Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 51 The Library.

Chapter 51 The Library.

While they were eating, they conversed, they didn't eat in silence. And Aiden saw again that the both of them were conversing freely. That urge to ask Oliver how they became close was there.

He just wanted to say to, Oliver, 'You guys are conversing this freely, it wasn't like this yesterday. How did it happen? How did you guys become this close?'.

..The urge was there, it was so strong. But he was gonna wait, he has to wait. So once in a while, he'll glance at the both of them while he was still eating without them knowing.

They finished eating, drank water, and stood up from the chairs they were sitting was about time to stroll out of the cafeteria, so they began doing. The cafeteria wasn't empty, there were still some people in it...all students.

Getting out of the cafeteria and walking on the compound, the three of them were conversing. They strolled until they got to the building where their class was located, then they began mounting the staircases. They mounted all the staircases until they got to the balcony where their class was situated and began strolling in it.

..Then, the school bell rang. And at that moment, a certain boy walked past them while uttering,

"It's library time".

Aiden heard that, but he didn't fully understand what the boy was talking about. Of course, he knew what a library was...but he doesn't understand what the 'library time' meant which the bell that rang was signifying.

Library time in the modern world might not mean the same in this world. He needed an explanation, so he glanced at Oliver and inquired,

"What does that library time mean?".

"It means reading time. Now, you can choose to stay in your classroom and read, go through what you've been taught. Or you can choose to go to the library and read books of different kinds. At times like this, I prefer to go to the library and read to my satisfaction. And it's for a certain amount of time,

If you go to the library late, and it's filled up with students already, you'll have to go back to your class. Now, it's not only at times like this that a person can visit the library, you can visit the library at free periods...when there aren't teachers in your class,

Now, even if you go to the library at that time, and it's filled up, you'll have to go back to your classroom. So, that's how it goes".

Aiden nodded his head in understanding while uttering, "Ohhhhhh".

Oliver's voice resounded again, "Since it's library time, let's go to the library together. I love visiting the library. So what do you guys say?".

"I think that's a good idea". Ava stated with a bit of elated expression plastered on her face.

"I don't like reading that much, so visiting the library now isn't much of a good idea for me. Maybe next time". Aiden voiced out.

Oliver wouldn't let him go just like that, he was gonna persuade him.

"Come on, don't be like that. Come to the library with us, though you don't like reading that much, I'm sure you're gonna enjoy it. There are tons of books to read".

"I'm not sure". Aiden uttered once again.

"Come on, don't be like that, come with us. I wouldn't like it if you don't come along with us". Oliver stated once again.

Aiden sighed, he's been persuaded, there was nothing he could do about it, so he voiced out,

"Okay, okay, I'll come with you guys".

"Yay, that's nice". Ava stated with an elated face.

"But before we go, let's go check our bags in the classroom to see if they are intact. Then we'll quickly head over to the library 'cause if we go too late, we'll go back to our class 'cause the library would be filled up by then". Oliver said.

And that's what they did, they sauntered straight into their classroom and confirmed that their bags were intact, then they strolled out of the classroom, headed to the staircase that led to the second floor, and began dismounting it.

They dismounted it until they got to the second floor, then they began walking in the corridor. They weren't the only ones in their class that were heading toward the library...there were other students from their class that was heading toward the library as well.

..And they were doing it on time so they wouldn't reach there to meet a crowd.

They reached the library and strolled into it, and there were still lots of vacant chairs and tables in it. Yeah, there were students in it, both teenagers, and kids that weren't up to their teenage age.

But all the chairs and tables weren't filled up, there were still vacant ones.

"You've stepped foot into this library before, right?". Oliver inquired of Aiden.

"Yeah. On my first day in this academy, when our class teacher, Miss Alice, was showing me around". Aiden responded.

Oliver and Ava nodded their heads at that moment. Then Oliver voiced out,

"Look at the shelves, different books in them, interesting ones. Books on different subjects. Aiden, you wouldn't regret coming here".

Yeah, he might not regret it, but not like he'll be so eager to come to the library again next time.

Oliver was still speaking, "There was a certain book I was reading before, it's a book about nature. I'm going to continue from where I stopped. I remember when I first came to this academy, my reading was so bad, pronouncing a word was like work for me,

But now, I can read easily, I've improved a lot".

Aiden nodded his head, then thought to himself, 'I could read even when I was a baby'.

Oliver took the book he was speaking of, then he showed it to Aiden and Ava and said,

"This is the book I'm speaking of, I really enjoyed reading it. The person that wrote it must be very talented".

There was silence for some seconds, then he voiced out once again,

"I've picked a book, you guys should pick yours and come meet me".

After uttering that, he sauntered away heading to one of the chairs with a mini table in front of it. He got to the chair, balanced on it, and began reading the book continuing from where he stopped.

..Some students glanced at him the moment he sat on the chair.

Now, it was remaining Aiden and Ava. Ava picked a certain book, and without showing it to Aiden, she strolled away. Aiden watched her stroll until she got to a certain chair and sat on it. Then he focused his gaze on the shelf he was standing in front of currently.


He was still standing there when a group of students walked into the library, they were all his age mates. They strolled to the shelf he was standing in front of, took a book each, and strolled off...they didn't even waste up to a minute.

Another student strolled into the library again, a female. She walked to one of the shelves in the library, picked a book, and sauntered off as well...Aiden was still standing there.

'I better pick a book now and go occupy one of the chairs before all of them get filled up. I came into the library on time, when there were still lots of vacant seats, but would still leave due to all the chairs being filled up? Doesn't make sense at all'. Aiden thought to himself.

He began glancing at the books on the shelf, and none of their titles were catching his interest that much. He decided to take one of the history books, the one Miss Alice showed to him when she was showing him places in this academy.

..The title reads, 'Some Of The Kings That Have Ruled Over The Tuvalon Kingdom And Their Histories'.

Yeah, this was one of the books Miss Alice showed to Aiden when she brought him to the library. The title seems a bit appealing, he wanted to know some of the kings that have ruled over this kingdom and their histories.

He's seen the current king of this kingdom, this book was gonna be based on the past...some of the kings that have ruled over the Tuvalon Kingdom in the past. He's chosen a book, so he began walking to one of the chairs in the library that had a table in front of it.

As he was strolling toward the chair, more people were entering the library. He reached the chair, sat on it, placed his hands on the table holding the book with both palms. Then Oliver paused his reading, glanced at Aiden, and voiced out,

"Aiden, what book did you pick?".

Aiden raised the book so Oliver could see it, then he said,


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