Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 296 He Came.

Chapter 296 He Came.

If her dad sees him and Cara inside the house together, even if a problem were to arise, it wouldn't be that big.

But as said, the case was different, he was alone inside the house. Aiden was already walking toward the door, and this was the thought that ran through his mind,

'Has something not happened to her like this? This is too long'.

He reached the door, opened it, and stepped out. Then he glanced around to see if he'd sight Cara with little hope of seeing her, and he didn't see her.

He was so disappointed, he didn't accomplish anything today, nothing went his way. And once tomorrow reaches, he'd have two days remaining to conquer her.

..As said, it was just like Earth itself didn't want him to accomplish the quest.

What can he do? He began walking heading toward his home, his face wasn't bright at all. This quest was harder than his first quest, no wonder the system gave him 21 days to accomplish it.

He gave up on the quest at some point and had to pick it up again...and now, he had just three f**king days remaining to accomplish it.josei

It was just like his first quest, he was close to failing it 'cause the time limit given to him had already gotten so near before he was able to conquer Lucia.

But the case was different 'cause he was given just 14 days to accomplish the quest. But in the case of his second quest, he was given 21 days to accomplish it.

He wasted some days, things happened, and now, he had 3 days left to accomplish it...tomorrow would reduce it to 2 days.

'I can't pick up this quest again for nothing, I can't give up just like that though I have very few days remaining to accomplish it'. Aiden thought to himself while walking.

..Yes, he wasn't gonna give up on the quest.

What does that mean? He was gonna go to Cara's house tomorrow again. And when that happens, when he's accomplished that without meeting her father, he wouldn't wait for her to make her request.

He was gonna shoot his shot immediately, he was gonna do the things needed to bang her at that moment. He needed to accomplish the quest, earn the strength that comes with accomplishing it, and also earn the Exp and Skill points that come with accomplishing it.

These things were running through his mind as he was walking on the road heading toward his home. His dad would most likely be at home's based on probability though.

But even if that happens to be the case, he'd still find a way to go to Cara's house. All he had to hope for was that her dad wouldn't be at home.


Cara arrived home that evening, and she didn't meet Aiden.

'Yes, I wasn't expecting to see him, I wasted a lot of time. He must have been angry while leaving...maybe'. She thought to herself after arriving home and not meeting him.

She arrived minutes after Aiden left, and her dad hadn't arrived home by that time. Their time was wasted at that place that girl took her said, something delayed them there.

They didn't plan on wasting time at that place at all...what she told Aiden was true. But things do happen, her plan was completely known, she wanted to make her request to Aiden today and have sex with him.

..Have a taste of his big cock.

'He might be angry at me, I don't think he'd come tomorrow, he might just take it like a waste of time. My dad won't be around tomorrow as well, so I'd really appreciate it if he came...I wouldn't waste a single minute to lay down with him'. She thought to herself, and she meant it.

She was just imagining what it would feel like for Aiden to be on top of her screwing would be really nice.

Meanwhile, on that same day, at nighttime, Aiden was in his room sitting on top of his bed thinking about what happened today and what would most likely transpire tomorrow.

What he was hoping for to transpire tomorrow was him f**king Cara. But why was the most likely there? Well, things could fail. I mean, things didn't go as planned today.

He had already eaten dinner with his family, and now, it was about time for him to go to sleep, but he wanted to think a little before that would take place.I think you should take a look at

He had already strategized for tomorrow, what would take place the moment he arrives at Cara's home. For minutes, his mind was busy, and after he was done thinking, he lay on his bed and went straight to sleep.


Today was another day...and currently, Aiden has two days remaining to accomplish his current quest, to conquer Cara. He sat up on his bed and muttered to himself...

"I hope things work out well today".

..Would things work out well? Well, let's see.

He stood up from his bed completely, walked out of his room, and began preparing. Preparing in what way? Brushing his teeth, taking his bath, and so on.

Yes, the plan was to reach Cara's house in the morning again...everything needs to be done on time. And according to what he's seen, seems like his dad would be going out as well.

According to what he heard, he'd head over to the palace first for a meeting with the king, then he'd head straight to his animal field, he had a lot of things to handle there.

..And you know what? Aiden was happy his dad was heading somewhere this morning.

Why? 'Cause with his dad at home, when he wants to leave for Cara's house, as far as his dad sets eyes on him, he'd definitely question him about where he was heading.

Especially now that today was a day he was supposed to stay at home...where the f**k was he heading to? Now, lying to his dad wasn't easy, there were some kinds of lies he doesn't believe.

And if his dad doesn't believe his lie, his plan has been ruined. But since his dad was leaving this morning as well, he was glad.

..He'd make sure his dad leaves first, then he'd follow suit.

He had already dressed up by now in a nice-looking robe...he was looking handsome as usual. He walked out of his room and joined his family at the dining table to eat breakfast, and everyone was staring at him somehow...even his dad.

From the way he was dressed, seems like he was going somewhere, but wasn't he supposed to stay at home today? Aiden had already noticed the way they were staring at him, and he had discerned the reason why.

..He was just hoping his dad wouldn't question him...if he does, problem.

Well, they began eating, and throughout the eating, his dad didn't question him or any stuff like that. Until they were done eating, his dad didn't question him.

And it remained the same until his dad left the house...and Aiden was so happy. All he needed to handle was his mum, Emma, he was sure his older sister, Hazel, wouldn't really care about where he was heading.

Well, he spoke to his mum, and it went well. He gave her another lie, and she believed it. And right now, he was free to leave the house, and that's exactly what he did.

He had already walked out of the compound by now as he was walking in the village square. As he was walking, his mind became a little know, thinking here and there.

What was he thinking about? Definitely, he was thinking about his current main quest, Cara. He didn't have to think too much 'cause he had already done a lot of it yesterday, he strategized and all that.

He kept journeying until he arrived at the Slakar Community once again, then he made his way to Cara's house as he was standing some meters away from it and glancing at it.

In his mind, he was like, 'I'm here again'. He didn't have time to start thinking if her dad was around or not, he began walking toward the door immediately. And the moment he reached it, he began knocking on it.

He knocked until the door was opened by Cara, and the moment she set eyes on him, her eyes widened and she felt butterflies in her stomach...she was so glad to see him.

And this was the thought that ran through her mind at that moment...

'He came'.

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