Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 226 Make Sure.

Chapter 226 Make Sure.

A certain teacher had already stepped foot into their classroom, taught them, and left. So they had already engaged in activity to an extent.

It would take some time before another teacher steps foot into their classroom according to the teaching curriculum. So they were using that chance to munch on their delicious meats...

..Was anything wrong with that?

And it wasn't like they were doing it too comfortably, they didn't want many students to know, so they were eating them on a low.

And do you know how some students were able to find out that they were munching meats? Through the smell. Yes, that meaty smell entered their nose, and they followed the direction in which the smell came from and find out they were eating meat.

Yes, they worked hard for it, so let them enjoy the fruit of their labor...

They entered the forest to hunt, and they've done it more than once...something many students in their classroom couldn't do.

They were still eating the meats when Oliver and Aiden's eyes met, and immediately, they remembered what they did yesterday. They almost visited the Mudville River to glance at naked females.

..And now, look, Ava was sitting in their midst.

Oliver didn't waste time giving Aiden the look of, 'As said, we'd keep our mouths shut'. Aiden did nothing more than nod his head a little and focus on the meat he was eating again.


As of this moment, Aiden was heading toward Anne's class. This was another day of school, yes, the day after Aiden and Ava munched their share of the meats.

..To cut things short, let's just say the next day.

It hadn't been too long since they came back from the cafeteria. And while they were at the cafeteria, Aiden saw Anne, but he didn't want to signal her there or anything like that.

He felt it was too risky, and it was, Oliver and Ava would notice, and suspicion would start creeping in...does he have anything going on with her?

He decided he'd signal her later, maybe when they'd all arrived at their classrooms, and no teacher was in his classroom, he'd head over to her classroom, and if he doesn't see any teacher there, he'd call her out.josei

..And that's exactly what he was doing now, he was heading toward her classroom.

And he was hoping for one thing, for a teacher not to be in her classroom currently. Even when he was strolling out of the cafeteria with his friends, he sighted Anne, she was strolling out of the cafeteria as well.

But he didn't do as if he knew her, he didn't even look her side at all though she was glancing at him...what a snub. So Anne would be so surprised that he came to signal her now.

He came to call her out of her classroom to relay some information to her...she'd be surprised...

He reached one of the doors to her classroom, and according to what he was seeing now, seems like there was no teacher in her classroom.

..No, it was a sure thing, there was no teacher in her classroom.

He glanced at her seat, and she was sitting there conversing with a certain girl whose seat was close to hers. How would he get her attention now that she was conversing with this girl?

He stood there waiting to see if she would notice him, but she didn't. More than a minute has passed now, but she hadn't still noticed him.

..After three minutes had passed, he was finally noticed.

But you know what? It wasn't Anne that noticed him, it was the girl she was conversing with that noticed him. Now, Aiden didn't really like that, he didn't want people to know something was going on between him and Anne, he wanted it to be a secret.

But now that this girl has sighted him, she'd definitely inform Anne about it...and she might find out something later.

The girl knew him and even knew his name. Apart from that, she knew he was the son of Ethan Dankworth...the son of an official. The moment she noticed him, as expected, she informed Anne about it.

And immediately, Anne glanced at the door and noticed him. Then he gave Anne the look of, 'Come outside'. Anne understood, and she wasted no time as she stood up from her seat and began walking out of the classroom.

By now, Aiden had already left the door. And do you know what was running through the girl's mind the moment Anne stood up from her seat and began walking out of the classroom?

..Just as expected, 'Do they have something going on?'.

Anne had walked out of her classroom by now, and the next thing she began doing was to follow Aiden's lead. And according to what she was seeing, seems like they'd be heading downstairs.

'What does he want to tell me?'. She thought to herself.

Aiden kept walking, and Anne kept following him from behind. And now, they had already arrived at the compound. This wasn't the first time they'd be doing something like this.

When the compound would be empty of people, when students were in their classrooms, both of them would be on the compound...

..They even had the mind to engage in some sexual activities when students were in their classrooms.

Arriving at the compound, Anne uttered to Aiden, it was audible enough for him to hear though there was distance between the both of them.

"Where are we heading to? What do you want to say to me?".

"Just keep following me". That was all Aiden said without even glancing at her.

And she did just that, she kept following him from behind. Strolling for some seconds, Anne discerned something, seems like they were heading toward that corner...and it was it they were heading to.

They reached the corner, then Anne uttered to him again,

"So, what is it?".

..He took Anne as a sex tool, we all know this, so he was about to tell her he was available for sex just as he planned to.

"Ummm, so, would you be available to bang again?". Aiden voiced out.

Hearing that, an elated expression appeared on Anne's face immediately...this was exactly the kind of reaction Aiden was expecting.

"Are you saying you're ready to have proper sex with me again?". Anne inquired with that elated expression still plastered to her face.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying". Aiden responded.

"Yes, I'd definitely be available to have proper sex with you again, how wouldn't I be available to bang a charming boy like you? So, we'd get to visit an inn again to do it?". Anne uttered once again, her happiness was making her ask stupid questions.

..A kind of perplexed expression appeared on Aiden's face the moment she asked that question.

He was like, 'Where else would we visit?'. But of course, that was in his mind, this was what he said to her,

"Yeah, and you'd be the one to pay for it as usual".

"That's nothing, at least, I'd get to taste your dick again, we'd have proper sex for the third time".

Aiden nodded his head a little, then Anne's voice resounded again,

"But it wouldn't be today".

"Why?". Aiden inquired.

"That's 'cause I have some things to handle at home today, I'd be a little busy". Anne responded.

..So he wouldn't get to bang her today, well, it might be possible tomorrow.

"What of tomorrow?". Aiden inquired of her once again.

"Yes, tomorrow would be great, I'd be available tomorrow".

Aiden nodded his head once again, and do you know what was running through Anne's mind at that moment? She was imagining the fun moment she'd have with Aiden tomorrow.

They'd get to bang again, it would be so nice...

A time has been set when they'd get to have sex again, now, it was about time for Aiden to tell her something. He remembered the girl she was conversing with, the one that noticed him first before telling Anne about it.

Yes, that girl mustn't know that something was going on between the both of them. He was sure of one thing, once Anne reaches her classroom, the girl would start questioning her.

Now, he needed Anne to lie to her, and if Anne was wise, without Aiden telling her, she's supposed to know that every answer she'd give to the girl would be lies if she questions her.

But Aiden still wanted to remind her in case.

"So, Anne". Aiden called out her name.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ "Yes?". She uttered glancing at him.

"So, who is that girl that signaled you that I was at the door".

"Oh! She's just a friend, got any problem with her?".

"She'd most likely question you when you get back to your classroom. You just suddenly stood up from your seat and walked out of the classroom after sighting me,

She'd be suspecting if something is going on between the both of us, and she'd definitely question you. Now, make sure everything you'd tell her would be lies".

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