Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 239 It's Time Again.

Chapter 239 It's Time Again.

"You've learned to increase a horse's pace to the highest speed, that is great". Ethan uttered to Aiden with a bit of smile on his face.

Aiden nodded his head a little with a bit of smile on his face as well. He was sitting on top of the horse they brought along currently.

And this was the next utterance that flowed out of Ethan's mouth,

"But you do know there are still some things you need to learn concerning horse riding. Yes, you've learned to increase a horse's pace to the highest speed, but I noticed you were stumbling a little, very slightly,

That shows there are still some things you need to learn concerning horse riding".

"This I'm aware of, Dad". Aiden stated still sitting on the horse.

..The horse practice continued, some of those things Aiden haven't learned concerning horse riding, he learned them that moment.

But there were still some things needed to be learned which he would later. He was getting close to riding a horse on his own without help from anyone.

They took a break from the practice, and they might not come back to it. And Aiden used that chance to explore the animal field once again and converse with some of the workers.

..And right now, it was about time for everyone to eat.

As usual, they ate like a family, and Aiden enjoyed it to the fullest just as he enjoyed the last one. As they ate, they conversed, and some workers were attending to the current customers in the animal field.

When they were done attending to them, they'd come eat. They'd miss out on the fun moment, they wouldn't experience eating together as a family.

After they were done eating, the workers resumed their jobs. And you know what? Aiden and Ethan were gonna resume the horse practice, that's what they decided, there was still time.

They resumed the practice, and Aiden put the horse into motion on his own and caused it to move at full speed. Yes, he had learned to do this completely, he was so glad.

As the horse was in motion, a smile was on his face, and a little smile was on his dad's face as well. Apart from that, they practiced other things concerning horse riding.

..Those things they had practiced before, they practiced again.

But still, Aiden hadn't learned them fully, just a little more practice, and he'd learn them completely. He was gonna try to practice on his own, and the next time he'd visit his dad's animal field, he'd practice again.

He'd soon become an expert in horse riding, and he can start riding himself to his destinations sometimes. It got to nighttime, and it was about time for everyone to evacuate the animal field.

Both the workers, Ethan, Aiden, and the supervisors. The workers rounded up with the different works they were engaging in as the animal field was empty of customers currently.

And after that has been done, some of them told Aiden they'd like for him to come here again...and this was what he said to them...

"For sure, I'd come here again, I'd like to see you guys again".

..Well, everyone departed from the animal field.

Ethan and Aiden mounted the horse they brought along as Ethan rode it out of the animal field.


Aiden would soon get his next main quest. Yes, he had accomplished his first main quest, and the next one was incoming.

..But when saying 'soon', no one knows exactly when.

All we know is that the next main quest would come. And when he accomplishes it, he'd earn the normal rewards from it which include Exp, Skill points, and strength.

And if he can keep accomplishing the different main quests given to him without failing them, so he'd keep earning the rewards and his strength would keep increasing.

..But as of now, it had gotten to the time for the Tuvalon Kingdom to pay tributes to the Chuvulan and the Mepaidian Kingdom again.

Yes, it never stopped, they are still paying tributes to them so peace would keep reigning. And now, it had gotten to the time for them to pay another tribute to both kingdoms.

As known, lots of goods would be given to both kingdoms. Goods like golds, silvers, coins, and so on. And you know what? Ethan was still part of the warriors that journey to both kingdoms to deliver the goods.

As known, he was still a warrior and still helping out the Tuvalon Kingdom in many ways. In fact, he was among the head warriors that does the speaking whenever they arrive at both kingdoms to deliver the goods.

And as known, it wasn't only warriors that embark on the journey to pay tributes, knights do follow them as well. And the journey to both kingdoms wasn't always a smooth one.

They'd come across different dangers on the way...the main one, magical beasts. They'd have to pass wildernesses and hills when heading to both kingdoms, so it was impossible for them not to come across magical beasts.

..But for these years that they've been paying tributes, no warrior or knight had died on the way.

Yes, they do try their very best to stay alive, they do make sure a single soul wouldn't be killed. Anytime they come across a magical beast, they'd make sure to battle it and kill it without it destroying anything.josei

Yes, they've been doing this for years, and the king was very proud of them. He knew it wasn't easy to embark on such journeys, so he does give them the accolade they deserve.

..And you know what? It wasn't always easy for the Dankworth family whenever it was time for Ethan to embark on such journeys.

Aiden would be so down as well as the other family. But they trust Ethan to come back safely, he was good at his job. He's been doing this for years now, and not once did anything happen to him.

And whenever it was time for him to embark on such journeys, he'd request knights from the king which the king would willingly bestow to him.

Those knights would be there to watch over his family, and whenever Aiden was going to school within that time, knights must follow and fro.

..Yes, Ethan had never forgotten about what happened to Aiden in the past.

Whenever he embarks on such journeys to pay tributes, the person might make his move again...they have to be cautious. So within that time, knights would be there to protect his family.

And it would take place again now that he was about to embark on another journey, he'd request knights from the king.

Everyone in the Tuvalon Kingdom was already aware of this, some warriors and knights would be journeying to the Chuvulan and Mepaidian Kingdoms to pay tributes to them as usual.

And the Dankworth family was already aware as well, the first set of people to become aware of it.

..I mean, they are family to one of the warriors that would be embarking on the journey.

That night, Ethan had already called his family together as he's always been doing. Everyone was sitting in the living room currently. Both Emma, Aiden, Hazel, and Lydia.

And he told them they'd be embarking on the journey tomorrow.

"Some knights would be coming here everyday after I leave. And Aiden, knights would be escorting you to and fro from school after I leave,

If you want to trek, they'd trek with you. If you don't want to trek, they'd ride you to school. You guys should be careful".

..As said, the whole family wasn't happy that Ethan would be leaving soon.

But there's nothing that can be done about it, he has to go. And this they know, he'd come back safely. His embarking on this journey was already a norm.

"Go and come back safely". Emma said to Ethan.

Ethan glanced at her, nodded his head a little, and smiled.


All the knights and warriors that would be embarking on the journey had already reported to the king's palace. The goods they'd be traveling with had already been prepared.

They were all set in carriages attached to different horses. The horses the knights and warriors would be using to embark on the journey had already been prepared.

"Go and come back safely, I'd be expecting you guys as usual". The king uttered to them all.

All they did was bow their heads a little, then the king focused his gaze on Ethan and nodded his head a little, and Ethan nodded back.

They all left the king's palace, mounted the different horses, both the ones attached to carriages and the ones that weren't, and began riding them slowly.

As they rode in the City Square, natives of the Tuvalon Kingdom were just glancing at them. The people that would be going to pay the tributes amid the dangers on the way...they respected them.

..Some of them were even nodding their heads a little as they were glancing at them.

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