Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 29 Sudden Approach.

Chapter 29 Sudden Approach.

And at that moment, their facial expressions changed screaming, 'Why did he choose to start now?'.

And that annoyed Miss Alice a little, these little kids were questioning her using their facial expressions? She voiced out at that moment,

"You guys should stop that, I don't know the reason why he chose to start at this age", Then she glanced at Aiden and inquired, "Or Aiden, would you like to tell them?".

Aiden did nothing more than shake his head signifying 'no'. Then Miss Alice continued speaking,

"As I've said, his name is Aiden Dankworth, and he is seven years old. His father is one of the average-ranked chiefs in this kingdom".

The moment she made that utterance, Aiden was just like, 'You didn't have to say that', he said it in his thought, so no one heard. She was still speaking,

"He's gonna be joining you guys in this class. Be nice to him".

Everyone just nodded their heads, and glancing at their faces, Aiden was a little confused. There were different expressions on their faces, and at that moment, he couldn't help but wonder,

'Would they be nice to me?'.

"Is there any available chair in this classroom?". Miss Alice's voice resounded once again.

"Yes ma'am, more than one, about two available chairs and tables". One of the male students voiced out.

"Oh! That's nice. I haven't been putting focus into these things, so I'm not aware", Miss Alice voiced out, then she glanced at Aiden and uttered once again, "Aiden, you'll make use of one of the chairs and tables. This is your class, try to get along with your classmates".

'Would I be the one to get along with them, or would they be the one to get along with me? Getting along with them is based on how they treat me. And secondly, I am an adult in a young boy's body, so I shouldn't be the one to get along with them'. Aiden thought to himself.

"I'll be going now, I'll come to check out on you guys later. You guys should show him the chairs and tables available so he'll choose the spot he'll like to sit on. Once again, be nice to him". Miss Alice voiced out, and after making that utterance, she departed from the classroom.

Aiden just stood there glancing at them all, now was the time to know how they'll treat him. One of the boys in yellow robe stood up from the chair he was sitting on and began strolling toward, Aiden.

Glancing at him, Aiden could tell he was older than him. If he wasn't, then they'll be the same age, there was no how the guy was older than him. No one in this class was older than him, he was older than some, and the same age as some.

The guy in yellow robe reached where he was standing, placed his palm on his shoulder, and said,

"Welcome to this class".

A little smile appeared on Aiden's face as he nodded his head a little, then the boy uttered to him again,

"There are about two vacant chairs and tables in this classroom, let me show you them".

Aiden nodded his head a little once again, then the boy began sauntering as Aiden followed him from behind. Everyone in the classroom was just glancing at both of them, both males and females.

As they strolled passing different students in the classroom, Aiden was just glancing at the boy, the first person to treat him nicely in this class. While everyone was still sitting in their chairs, he was the one that took the initiative to stand up from his chair and approach him...Aiden liked that.

..And now, he was taking the initiative to show Aiden the vacant chairs and tables in the classroom...nice.

They arrived at one of the vacant chairs and tables at the side of the classroom, then the boy said to, Aiden,

"This is one of the vacant chairs and tables in this classroom", He then pointed to the back of the class and uttered, "That's the second one, so, which one would you choose. To sit at this place, or to sit at the back?".

Aiden glanced at the chair and table at the back of the classroom, then he glanced at the ones he was standing close to currently. Contemplating for some seconds, he voiced out,

"I'm choosing these, it's better to stay at this spot than to stay at the back".

The boy's lips curved in a smile, then he uttered once again,

"Nice choice".

And at this moment, Aiden had developed a liking for the boy...the first person to treat him nicely. Everyone was still sitting in their seats glancing at both of them, none of them have even attempted to approach, Aiden.

"I know your name already, Aiden Dankworth, just as our teacher said. My name is, Oliver". The boy uttered with that smile still plastered to his face.

"That's a cool name". Aiden stated just to lift the boy's spirit...and truly, the name was cool to Aiden.


There was silence for a while as the both of them just stood there glancing at each other, then Oliver's voice resounded,

"I'll go to my seat now, we'll talk later".

Aiden just nodded his head, and Oliver departed from his presence heading to his seat. People were still glancing at, Aiden, but no one approached him. He sat on his seat focusing his gaze on, Oliver...he had developed a liking for him.

Oliver wasn't glancing at him, but he was glancing at, Oliver. Aiden was a cute young boy, so sitting on the chair, he noticed that some of the females in the classroom were glancing at him. This was exactly what happened while he and his dad were sauntering on the compound heading to the head teacher's office.

..He noticed that some girls were staring at him.

..Little girls, what do they know about love? Or wait, was it lust they were feeling while glancing at him?

Whatever, if it was banging they needed, then he wouldn't be able to give it to them 'cause he took them like little children. How could he be screwing little girls without full packages? Girls that weren't even up to their teens yet?

Yes, he was a little boy too, but no matter what, he'll always take himself as an adult in a young boy's body. At that moment, some of the girls began approaching him, and he was really surprised.


Minutes ago, they all sat on their chairs glancing at him, none of them even attempted to approach him. But now, many of them were coming to meet him in his seat and introducing themselves to him telling him their names?

Out of all the girls that introduced themselves to him, there was one that was the prettiest, and she goes by the name, Ava. There was something special about her, and she was really pretty. Aiden just kept glancing at her as she strolled to her seat.

If only he was interested in love, then there might be a way to work out things between the both of them though they were still very young. And they'll keep going until they get to their teenage age.

But as things were going, he wouldn't be able to do love. He hasn't even started completing main quests yet, he hasn't started seducing girls and banging them. So, how could he do love when he was engaging in such?

Girls kept greeting and introducing themselves to him, and Aiden kept smiling receiving their greetings and introductions. He was still a little surprised, they were sitting on their chairs before, but they suddenly decided to come and start greeting him...

..Was it because they found him cute?

After the girls were done greeting him, the boys started approaching him. Oh! It was the boys' turn now? What can he do apart from leaving a smile on his face and receiving their greetings and introductions?

As they were greeting, Aiden, Oliver was glancing at them from his seat...and there was a smile on his face. He was happy that they were finally approaching him, he was happy that he was the first person that took the initiative to approach him.

Within minutes, everyone was now sitting on their seats as they were done greeting, Aiden. Not everyone in the classroom approached him though, some just glued their asses to their seats without standing up from it for a second.

One of the boys that approached Aiden asked this question after he had greeted and introduced himself to him,

'Why did you choose to start school now? At this age?'.

And this was Aiden's reply to him, 'Ummm'. The boy became tired and strolled back to his seat noticing that Aiden doesn't plan on giving him an answer to his question.

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