden was like, 'Yes, I'm back'.

And what followed next were questions, Aiden was expecting them. Seems like every teacher that steps foot into their class and notices him would ask questions. Aiden answered all her questions until she was satisfied.

Then she began teaching. After she was done teaching, she told Aiden how glad she was that he was back, and Aiden just nodded his head and smiled a little...the same thing.

After she left, more teachers stepped foot into their classroom. And every single one of them noticed Aiden and asked him questions...both males and females. And what did he do? He answered all. And then they'd tell him how glad they were that he'd resumed school.

..It was just like they planned it.josei

The mathematics teacher was the last person to step foot into their classroom before it got to break hour, and he did the same thing. Asked Aiden the same questions, and told him the same thing.

He couldn't blame them, they'd definitely be curious after such a thing happened to the son of an average-ranked chief, who was the person behind it?

It had gotten to break hour, so students were walking out of the classroom and heading to the cafeteria. After break period, many teachers wouldn't be stepping foot into their classroom to teach them.

'It's been some days since I last stepped foot into the cafeteria'. Aiden thought to himself.

He, Oliver, and Ava strolled out of the classroom together heading to the cafeteria. For days now, Ava and Oliver had been the only ones walking to the cafeteria together, they missed Aiden during those times. But now, he was with them again...they were glad.

As they were walking toward the cafeteria, Aiden kept hearing remarks like, 'Isn't that the boy? Aiden? The son of that average-ranked chief that went missing? He has resumed school now'. You know, he kept hearing remarks like that until they arrived on the compound and were walking on it.

..Some even pointed at him while saying that.

'All these would die down soon, just a few days'. Aiden thought to himself.

And that was true, in the coming days, people would start forgetting about it. They strolled until they arrived at the door of the cafeteria and entered it.


It had gotten to closing hour, and Aiden, Oliver, and Ava were walking on the compound currently. They were heading home just like other students were doing. They were still strolling on the compound when Oliver glanced at Aiden and uttered,

"So, what would happen now? Would you head home yourself? Or would your dad come to pick you up? Heading home yourself is really dangerous concerning what happened to you. You were on your way home when you got captured,

The person that captured you might still be targeting you. You have to be really careful".

"My dad isn't coming to pick me up, but something special has been set up for me". Aiden responded.

"What is that?". Ava inquired.

"You'll find out soon".

By now, Aiden had already sighted the knights sent to escort him home, they were two in number just as he was expecting. But Oliver and Ava hadn't sighted the knights 'cause they weren't expecting knights to be at the school compound currently.

Students at the front had already sighted the knights, and they were wondering why they were here. Some had already discerned, but they weren't sure.

'Seems like they are here to escort that Aiden of a boy home due to what happened to him. And his father is one of the average-ranked chiefs in this kingdom'.

..And their thinking was true.

They had gotten close to the knights when Ava and Oliver noticed them, and this was the statement that flowed out of Aiden's mouth at that moment,

"This is the something special. My dad wouldn't be coming to pick me up, but knights would be escorting me home".

..Aiden made that utterance while pointing at the knights a little.

"Wow! Aiden, this is nice". Oliver voiced out.

"Yeah, really nice". Ava added.

A little smile just appeared on Aiden's face at that moment, then one of the knights uttered to him,

"So, Aiden, you're ready to go home, right?".

"Yes". Aiden responded while nodding his head a little.

"Then let's go". The other knight uttered.

And with that, Aiden, Oliver, and Ava began strolling as the knights were following them from behind.

..And at that moment, Oliver and Ava felt special.

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