Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 181 His Dad's Animal Field.

Chapter 181 His Dad's Animal Field.

Ethan rode the horse straight into the village square as they were riding past different people. As the horse was in motion, Aiden was imagining what the experience would be like learning how to ride a horse.

..He knew it wouldn't be easy, that's for sure.

Apart from that, he was imagining what the experience would be like exploring his dad's animal Ethan said, the animal field that generates him lots of income.

As known, Ethan receives income from two places. He gets paid for being an average-ranked chief, and he also earns from his animal field which generates more income for him.

Ethan rode the horse until they arrived at the area where his animal field was situated. When they reached the place, Aiden recognized it, though it's been years since he last came here...he still recognized it.

Apart from Ethan, other officials own animal fields as well...ones larger than Ethan's own and generating more income.

Owning an animal field was very good 'cause it generates lots of money. But starting one wasn't easy, you'd need enough funds to do so...not a token amount.

Lots of wealthy people in the Tuvalon Kingdom own animal fields as well as farms where crops can be planted and harvested. Their funds can never go down 'cause of that unless something unexpected happens.

They had arrived in front of Ethan's animal field by now, and it was gated and fenced round. Apart from that, Ethan has workers and supervisors.

They haven't even entered the field yet, but Aiden had already seen how wide it was. He had seen it in the past, he was seeing it again. Ethan rode the horse into the field, and Aiden was just glancing around.

..Animals everywhere, and apart from that, there were also customers in the field.

As said, Ethan had some workers and supervisors, he can't do the job of managing this large animal field alone. So he pays every one of them once it reaches the time to receive payments.

..Imagine the amount of money he'd be making from his animal field per month if he wasn't paying workers.

But as said, it can't work like that, he needs workers and supervisors...he can't do the job alone. As Ethan was riding the horse in the animal field, the workers that sighted him bowed their heads a little...greetings to the boss.

From the way they were bowing their heads, Aiden had already discerned these were his workers. And the horse wasn't running in the field, it was walking now, Ethan had reduced its pace.

Aiden kept glancing around as the horse was in motion. Different animals were on the field like goats, sheep, donkeys, he could even see hens, guinea pigs, and so on.

..And you know what? He was seeing horses on the field as his dad also sells horses?josei

This was just wow to Aiden, he could imagine the amount of money his dad must be making. And the field wasn't empty of customers, as known, there were lots of them pricing animals they wanted to buy.

..For just today, a lot of income would be generated.

The field was so large, Aiden had already noticed this by glancing around. Now, there were other animal fields bigger than his...imagine how big those must be.

The horse was still in motion, there was a certain spot Ethan does park his horse whenever he arrives on the field. The horse kept moving until it arrived at that spot, then he put it to a halt. He and Aiden came down from the horse, then Ethan tied it.

You know, Ethan said something like he was gonna begin the teaching right in his animal field. What teaching? How to ride a horse, he was gonna begin teaching Aiden how to ride a horse.

..Now, this was possible 'cause there were lots of free spaces where animals weren't on.

So Ethan definitely knew what he was saying when he said the teaching would begin right in his animal field. The space was enough for the training to begin, and none of the workers would be disturbed.

Customers would keep purchasing animals, supervising wouldn't stop, activities would keep taking place, and no one would be disturbed 'cause Ethan was teaching his son how to ride a horse.

'This is nice'. Aiden thought to himself after noticing the free space.

"Follow me". Ethan said to Aiden as he began moving immediately.

And Aiden did just as he was told, he began following his father from behind. Ethan strolled as he was glancing at the different people on the field which consisted of workers and customers, and Aiden kept following him from behind.

They were passing different animals as they walked. But the animals weren't blocking the way making it hard for people to walk wasn't like that. They were well arranged and walking wasn't a problem for humans.

..This was nice, this was the first time Aiden was getting to explore his dad's animal field like this.

This was the first time he was getting to walk around it. As they were passing different animals, Aiden was touching some. Like the sheep, the goats, and so on.

And Ethan was patting some people as he walked past, those were his workers. Some of them were even bowing their heads to greet him the moment he got close to them...those that hadn't greeted him before.

..Where were Ethan and Aiden heading to right now? The main supervisor.

All of them knew Ethan had children, but they didn't know what their faces looked like. They also knew Ethan was an average-ranked chief and a warrior.

So as Aiden was following Ethan from behind, many of them were wondering who he was, who was this handsome boy? From the way he was dressed and so on, many of them were having the feeling he was Ethan's son...but they weren't sure.

And they didn't want to ask, so they just kept glancing at Aiden as he walked. Aiden was just following his dad from behind, he didn't know where they were heading to.

..Wherever Ethan was heading to...there he was heading as well.

Activities didn't stop taking place 'cause Ethan and his son were walking past. Customers were still being attended to, those that weren't busy with anything were the ones glancing at Aiden.

Ethan and Aiden kept walking until they reached a certain man. The man hadn't even noticed them by now 'cause he wasn't facing them, he was busy with something.

Ethan didn't tap him or call out his name to get his attention, nothing of that sort. He just stood there waiting for the man to notice them...

You know, there's a kind of situation where you'd feel someone is at your back though you're facing the other side...that's exactly how the man was feeling right now.

He did see when Ethan was riding his horse across the animal field, but he didn't know Ethan had reached his back 'cause he was busy with something.

..As said, he felt someone was at his back, so he decided to turn around.

He turned around, and Ethan was standing along with a young boy. Now, who was this man? The head supervisor...Ethan had put him in charge numerous times.

He can also be called the main supervisor. The moment he sighted Ethan, he bowed a little, then Ethan patted his right shoulder. Then he placed his right palm on one of Aiden's shoulders and said,

"This is my son".

"Oh! Your son? Aiden Dankworth?". The man uttered with a bit of wide opened eyes.

"Yes". Ethan responded nodding his head a little.

"Wow! This is the first time I am getting to see him, this is the first time I am getting to see one of your children". The man stated once again.

Aiden bowed his head a little as a greeting to the man, and the man bowed his head a little as well. Many of the workers heard when Ethan said Aiden was his son, and that confirms it...he was truly Ethan's son just as they suspected.

Ethan continued speaking, "I brought him here today so he could explore my animal field since he hasn't been able to do so properly. Then after that, I'd begin teaching him how to ride a horse".

"How to ride a horse?". The man inquired like he didn't hear well, but he did.

"Yes, how to ride a horse, is that weird? You know, teaching him that in my animal field?".

"No, it isn't weird at all, after all, there's enough space for the teaching to take place without us getting disturbed".

..A little smile appeared on Ethan's face as he nodded his head a little...yeah, there was enough space for the training to take place.

The supervisor continued with what he was doing, and Aiden continued exploring the animal field. As he walked, he touched different animals, he even carried a certain hen in his hand.

..It was becoming a nice experience that he even muttered to himself,

"Why didn't I bother to come here since?".

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