Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 278 Something Was Making Him Glad.

Chapter 278 Something Was Making Him Glad.

And he has 12 days remaining to do this, tomorrow would reduce it to 11 days, time was counting. Once he can seduce and conquer her, he'd get the rewards as usual which consisted of Exp, Skill points, and strength.

But if he fails to do so, no more rewards and he'd even lose skill points...

He doesn't want that, so he has to try his very best to accomplish the quest just as he did when he got his first main quest.

The both of them were glancing directly into each other's eyes right now, then Cara voiced out,

"So, would you still try to locate the grey building?".

"Yes, for sure, I need to locate it". Aiden responded.

"I wouldn't be able to help you locate it, I need to head home right now, got some things to handle". Cara stated.


"We'd meet later then...when you come to my academy maybe".

"Sure, sure, you didn't even have to put the maybe. When next I come to your academy to see my friend, I'd try to see you as well".

Cara nodded her head a little, then she said, "Okay then, bye".

..And with that, she began walking off.

But there was something she didn't want, she didn't want Aiden to know her house since it was very close by currently. She knows when she steps foot into it, he'd see her and know that was her home.

What she didn't know was that Aiden already knew her home...he knows a lot about her already. They didn't tell each other their age, but he also knows her age as well...they were age mates.

She was still walking when she suddenly stopped, glanced back at Aiden, and voiced out,

"Wouldn't you start looking for the grey building?".

"Oh! Yes, I have to start now so I can locate it on time". Aiden said.

He already knew what the problem was, she doesn't want him to know her home...he's discerned that already.

'She doesn't know I know her home already, she doesn't know a lot'. Aiden thought to himself.

This was the same case with Lucia, she and Aiden had had sex twice, but she doesn't still know a lot about him.

He began walking off, and while he was doing so, she was glancing at him. She wanted to make sure he wasn't in sight anymore before she'd walk into her home.

And that's exactly what happened, after he had walked off completely, she then strolled into her home.

Right now, Aiden was standing on a certain spot, and he had already inactivated the irresistible fragrance by now.

He wasn't just standing there, he was thinking about how he'd been able to achieve something today, and he didn't know when a smile appeared on his face.

People were walking past him while he was just standing there, some even glanced at him as they walked past.

'For days after getting the quest, I hadn't been able to achieve anything when it comes to seducing her. But on the 12th day, I achieved something, isn't that nice? I am a little amazed at myself, I didn't even have to activate the rod increase to do this'. Aiden thought to himself.

After he was done thinking that, he thought of how Cara didn't want him to know her home. Yes, he's thought of this before, he was thinking about it again.

He couldn't help but shake his head a little as that smile was still plastered to his face, and this same thought ran through his mind... josei

'She doesn't know I know her home already'.

..He was smiling now 'cause he's accomplished something.

Yesterday, he was looking so gloomy while coming back home with his friends 'cause his plan was ruined and he couldn't achieve anything. Now that he's achieved something at least, let's see how things would go from here.

'Would that extra lessons continue? Would my plans also be ruined next week?'. Another thought ran through Aiden's mind.

Yes, if that extra lessons were to continue next week, then there'd be problem 'cause it would keep on ruining his plans.

Remember, while heading to Cara's house, he determined to accomplish something at least, and he did so. Still standing on that spot, he made another determination,

"Even if that extra lessons were to continue next week, I'd make sure it doesn't ruin my plans".

He muttered it, and he was so confident 'cause he's come up with a new plan in his head, a fresh one, the one that wouldn't fail him.

On that day, he'd make sure to escape if the f**king extra lessons were to take place.

He was done thinking, and right now, it was about time to head home. He glanced left and right, then he began walking heading toward his home.

..Home sweet home.


The next day had reached, and as of now, Aiden had 11 days remaining to seduce and conquer Cara...time was going.

His dad, his mum, and Hazel noticed that he was happy. Who are we referring to here? Aiden. Yes, his family members noticed that something was making him glad.

The only person that didn't notice it was Lydia. And we all know what was making Aiden glad, he accomplished something yesterday. He was able to converse with Cara and a little connection had already taken place between the both of them.

..Yes, she hadn't fallen for him yet, but they were getting there.

His family members noticed something was making him glad but didn't ask him about it, they kept it to themselves.

Now, remember, Hazel visited her fiancee's house yesterday to spend some time together with him, and they did. Did she enjoy it? Yes, she enjoyed herself to the fullest.

She was in love with him, and he was in love with her as well. They enjoyed themselves, but they didn't...

..Yes, they were waiting until marriage before they'd engage in that.

When she arrived home yesterday, she and her mum, Emma, kept talking about it. She brought home all the things her fiancee gave to her, and they were nice goodies.

Emma asked her a lot of questions regarding their date, and she answered all. Meanwhile, while they were discussing that, Aiden was inside his room thinking about what he achieved that day.

Ethan didn't ask Hazel much regarding their date, he only asked a few questions. Well, as said, the next day had arrived already, and it wasn't even morning anymore.

Noon had arrived, and they had engaged in a lot of activities by now. All the Dankworth family was at home, even Ethan was at home.

Yes, there was no reason for him to go to his animal field today, so he was using today to rest.

While Ethan, Emma, and Hazel were in the living room discussing as a family currently, Aiden was inside his room thinking. Yes, a lot was running through his mind which was a norm for him.

He was sitting on his bed currently, and he was thinking of tomorrow's activities. School would resume once again tomorrow, and he was thinking if he should visit Cara's school tomorrow.

Yesterday, he decided he was gonna visit her academy no matter what once school resumes...not even the extra lessons would stop him.

..But now, he was having a double mind.

Why? Wouldn't she think his own was too much? Like, she and he conversed on a certain day, and the moment school resumed, he visited her academy?

Wouldn't she think he had a plan? She might even start having double thoughts about that friendship of theirs. Aiden doesn't want that, he doesn't want anything to ruin his plans.

But time was counting, he has no time to waste. Once tomorrow reaches, he'd have 10 days remaining to seduce and conquer her. He had already started working on the seduction, but he hadn't yet...not to talk of conquering her.

..So time wasn't on his side, and with this in mind, he decided he was gonna visit Cara's academy tomorrow.

He was gonna use that so-called friend of his as an excuse for coming and decided to see her as well...the friend that doesn't exist.

'I might even make use of the rod increase tomorrow if the need arises. If I don't need to activate the rod increase at all to seduce her, then I wouldn't'. He thought to himself.

This was the next thought that followed, 'And as said, not even the so-called extra lessons would be able to stop me tomorrow'.

..He had planned, what remains was for him to implement them tomorrow.

The day kept on going, and Aiden never joined his family in the living room to converse with them, and they never asked him the reason for his happiness.

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