Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 168 A Certain Boy.

Chapter 168 A Certain Boy.

Aiden began heading to the place where he met the woman yesterday. All he wanted to do was ask her if she knew the man's current location.

Maybe he chose not to stand on that spot today but on another spot. So he was gonna try to get some information from the woman, knowing the man's location would really help him out.

..He would get to the Wacan Community on time.

He strolled until he reached the location where he met the woman yesterday...and thank goodness, she was there. He approached her, and the woman thought he was a customer that wanted to buy something from her.

And this was the utterance that flowed out of Aiden's mouth at that moment, "Don't you recognize me?".

And the woman was glancing at him with a kind of confused expression on her face, she didn't recognize Aiden at all, she does see different faces everyday, faces of customers.

"I don't recognize you at all". The woman stated.

..And Aiden wasn't that surprised, it's to be expected, she does see different faces everyday, and she's seen him only once.

He'd have to explain to her. He explained everything to her, how she was the one that directed him to the man that rode him to the Wacan Community yesterday, and so on. And that's when she remembered...

"Oh! it's you".

A smile appeared on Aiden's face at that moment, then she uttered again,

"So, what do you need this time?".

"I can't find the man you directed me to yesterday. And I want to go to the Wacan Community again, I need him to ride me there so the journey would be fast just as it was yesterday". Aiden uttered.

The woman shook her head a little before saying, "I saw him today, but suddenly, he disappeared. This happened about two hours ago, don't know where he went to".

And a bit of gloomy expression appeared on Aiden's face as he thought to himself, 'Guess I'll have to trek to the Wacan Community'.

"I'll have to trek to the Wacan Community then". Aiden said to the woman.

"Guess there's no other option". The woman stated.

Aiden thanked the woman for answering his question before he walked away. As he trekked, he thought of how long it would take him to arrive at the Wacan Community and how long it would take him to arrive home.

He would definitely arrive home at nighttime, no doubting it. But he has to do said, nothing can stop him.

'Guess I'd have to increase my walking pace, I have to walk fast'. Aiden thought to himself.

Walking fast, the time it would take him to arrive at the community would shorten. He increased his walking pace as he was strolling and passing different people. He had covered some meters by now when he sighted someone...

..That man that rode him to the Wacan Community yesterday was riding that same horse toward him.

And just as Aiden had sighted him, seems like he had sighted Aiden as well. Aiden's heart gladdened at that moment, now that he's sighted the man, he could ride him to the Wacan Community.

The man sighted Aiden as well, so he rode the horse toward where Aiden was and put it to a halt. Then he uttered to him,

"Young boy, where are you heading to this time?".

"That same Wacan Community, I searched for you, but didn't see you, so I began trekking". Aiden responded.

"So, now that you've seen me, should I give you a ride?".

"Yes, I'd really appreciate it, that would make my journey faster".

"But you know what?"...

The man said this with an unreadable facial expression, and it got Aiden so confused that he had to say,


"It isn't for free, you'd have to pay though you've covered some meters already by trekking". The man stated.

And Aiden was like, "I know that, wasn't thinking it would be for free".

"Then hop on".

And with that, Aiden mounted the horse as he was sitting at the man's back currently. Then the man put the horse in motion.

Aiden's heart was so glad, this would save time, now, there was hope of at least reaching home in late evening, it wouldn't be complete nighttime.

He would have loved to tell the man to wait after riding him to the Wacan Community so he could ride him back. But he can't do that 'cause of what he was going there to do.

..He was going there to get some more details about Lucia, the daughter of a high-ranked chief.

His first target, the girl he needed to bang, and had 13 days remaining to do so. Would he tell the man to wait in front of the official's house while he'll be trying to get details about Lucia?

That wouldn't work out, so there was no need to ask the man to wait. The man was still riding the horse when he uttered to Aiden,

"What are you even going to the Wacan Community to do? You went there yesterday, and now, you're going today too? Do you have someone you know there?".


..Aiden was expecting these questions, he knew the man was most likely gonna ask them.

What answer was he gonna give to him now? Well, lying shouldn't be hard.

"Yes, I know someone there, it is that person I visited yesterday and also going to visit today. We are handling some things".

The man nodded his head a little as he was still riding the horse, he didn't ask anything else. Aiden was even expecting he'd ask him if he was a student or not since he was carrying something like a school bag.

But he didn't ask, and that made Aiden glad, he wasn't ready to answer questions. The man rode the horse until they finally arrived at the Wacan Community...what a fast journey.

Aiden came down from the horse, then he inquired of the man,

"How much would I give to you?".

"3 copper coins". The man responded.

"3 copper coins? But I had already covered some meters before you picked me up". Aiden uttered with wide-open eyes.

"Is 3 copper coins too much? You want to pay lesser since you've already covered some meters before I picked you up. Well, if that's what you want, then pay lesser, bring 2 copper coins".

..Aiden decided to give the man the 3 copper coins, not like it was too much.

He dipped his hand into one of his pockets and brought out 3 copper coins, then he handed them over to the man. And the man was just like,

"Oh! you decided to pay the 3 copper coins?".

"You don't want it".

"No, I do, just a little surprised".

Aiden didn't plan on commenting on that topic anymore, he just said to the man,

"We might meet later".

Then he walked away, and the man rode off as well. Where was Aiden's destination? Lucia's home. The case was different now, he wouldn't have to start walking without base trying to locate her home...he knows where her home was situated now.

So he was gonna walk straight to it, he just hoped he could find out the other details about her today so coming here wouldn't be a waste. He had already gotten close to her home by now...and he sighted something.

A certain horse was heading toward her house, now, someone was riding the horse, a knight, one of the knights working for them. And a carriage was connected to the horse.

..Who was inside the carriage?, she wasn't the only one in it, there was another person.

A certain teenage boy that seemed like her age mate. The boy was cute, and he was dressed in light blue robe. Aiden could see all these from where he was standing since he was close to the house.

And the thought that ran through his mind at that moment was,

'Is this boy betrothed to her? Her future husband? Is she in love with someone?'.

The way they were smiling and conversing with each other, they seemed really close. Now, this was making Aiden a little afraid. If she was in love with someone, a cute guy, then it would be hard for him to seduce her though he was handsome as well.

..Would the seduction skills he's unlocked make it easier? This he wasn't sure of.

Well, even if she was in love with someone, he'd still try to seduce and conquer her, he can't back out. The knight kept riding the horse until they arrived in front of the house, then he put it to a halt.

Lucia and the boy came out of the carriage, then they began conversing with each other. From the way they were smiling at each other, Aiden confirmed once again that they were really close.

After about a minute of doing this, the boy began walking off. According to what Aiden discerned, seems like the boy was living around this community as well.

His father might not be an official, but his parents would most likely be rich. Now, their parents might even be aware that the both of them were close.

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