Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 281  I Give Up.

Chapter 281  I Give Up.

And that friend of hers kept quiet, no questions would be coming from her anymore. But though they didn't say it, this was the thoughts running through all of her friends' minds...

'Where did she know him from? It doesn't seem like he's from this academy'.

All their gazes were focused on Aiden currently including Cara's. After glancing at him for some seconds more, she walked toward him, held his hand, glanced back at her friends, and voiced out, josei

"I'd be back soon, just need to discuss with him for a while".

And with that, she and Aiden began walking. As they were walking, a lot was running through Aiden's mind, these were some of them...

'Where is she taking me to? Seems like something happened'.

Cara planned to take Aiden to a place still somewhere around the academy where her friends wouldn't be able to see them conversing.

And that's exactly what she did, she took him to a place that was a little hidden, then she began glancing at him once again.

Aiden didn't even know what to do or say at that moment, he was just glancing at her as well. And this was the utterance that flowed out of Cara's mouth,

"Why are you here?".

..Aiden was surprised by that question...has she forgotten everything?

"I'm here to see you. Remember? We discussed this day before yesterday, we are friends to an extent now". Aiden responded.

"You're here to see me? Okay, why today?". She threw another question.

'Wow! What is wrong with her? We were conversing so freely with each other that day, what's with this attitude now? She's a really tough one'. Aiden thought to himself.

After thinking that, he then responded orally, "Note, I didn't come here to see only you, I came to see my friend as well, he's the first person I had in mind while coming here. I searched for him after arriving here but couldn't find him, he's most likely gone home,

So I decided to come see you as well if you hadn't gone home just as I promised you. I began searching for you until I found you".

..There was silence for some seconds, then Cara's voice resounded.

"Now isn't the right time at all, like, something happened. There was a little conflict between me and my friends. A lot happened today, anger took over, there was a disagreement,

We started taking sides, and that led to a separation. I'm not feeling too good right now".

This was the thought that ran through Aiden's mind at that moment,

'No wonder her friends aren't complete, no wonder they were conversing but weren't smiling at each other as usual. Her friends mustn't be feeling good as well, I wonder what caused the disagreement'.

"Ummm, I don't think this friendship of a thing would work out between the both of us. We might need to end it". Cara's voice resounded again.

..Now, that hit Aiden hard, he was just glancing at her without saying anything.

He managed to become friends with her to an extent and hoped that would lead to seducing her, and here she was saying she doesn't think the friendship would work out between the both of them.

Aiden's mood dropped badly at that moment...she was a really tough one.

'No wonder the system gave me 21 days to seduce and conquer her. She knew what she was doing, this girl is a really tough one'. Aiden thought to himself.

Remember, he planned on activating the rod increase if the need arises...but as of now, he wasn't in the mood to do so at all, the motivation to do it wasn't there at all.

I mean, the little foundation he managed to build regarding accomplishing his quest was already crumbling. Cara noticed a bit of sadness in Aiden's eyes after she made that utterance, and it made her begin wondering.

"Wow! Our friendship didn't even last for at least a month, and you're already ending it? Is it because of what happened between you and your friends?". Aiden inquired of Cara.

"Yes, it included, and some other reasons as well". Cara responded.

"What are the reasons?".

"You don't need to know them, what I know is that this friendship between us wouldn't be able to hold anymore".

..As of this moment, Aiden had 10 days remaining to seduce and conquer her, and she was saying this?

He just stood there glancing at her, he was short of words. Cara didn't say anything as well for seconds, and there was a kind of expression on her an expression of guilt.

And this was the utterance that flowed out of her mouth next, "So I'd be going now, bye".

Aiden didn't even say anything, he just watched her walk away. And even after she'd walked away, he was still standing there. A lot was running through his mind at that moment, and his mood had dropped badly.

He glanced left and right, then he began walking. He aimed to walk out of the academy and head straight to his house. Getting to the spot where he could see lots of students once again, he began scanning around in search of Cara.

The moment he set eyes on her along with her friends, he muttered to himself,

"You're a tough one".

..And with that, he continued walking out of the academy.

He was walking on the road right now heading toward his home, and anyone that set eyes on him would definitely notice that he was sad.

And it was happening, people were glancing at him and noticing his current mood. The little stuff he's managed to build had crumbled...everything.

He just felt like asking the system, 'Why would you give me such a girl to seduce and conquer?'. And he was gonna do it with anger in his tone of voice that the system might end up getting offended.

..But he doesn't want to do it, and he wouldn't.

He had arrived at the community where his home was situated, and he was still walking. He had arrived at the front of his house by now, and he stood there glancing at the building for seconds like this was the first time he was coming here.

..He was sad, and there was nothing he could do to change that mood at this moment.

He had walked into the compound by now, and in seconds, he was already inside the house. Entering, he sighted his mum and Lydia in the living room.

And immediately, his mum noticed the sad expression on his face, but Lydia didn't notice it immediately.

"Did anything happen, Aiden?". His mum inquired of him the moment she noticed the expression on his face.

"Nothing mum, everything is alright". He quickly lied.

"Then why is your facial expression like this?".

"That's 'cause I'm a little tired and stressed. We did some extra lessons today after closing hour. The normal teachings we got according to the teaching curriculum were enough to stress my brain for reasons best known to me,

With the extra lessons, my brain was stressed more".

..Another lie, someone that didn't even wait for the extra lessons, he left his academy before the bell even rang to signify closing hour.

"Oh! I'm sorry to hear that, you can just go into your room and rest a little". Emma said to Aiden.

"Yes, mum, I'd do just that".

And with that, Aiden began walking toward his room until he entered it.

Entering it, he took off his bag and flung it aside. Then he placed both of his palms on his head and sat on his bed. He was feeling a rush of emotions at this moment...sadness was the main one.

After sitting on it, he then lay on it, he wasn't even sure he was gonna take off his robe.

"The little foundation I managed to build had crumbled, what am I going to do now? Where do I start to start building it again?". Aiden muttered to himself.

As known, he managed to become friends with Cara to an extent, he's already built a little foundation like that. What remained was for him to seduce her since he was already friends with her...then he'd conquer her and accomplish the quest.

But now, with what she said, everything had crumbled. Aiden just lay on his bed feeling sad, and this was the thought that ran through his mind,

'Seems like I'm gonna give up on accomplishing this quest, whatever comes. Yes, I'd miss out on the rewards that come with accomplishing the quest, and skill points would be taken out of my skill points,

So be it, I give up, she's a really tough one. I don't have the strength to keep trying to accomplish the quest'.

And you know what? He meant everything, he truly plans on giving up on the quest...he was tired...


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