Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 293 Next Tomorrow.

Chapter 293 Next Tomorrow.

And what she was saying made sense, but they still needed to confirm.

"Are you sure about what you're saying?". Aiden inquired.

"Completely sure, I've been living with him for years. Let me go confirm though".

The knock resounded on the door again, and Cara was already walking toward it. She reached it, opened it, and the moment she saw the person knocking on the door, she glanced at Aiden, then glanced back at the person.

For some seconds, Aiden was confused if it was her father or not 'cause Cara didn't say anything to him nor did she make any signal. But in the next seconds, he discerned it wasn't her father.

..If it was, he would have entered by now.

Cara was speaking to a certain person and seems like she was familiar with the person. The person didn't step foot into the house at all, and Cara doesn't want the person to.

She doesn't want the person to see know how people think, he or she might start judging Cara immediately. Aiden wanted to see who the person was, he was curious.

But he can't, to see the person, he'd have to walk over to the door, and the person would end up seeing him. And he doesn't want that, and he was sure Cara doesn't want that as well.

The conversation lasted for minutes, and after it ended, Cara closed the door and began walking toward Aiden. The moment she reached him, he said to her,

"For sure, that isn't your dad".

"Yes, just as I told you". Cara stated.

"Who was it?". Aiden inquired.

"Someone I know, explaining it would be a lot of hassle, so just take it as someone I know". Cara responded.

Aiden nodded his head, then Cara's voice resounded again...

"Aiden, you'd have to get going now".

"Why?". Aiden inquired.

"It's getting late, my dad would soon arrive home".

"I thought you said it wouldn't be a problem even if your dad sees the both of us together".

"Yes, that's true, but it's getting late, the fact that you're still here up to this hour might be what would make him angry a little. You should have started heading home considering that it's already getting late, the sky is already darkening little by little,

Yes, that would be his mindset, and as I said, that might be enough to make him angry. So you should leave now".

Aiden stood up from the chair he was sitting on wearing his bag, and the moment that happened, since he was standing close to Cara after he stood up, a large amount of fragrance entered her nostrils.

She wanted to have him...if only she could f**k him today, but he needed to leave now.

"You know I don't want you to leave, if my dad had traveled or something, I would have wanted you to stay for as long as you wanted, but he didn't".

Aiden nodded his head and voiced out, "I understand, no need for too much explanation".

He began walking toward the door, and as he was walking toward it, Cara's voice resounded again,

"It wouldn't end just like this, if possible, come to this place next tomorrow again".

Aiden glanced at her and inquired, "Next tomorrow? Why not tomorrow?".

"I'd be busy after coming back from school tomorrow, really busy. So there'd be no time for us to converse and all that...I'd have no time for you, and it would be a waste of your time,

But I'd be completely available next tomorrow since I'd be at home throughout, you wouldn't be going to school that day as well. So you can come here on that day, maybe as early as in the morning".

What can Aiden do? He nodded his head and uttered, "Okay".

..Now, on that day, Cara planned on getting down with Aiden.

She was gonna tell him what she wanted, she was gonna put her fear aside, she was gonna have sex with him on that day. That's what she determined in her, let's see if she'd be able to keep to it.josei

Aiden wasn't feeling happy as he opened the door to the house, glanced back at Cara once again, she waved at him, then he stepped out of the house.

..He didn't accomplish anything today, that was his mindset.

Yes, he conversed with her, they bonded more, but to him, he didn't accomplish anything. We all know what was the most important to him, banging her and accomplishing the quest.

Until he's done that, he'd keep taking it like he hadn't accomplished anything. And he wouldn't be able to come here tomorrow according to what she said, so he has no hope of accomplishing the quest tomorrow.

Once tomorrow reaches, he'd have 4 days remaining to conquer her, the upper day would reduce it to 3 days, and that's the day he'd be going to her house...a day all academies would be empty of students.

'On that day, I'd have to try my very best to accomplish the quest, I have very limited time to accomplish it, I'm close to accomplishing it...I shouldn't f**k up this thing. What's the need of picking up the quest again when I'd end up not accomplishing it?

Including all the skill points that have been deducted from my skill points due to activating of skills. I can't mess this up, I have to try to accomplish this quest on that day. Even if she doesn't still tell me what she wants on that day, I'd have to find another way'. Aiden thought to himself.

..Yes, he'd have to find another way, maybe Cara would never tell him what she wanted.

If he notices that was the case on that day, he'd find another way.

'Maybe I might have ended up f**king her today if I had succeeded in activating the rod increase. The skill was what made her thirst for me, with the skill, I can also screw her,

But everything was ruined by that knock on the door...who was that f**king person knocking on the door at that moment'. Another thought ran through his mind.

He was just really worried, he needed to screw Cara and accomplish the quest. As he was walking, he inactivated the irresistible fragrance.

He kept walking until he was out of the Slakar Community heading toward his home.


A lot of effort has been put into trying to accomplish his second main quest. Yes, main quests weren't easy to accomplish, a lot of effort would be put into them.

..And putting a lot of effort doesn't mean you'd succeed in accomplishing them, you can still fail.

But you'd have a higher chance of accomplishing them. He knew what he went through trying to accomplish his first main quest, trying to seduce and conquer Lucia.

It wasn't easy, but he still accomplished it. Now, he knows what he's going through trying to seduce and conquer Cara. Yes, he's succeeded in seducing her, what remains was for him to conquer her.

And he wasn't finding it easy to do...seducing her wasn't easy as well. He even gave up at a certain point while trying to seduce her, that's how hard it was.

And he wouldn't have picked up the quest again if not for his friend, Oliver. But there was still something to be happy least, he's seduced her already.

According to what Cara told him, he wasn't to go to her house on the 4th day of accomplishing the quest, and he didn't. After school, he went straight home.

For days, he hadn't set eyes on Lucia, he hadn't visited her academy. He was busy trying to accomplish his second main quest, so there was no time to visit her academy.

After that day they had sex last, he hadn't laid with her again. But he was gonna do so soon after he had accomplished his current main quest.

..Well, coming back to the 4th day he had remaining to accomplish his current main quest, he didn't like what he met when he arrived home on that day.

Hazel's fiancee was in the house with Hazel, Emma, and Lydia. The moment he set eyes on him, he thought to himself...

'What is he doing here?'.

Well, he just greeted them and went straight into his room, he doesn't care about their conversation. After he had changed up and all that, he went outside.

He didn't want his mum to tell him to come sit down 'cause Hazel's fiancee was said, he doesn't care about their conversation.

After arriving outside, this was the thought that ran through his mind,

'I haven't been accomplishing daily quests for some time now due to my current main quest...that feeling of accomplishing daily quests'.

After that thought ran through his mind, he glanced at the house, he doesn't plan on going inside anytime soon...maybe he wouldn't even go inside until Hazel's fiancee leaves.

..But he wanted to engage in something.

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