Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 165 Purchasing Some Skills Under Seduction.

Chapter 165 Purchasing Some Skills Under Seduction.

How old was she? Was she still going to school or had she graduated? If she was still going to school, where was her academy situated? Does she possess a power element?

..These were the other things Aiden wanted to know about her.

But he'd have to take things slowly but not too slowly 'cause time was counting. Today was his first day, once today passes, he has 13 more days to seduce and conquer her. So taking things too slowly isn't a good idea.

But he has to be doing things one after the least, he accomplished something today, he discovered where her house was situated.

And at that moment, he couldn't just help but thank those two men in his mind. Without them, maybe he wouldn't have located her house by was based on a high probability.

Thank goodness they were conversing loudly, he heard what they were saying, and he knew he needed to trail them. He did so without them noticing...and now, he's discovered Lucia's house, lots of thanks goes to them.

Right now, he needed to head back home, he had already formed a lie in his head he was gonna tell his mum if she asks him where he went to. Though he was now a full-grown teenager, his mum would sometimes ask him where he went whenever he goes somewhere.

He knew he was still gonna come to this Wacan Community either tomorrow or next tomorrow, there were still things he wanted to do, he wasn't done, he still needed to know some things about Lucia.

Throughout the time he stood there glancing at the house, the knights didn't notice him 'cause he used his brain. It was about time for him to leave, he glanced at the house one more time before walking away.

..He was gonna trek all the way here to his home...from the Wacan Community to his community.

Now, that would take some time, he wouldn't arrive home at nighttime, but he'd arrive home in the evening. But if he sees someone that would ride him home, then that would be better, he wouldn't arrive home in the complete evening.

But there was a very low possibility of that he'd most likely trek.


It was completely dusk, Aiden had arrived home by now, and he was in his room. Everyone in the Dankworth family was home, they had even eaten dinner. So once Aiden was done contemplating and handling some things, he would go straight to sleep.

..Now, this was what happened.

Aiden didn't see anyone that rode him to his home, he trekked from the Wacan Community to his wasn't easy at all. By the time he arrived home, he was panting a little, and it had already gotten to complete evening when he arrived home.

The pace at which he trekked home was fast, he never ran, but he was walking fast. And though the Wacan Community wasn't that far from his community, it still took some time for him to arrive home 'cause he trekked.

..Now, did his mum ask him where he went to? Yes.

The moment he arrived home, Emma was already standing in front of him. She didn't even care that he was panting, all she knew was that she wanted to question him.

Now, Emma wouldn't have questioned him if not that he left the house like a criminal...he sneaked out. As known, no one knew when he left the house, that was the plan.

If he had told Emma where he was heading before leaving the house, then she wouldn't have questioned him. But we know anything Aiden was gonna tell her before leaving the house would be a lie.

..He can't tell her, 'I'm heading to the Wacan Community to locate the house of a girl I'm to seduce and conquer'.

He can't tell her that? Never. So he did what he needed to do, he left the house without telling her anything. When he arrived home, that lie he didn't want to tell her before leaving the house, he finally told her.

Hazel was even present in the living room when he was telling her the lie.

'I went to Oliver's house, you know, that friend of mine. We just did some things together and enjoyed ourselves'.

Yeah, that was the lie, and Emma believed him. He was a full-grown teenager, he can choose to visit friends whenever he wanted, so that was no problem. And that was how it ended.

Emma didn't even bother to ask him why he was panting...she didn't really care. Before Ethan arrived home, Aiden freshened up...I mean, he trekked from the Wacan Community to his home, it wasn't easy.

And not long after Ethan arrived home, they ate breakfast, and right now, Aiden was in his room. He was sitting on his bed, and he was thinking of the activities that took place today. Heading to the Wacan Community and so on...

..And most importantly, he discovered Lucia's home...that was very important.

Accomplishing that meant his efforts weren't to waste, it gave him a kind of satisfaction though there were still things to be done. The seduction was gonna begin soon, so he plans on unlocking some of the skills in his seduction skill panel.

He had never unlocked a skill in his seduction skill panel 'cause he didn't need to. But now that he has been given his first main quest, now was time to begin purchasing them. But unlocking the shop wouldn't be possible now, that would be like exhausting his whole skill points.

He called out on his system, "System".

<Yes, host>

"I want to unlock some of the skills in my seduction skill panel, the ones that would be very crucial. So I need you to display all the skills in my seduction skill panel in front of me".

<All the skills in your seduction skill panel would be displayed in front of you right now>

And at that moment, an interface appeared in front of Aiden,


<Current skills under Seduction>


<Irresistible fragrance(Locked)>

<Rod increase(Locked)>josei

<Fast-paced banging(Locked)>

<Eagle eyes(Locked)>

<Golden stiff finger(Locked)>



Aiden glanced at all the skills in his seduction skill panel, and he was wondering which skills he should unlock. He doesn't want to unlock everything, that would drain his skill points to very little or completely.

He just needs to unlock the important ones that would be useful for the seduction, he'll unlock the rest later. And he knew for the number of skills he wants to purchase, he has enough skill points to purchase them.

But he knew his skill points would drain after purchasing them. But that was the reason why he was earning skill points, right? To unlock skills when he needs them.

The interface in front of him didn't disappear, and his gaze was focused on it contemplating which skills he was gonna said, he needed the crucial ones. After glancing at the interface for about a minute, he had decided.

He said to his system, "I have decided on the skills I want to unlock right now".

<What skills does host want to unlock?>

Aiden began mentioning them, "The irresistible fragrance, rod increase, and eagle eyes".

..He felt these are the skills that would be needed for the seduction...that's why he chose them.

<Are you sure these are the skills you want to unlock?>

"Yes". Aiden responded.

And at that moment, he got the system's notification,


<Host has purchased the irresistible fragrance, 3,000 Skill points have been deducted from his skill points>

<Host has purchased the rod increase, 6,000 Skill points have been deducted from his skill points>

<Host has purchased the eagle eyes, 13,000 Skill points have been deducted from his skill points>


'And it's done'. Aiden thought to himself after getting the system's notification.

He didn't even want to know the number of skill points he has currently, he could call out on his system to show him his current skill points, but he doesn't want to. All he knew was that it must have reduced...that's for sure.

Now, he wanted to test out these skills, maybe not everything, but he wanted to test out some at least. So he said to his system,

"I want to test out these skills".

<Host is free to test them out>

And with that, Aiden voiced out, "Activate rod increase".

<Rod increase has been activated>

<5 Skill points have been deducted from your skill points>

..And with that, Aiden felt his dick increasing.

He stood up from his bed at that moment, his dick just kept growing and growing. And by the time it had finished enlarging, Aiden could see its size though he was wearing a robe.

It was so big that it was pushing Aiden's robe...the part where his dick was situated. Aiden decided to grab it, and the moment he did...


..That was the word that flowed out of his mouth.

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