Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 220 Let's Go Hunting Again.(3)

Chapter 220 Let's Go Hunting Again.(3)

It was just as Aiden had been wondering, the same forest he was thinking of, the one that had the Mudville River close to it...that's the one Oliver decided they were gonna hunt in.

And at that moment, Aiden was wondering why Oliver chose this forest. He didn't say anything, but Ava said something...

"Why this forest again? I think we should stop hunting in this forest. Isn't this the one that has the Mudville River close to it? The river meant for only females? Hunting here should be risky now".

"But we came here to hunt, not to visit the river, we have no business with the river. And for all the time we've been visiting this forest to hunt, as anything happened? No". Oliver uttered.

And at that moment, Aiden remembered the number of times he's visited the river without Oliver and Ava knowing, they had no single idea.

He did it one time and almost got caught, and for the remaining times he visited the river to glance at naked females, nothing happened...they were smooth visits.

"So, are we hunting in this forest or not?". Aiden voiced out.

"Yes, we are, nothing would happen". Oliver retorted.

"Then let the hunting begin then".

"Imagine if someone sees us here, or let's say someone is inside the forest as well". Ava stated once again.

"So, we are just here to hunt, nothing else. And what is the person doing here as well? If he's a man, and he's suspecting us, then it could be he came to glance at females too,

If he's suspecting us, we'd be suspecting him too. And since we've been visiting this forest to hunt, we've never come across anyone in the forest, but we've seen some people close to the forest. That has also been the same case since I've been visiting this forest to hunt alone,

I guess people don't hunt that much anymore, that's most likely false. But the point is, we visited this forest to hunt, nothing else. So even if we sight someone inside the forest, nothing would happen". Oliver let out.

Aiden glanced at Ava, patted her shoulder a little, then voiced out, "Don't worry, Ava, nothing would happen. And again, your coming with us is proof that we didn't come here for anything other than to hunt,

We didn't come here to glance at females or anything like that. How are you like proof? You're a female as well, so you wouldn't stand us visiting a river we aren't supposed to visit to glance at females,

You're a girl, you should know how it feels for someone to glance at your bare body when he shouldn't, I'm speaking in terms of a male. So you're full proof, Ava, nothing would happen...let the hunting begin".

Ava nodded her head a little, and the three of them began walking into the forest. They had entered the forest by now, and as usual, they could see tree branches everywhere, trees, leaves, and so on.

It was afternoon currently heading to mid-afternoon, it had gotten really close to it. In the next minutes, they'd arrive at mid-afternoon...

So before evening reaches, the plan was to climax hunting. In the evening time, dangerous things would start appearing, a few of them. So they need to be out of this wilderness before then.

..And again, they wouldn't want to arrive home too late.

After walking forward a little, Oliver took off his school bag and dropped it on the ground, only the bottom was touching the ground. After dropping it on the ground, he opened was about time to bring out the equipment.

With the help of Aiden, all the equipment they'd need for the hunting was brought out of Oliver's bag. After they'd been brought out, he closed his bag and wore it.

..Right now, Aiden was holding one bow and one quiver of arrows in his hands currently, and that was the same case for Oliver as well.

Now, since they were four in total, that's two mini bows and two mini quivers with arrows in them, something would have to be done.

For the hunting to take place with the three of them with their different equipment, each of them would be with a bow and a quiver.

..But from the look of things, that wouldn't be possible.

One person wouldn't be with any equipment in the meantime, and who would that person be?...Ava. Yes, it's always been like that.

Anytime they visit a forest to hunt, Ava wouldn't be with any equipment in the meantime 'cause there wasn't enough. But after the passing of some minutes, equipment would then be handed to her so she could hunt down grass cutters as well.

It wasn't Oliver's fault, this was the number of equipment he had with him, nothing can be done about it. As known, the equipment had been brought out, and Aiden and Oliver were the ones holding them.

..Since they wouldn't be enough for the three of them to be fully equipped at the same time, Oliver glanced at Ava.

It was about time to tell her something she's heard before. Ava was even expecting it already, she noticed when Oliver glanced at her, and she already knew what he wanted to say.

..It was already a cliche.

"Ava, you wouldn't be given anything yet 'cause they aren't enough. So your hands would be free in the meantime. But after the passing of some minutes, hunting tools would be handed to you as well,

For now, it would be only me and Aiden that would be with the hunting equipment. You can just watch us while we hunt. You should be aware of this already".

..Yes, that was the utterance that flowed out of his mouth.josei

And this is what Ava said, "Yeah, yeah, I'm already aware of it, this isn't the first time this is happening. But I understand though, no offense taken at all".

Oliver nodded his head a little as a slight smile appeared on his understanding. Well, Oliver and Aiden set themselves well, they tied the equipment that needed to be tied around a certain part of their body.

And after that has been done, they began moving forward. Then Oliver's voice resounded,

"Be on the watch for grass cutters".

And so they were doing, as they were moving forward, they were watching out for grass cutters. They kept on dodging tree branches that could hit their faces if they weren't careful.

And again...they were being really watchful, as they were walking, they were glancing around. Even Ava that wasn't holding a single piece of equipment was still being watchful.

It's been some minutes of movement, and they hadn't sighted a single grass cutter. But that confidence was there, they knew they were gonna see one...that's a must.

..I mean, this wasn't the first time they were hunting.

After some minutes more of strolling and glancing around, Aiden's voice resounded,

"I see one".

Ava and Oliver immediately glanced at him the moment he made that utterance, then he directed their attention to where the grass cutter was. He did this very carefully to not chase away the grass cutter.

..Any little sound and the grass cutter would take to its heels.

"Try to see if you can hunt it down". Oliver said to Aiden since he was the one that sighted it.

Aiden breathed in and out, and a bit of determined expression appeared on his face. He drew out an arrow from his quiver, placed it in his bow, targeted, then fired.

..Now, this is what happened, though his hunting skills had improved, he missed.

Yes, the arrow almost pierced the grass cutter's skin, but it didn't. The arrow moved past the grass cutter and pierced a certain tree. It was a really close call, but the fact remains, he didn't achieve his aim.

And what was his aim? For the arrow to pierce the grass cutter's skin and kill it...

And the moment the arrow moved past the grass cutter, as expected, it took to its heels. It wouldn't wait for Aiden to try again. And Aiden was just like,

"Damn! That was such a close call, how did I even miss that? With all the determination I had. Damn!".

"Yes, how did you miss that?". Oliver uttered and began walking toward Aiden.

The moment he reached Aiden, he patted his shoulder a little and said, "You can always try again, missing is normal even when your hunting skills had improve. This has happened to you before, right? So you can try again".

The king of the forests had said some comforting words to Aiden, and he was comforted. They began walking forward once again searching for grass cutters. Aiden and Oliver were in front, while Ava was behind them.

After some minutes of strolling again, Ava sighted a grass cutter though she was behind them. And she didn't waste time informing them about it.

..And as of now, Aiden and Oliver were glancing at the grass cutter, Ava had directed their attention to where it was standing.

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