Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 5 Coming Home.

Chapter 5 Coming Home.

He wasn't like most chiefs that awakened their powers and didn't bother to train, they didn't bother to learn to make use of their powers better, they didn't learn to wield mana...they chose not to become a warrior.

That's a decision everyone has to make, you choose whether you want to become a warrior or not...and most of the high-ranked chiefs chose not to. And that's where Ethan had the advantage.

He can easily protect his family from danger 'cause he trained, he learned to make use of his power elements well. But as for the other high-ranked and medium-ranked chiefs, they were nothing without their guards, without the knights protecting them.

They wouldn't be able to protect their families when danger arises though each of them possesses power elements. But that doesn't still change the fact that he was a low-ranked chief.

Apart from the flowers beautifying the compound, there were also horses on the compound, about three of them. One of the horses had a carriage attached to its back, that was the horse Ethan was gonna use in bringing his wife and newborn baby home.

He was glancing at the horses when he remembered Hazel was inside, his 7 years old daughter whom he loves so much. Hope she was alright? Hope nothing happened to her? She was the only one at home...he knew he had to go check out on her.

Immediately, he began heading towards the main edifice. And on entering it, he saw Hazel sitting on the ground with a book in her hands...she was reading. The moment she sighted him, she stood up, ran over to him, and voiced out,

"Dad, you're back".

"Yes, but I'll be going soon". Ethan uttered glancing at his daughter.

"What of mum? Did anything happen to her? Is she okay?". Hazel inquired, she knew that her mum was in labor and was rushed out of the house.

"Yes, she is okay. She was able to give birth successfully, you have a brother now".

"Seriously?". Hazel inquired with a bewildered facial expression.

"Yes, you have a little brother now".

And for some seconds, Ethan couldn't read the expression on his daughter's face. Was she happy that she has a brother now or was she sad about it? Well, he'll fathom this later, as for now, he has to go pick up his wife and baby.

"I have to go now, you'll see your brother soon". Ethan said lastly before departing from the house.

He got to the compound, strolled to the horse with a carriage attached to its back, mounted it, and began riding it. The horse neighed as he rode it out of the compound.

He rode the horse straight to the building where his wife and baby were, put a halt to the horse, and came down from it. Then he strolled straight into the building and into the room where the childbirth took place.

He saw his wife holding the baby in her hands with a smile on her face. And just as they told him, her clothes had been changed. Some of the midwives weren't in the room anymore, they had left. But the main midwife who assisted his wife with the childbirth was still there.

The moment he entered, she glanced at him and said, "Oh! You are back, it's time to take your wife and baby home".

He smiled, strolled straight to where Emma was sitting, caressed her hair, and said,

"It's time to go home, Emma".

Little Aiden glanced at Ethan and thought to himself,

'Oh! He's back, I guess it's time to go home'.

Ethan helped Emma stand up as they began walking out of the room slowly with the baby in Emma's hands...the midwives also followed them from behind.

Before Ethan evacuated the edifice completely, he paid what was needed to be paid for the delivery, he dropped the needed coins. Then he put his wife and baby into the carriage carefully, strolled to the horse, mounted it, and began riding it once again.

The horse neighed once again as he rod it. Riding the horse along the village square as people paved way when they sighted the horse coming. The ones that saw Emma in the carriage with the baby in her hands began discussing amongst themselves.

The gossipers, the ones that knew Ethan, the ones that knew he didn't have a son and needed one.

"Seems like Ethan's wife have finally given birth, remember, she was pregnant".

"Yes, who knows? Maybe the baby happens to be a girl, he has given birth to another girl. He'll still be among the men being mocked in this community, he'll still be a low-ranked chief".

"But who knows? Maybe they've been blessed with a boy, it could be a boy".


That was the conversation between two men. This was the comment made by a young lady that sighted Emma in the carriage with the baby in her hands,

"Oh! She's given birth finally. Hope it's a boy. But I have the feeling it's a girl. They don't have the giving birth and male child gene".

Ethan just kept riding his wife and baby home despite all the comments people were making. He didn't care about them, in fact, he wasn't listening to what they were saying. Or should I say he didn't hear and didn't bother to hear…

..Whatever they were saying was their business.

He rode the horse until they finally arrived at their house. He hopped down from the horse, walked straight to the carriage, and helped his wife come down from it with the baby in her hands.

By now, Hazel had already discerned that her parents were back, so she ran out of the house with speed. And the moment she sighted Emma, she ran towards her while shouting,


Reaching where Emma was, she hugged her waist as she wasn't tall enough to hug her properly. Emma caressed her hair, then Hazel glanced up at the baby and inquired,

"Is this the baby?".

"Yes, this is your little brother". Emma retorted with a smile on her face.


"I want to touch his face". Hazel voiced out once again.

Emma lowered the baby as her daughter touched the face. Meanwhile, while Hazel was touching her little brother's face, Aiden was glancing at her with these thoughts running through his mind,

'Who is this girl touching my face? Oh! This must be my sister. I'll experience the feeling of having an older sister. I didn't experience the feeling of having siblings in my previous life. Who knows? Maybe if my previous mum had given birth to another child I could call my sibling, I wouldn't have been maltreated that way'.

He then managed to glance around the compound, and he couldn't help but,

'Wow! Beautiful flowers everywhere, the design of the compound is one of a kind. So this is home? Nice. This is definitely not a modern world, I was reborn into an ancient world. So many things to prove it, look at their dressings, look at the edifice in front of me. I'll have to adapt'.

Hazel was still glancing at her little brother unaware of the things running through his mind. Ethan glanced at them all and voiced out,

"Let's go inside".

They began strolling into the building, and on entering it, Emma didn't waste time wrapping the baby's butt with a diaper. She had been instructed by the midwives to do that immediately after she gets home. And she's taken care of a baby before, so she was aware of that.

From the place where the childbirth took place down to this place, Aiden was wrapped with a blanket. Now that his butt had been wrapped with a diaper, she felt satisfied.

Ethan had purchased baby's stuff ahead of time. Whether the baby had been born or not, he wanted the baby's things to be available. From the baby's crib, to the diapers, some clothes he'll be wearing when he grows up a little, and so on.

Ethan was a chief, but he had no servants, why? 'Cause he was a low-ranked chief. Every high-ranked and average-ranked chief had servants in their houses. Apart from the king bestowing knights to each of them, he also bestowed servants to them.

Those are the privileges you get for being an average and high-ranked chief. Ethan could hire servants if he wanted, he had enough money to do so, he earns well, but he chose not to. Apart from his animal field which earns him lots of money, he also gets money from being a chief.

Though not as much as the high-ranked ones...he earns money from being a chief.

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