Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 31 Apart From.

Chapter 31 Apart From.


Little murmuring could be heard in the classroom before a teacher stepped foot into it. A man in light blue robe, a board in one hand, and some books in one hand. He had a little mustache and some beards under his jaw.

Glancing at him, Aiden thought of his dad, they looked alike a little. And from what Aiden was seeing, seems like he was in his early 'forties. The moment he stepped foot into the classroom, there was silence, the murmuring stopped...they stopped conversing amongst themselves.

And at that moment, the man's voice resounded, "Hello class".

"Hello, sir!". The whole class voiced out in unison apart from, Aiden.

He wasn't that happy that a teacher had stepped foot into the class. The teaching would start, and he'll start learning what he already knows. But he decided to be patient first, who knows what subject teacher the man was? Who knows the subject he was teaching? Maybe it was something Aiden doesn't know.

As known, there weren't permanent boards in each class. The man brought along his board, so he just hung it in front of the classroom. Hanging it, he faced the whole class once again, and at this moment, he was scanning round.

He wanted to see if any student was missing, this was something he likes to do when he steps foot into a classroom to teach. If he notices that a student or some students were missing, he'll ask the rest about them...if they had any idea why they were missing.

He had been teaching in this academy for some time now, so he's gotten so familiar with students in each class knowing almost everyone's faces. Scanning round, he confirmed that no student was missing, but he noticed something...there was a new face in this class.

He was glancing at Aiden currently, and Aiden was glancing at him as was becoming an awkward situation.

"This isn't a face I'm familiar with, are you new to this class?". The man uttered with his gaze still focused on, Aiden.

Before Aiden could even answer that question, one of the boys in the classroom voiced out,

"Yes, he joined today".

The man glanced at the boy and uttered, "I wasn't asking you, why don't you let the young boy answer the question?".

And there was a little murmuring at that moment. The man focused his gaze on Aiden once again and threw back the question,

"Are you new to this class?".

Aiden stood up from the chair he was sitting on and responded,

"Yes, I'm new to this class, and I'm new to this academy as a whole".

The man nodded his head a little and voiced out, "Oh! That's nice. So what is your name?".

"My name is, Aiden Dankworth". Aiden retorted.

A certain kind of expression appeared on the man's face at that expression of familiarity. Then he uttered once again,

"Aiden Dankworth...Dankworth, that surname seems really familiar. Are you in any way related to..."

Before the man could complete that statement, Aiden cut him short saying,

"Yes, I'm related to Ethan Dankworth, one of the average-ranked chiefs in this kingdom. He is my father".

"No wonder". The man voiced out with that expression of familiarity disappearing from his face. Then he uttered once again, "There are also some kids in this academy whose fathers are into politics too".

Aiden heard that and gave no f**k about it. There was silence for a while, then the man voiced out once again,

"How old are you?".

Aiden knew that once he says his age, the man would make that same comment, 'How come you're just starting now?'. You know, that comment about him starting late.

"I'm seven years old". Aiden responded.

A kind of expression appeared on the man's face the moment Aiden made that utterance...yeah, he was most likely gonna make the same comment. And he did,

"Why are you just starting now? The normal age for a kid to start attending an academy is five years old. At least, if you want to start late, you start at six years old, why are you starting at seven years old?".

Aiden didn't answer that question, he was just glancing at the man. Then the man inquired of him once again,

"Or were you attending an academy before you transferred to this one?".

"No". Aiden responded.

"Then why are you just starting school now? And to make matters worse, you're the son of a chief".

'You didn't have to say that'. Aiden thought to himself.

The man was still glancing at Aiden waiting for a response, but Aiden doesn't plan on answering his question. What does he want to say? What does he want to tell him?

"Are you answering or not?". The man inquired of Aiden once again.

"Ummm". That was all that flowed out of Aiden's mouth, the same thing.

The man stood there for some seconds more, and by now, he had already discerned that Aiden doesn't plan on answering his question, so he voiced out,

"You may sit. You're starting school by this time 'cause you chose to start by this time...let's leave it like that".

He chose to end things that way, and Aiden was glad that he did, he loved the fact that the man didn't try to force an answer from his mouth. Aiden balanced back on his chair, and at that moment, he began wondering what subject the man was teaching.

"So, everyone, bring out your books, we'll continue from where we stopped concerning calculation".

He was a mathematics teacher, Aiden discerned that at that moment...hearing the word 'calculation' was enough for him to discern it. He wasn't that bad at calculation, he doesn't like maths that much, but he doesn't hate it either. So there was a very high possibility that he'll be aware of what the man wanted to teach them.

Everyone was already bringing out their books and reed pens from their bags, while Aiden was just glancing at them. Then the man uttered to, Aiden,

"Didn't you bring any book or reed pen? Don't tell me you came empty-handed".

And at that moment, Aiden held his bag, raised it, and said,

"No sir, I didn't. I came with books and reed pens".

"That's good then. Now, bring them out". The man voiced out.

Aiden didn't really like the type of vibe this man was emitting. But the man was a teacher, and he was a student, so he'll have to keep things cool. He opened his bag and took out a book and reed pen dropping them on the table in front of him.

By now, everyone had already done the same. Then the man strolled to the board he hung in front of the class and wrote an equation on it, basic equation...simple equation. Glancing at the equation, Aiden smiled a little, then thought to himself,

'Just as I said, things I'm already aware of. Look at this equation, what I do solve when I was a little kid'.

It was simple for him, but it wasn't that simple for the other students 'cause they hadn't lived life somewhere else before reincarnating into this world. They haven't gotten to solve equations like this in the past, it hasn't been long since they were introduced to them.

..So it wasn't that easy for them, but it was easy for, Aiden.

It was even simpler than the ones Aiden had solved in the his previous world. After writing the equation on the board, the teacher glanced at them all and voiced out,

"I'll solve this, then you guys would get to solve your own".

They all nodded their heads a little, then the man began solving the equation on the board. This wasn't the first time the man was solving this kind of equation for them, but he was doing it again so they'll be able to grab and understand it fully. So while the man was solving the equation, everyone focused their gazes on the board...

..Apart from, Aiden. He was the only one that didn't fix his gaze on the board.

In fact, while the man was solving, he was thinking about when he'll get today's quest. The system told him that he'll get the quest, but he hadn't gotten it yet, so when would he get it? That was what he was thinking about.

There was no need to focus his gaze on the board 'cause he could solve the equation on his own...without the man's explanation. After the man was done solving it, he glanced at them all and inquired,

"So, did you guys see that?".

All of them answered 'Yes' apart from, Aiden.

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