Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 53 Let's Go Hunting.

Chapter 53 Let's Go Hunting.

Aiden glanced at him, then Oliver said, "You just seem to amaze me, Aiden".

"Why? What did I do?". Aiden inquired with a kind of confused expression on his face.

"This is your second day in this academy, this is your second day at school, but you can read this well already? Is it the teaching they gave you at home that is helping you up to this extent? You solved an equation that others were finding hard to solve,

Even I had to take my time to solve the equation before I could get it right. Students that have been in this academy for years were finding it hard to solve and were failing it, but you got it right on your first day at school? I'm also sure you got today's equation the maths teacher gave to us in class,

And you can also read? You read that book for minutes and were understanding all that was written in it, and this is your second day at school? I know how long it took me before I could perfect my reading after I began attending this academy. But you can read already on your second day at school?

Is it the teaching they've been giving you since when you were a baby that made you this smart? If that's the case, then your parents should become teachers and every other person that assisted in teaching you". Oliver voiced out, he had just spoken his mind.

At that moment, a smile appeared on Aiden's face, then he said,

"I guess I'm just too smart, any little teachings can go a long way in my life.

Oliver nodded his head and said, "I see".

But he wasn't satisfied, he felt like there was something else...but what could that something else be? He had no single idea that Aiden was reincarnated into this world.

The both of them kept strolling until they got to the staircase that led to the first floor and began mounting it. They mounted it until they arrived on the first floor, then they began heading toward their classroom. They reached the door of their classroom and stepped foot into it.


It had gotten to the time for everyone to head home, for every student to head home...the bell rang to signify that. Students were already carrying their bags and sauntering out of their classrooms.

Some would be picked up by their parents, and some would trek home. The same event was taking place in Aiden's class, students were already walking out of the classroom. After library time, it wasn't just full-time relaxation for the students, some teachers still entered their class to teach them.

Aiden, Ava, and Oliver were standing close to each other currently, they were gonna stroll out of the classroom together. But Oliver wanted to confirm something, he wanted to ask Aiden a question. So he glanced at Aiden and inquired,

"Is your dad gonna be picking you up today too?".

"Yes, I don't know my way home yet, this is my second day in this academy. If I try to go home myself now, I'd most likely get lost. I guess when I've known my way home, then I can start going home myself, and he'll come to be picking me up sometimes". Aiden responded.

"I really want the three of us to go home together. So you gonna leave us again?". Oliver uttered once again.

"I have no choice".

"OK, what if I can help you find your way home? I know a lot of places in this community, I've been to lots of places. I just need some description, and I'll most likely be able to get you to your home". Oliver said.

"Wouldn't that be much of a trouble for you?". Aiden inquired.

"Not at all, I'm the one telling you, right? I want you to follow us, so finding your home shouldn't be trouble for me. And there's a reason why I want you to follow us".

"What reason is that?".

"Before going home, I want us to go hunting". Oliver stated.

"What!". Aiden voiced out with a kind of expression on his face.

Ava didn't know about this, so she said, "You want us to go hunting? Hunting what?".

"Grass cutters, they've got lots of meat. I'm still a small boy, but I've gone hunting lots of times in the forests, and they are always fun. Grass cutters have lots of meat in them, so hunting them means you'll get to eat lots of meat". Oliver explained.

"Seriously? You've gone hunting numerous times in the forests?". Ava inquired.

"Yes, and it's always fun". Oliver responded.

"Are your parents aware?". Aiden threw his question.

"Not all the time. Sometimes, when I want to go, they wouldn't let me, so I'll have to sneak out". Oliver retorted once again.

"Don't you meet dangerous things in the forest?". Ava threw another question.

"Once in a while, like snakes and all that, but I know how to avoid them. And I do try my best to enter forests that aren't that dangerous. You know, there are different kinds of wildernesses. Some wildernesses are really dangerous, and some wildernesses aren't that dangerous,

There are wildernesses where you'll find magical beasts, and there are wildernesses where you wouldn't see a single magical beast. So that's how it is".

Aiden and Ava didn't know this about, Oliver. That he goes this age?

"Okay, even if we follow you to this hunting, where are the things we gonna use in hunting the grass cutters. We can't hunt them with our bare hands?". Aiden said.

Oliver's lips curved in a smile at that moment, then he took off his bag, opened it, and brought out two mini-bows and two mini-quivers with mini-arrows in them.

"What! So you kept these in your bag?". Aiden inquired with a bewildered expression on his face.

"Yeah. Due to wanting to bring them, I brought only one book and one reed pen today". Oliver responded.

"You amaze me, this guy". Aiden uttered once again with that bewildered expression still plastered to his face.

"How did you get them?". Ava inquired.

"My dad gave them to me, these are what I've been using to hunt in the past. I went through the stress of bringing them to school today, so Aiden, it would really hurt me if you don't follow us". Oliver stated.josei

Aiden knew he'll have to follow them, he wanted to flex out with them, he wanted to engage in this hunting with them, he doesn't want to miss out. So he glanced at Oliver and inquired,

"You said you'll be able to find my home, right?".

"Yes. And even if I can't find it, we'll ask people and definitely locate it...description would help a lot". Oliver responded.

"Okay, I'll follow you guys then".

An elated expression appeared on Oliver's face the moment Aiden made that utterance, and he quickly placed his arm over his shoulders. Then he glanced at Ava and inquired,

"Ava, you're coming too, right? You're coming hunting with us, right?".

There was a kind of expression on Ava's face, like she wasn't sure. There was something she wanted to clear out first, then she'll decide if she'll follow them or not.

"Don't you guys remember what we were told today? That we should be cautious due to the magical beast that attacked yesterday. Now, going to the forest to hunt isn't being cautious at all. What if another beast attacks while we are there?". Ava voiced out.

"Nothing would happen, no beast would attack, don't hope for the worst". Oliver stated.

Ava was still unsure if she'll follow them or not, then Oliver's voice resounded again,

"You can choose not to follow us, but I'm telling you, you'll miss out on a lot. If you're worried about something happening to you, there are two boys with you, we'll protect you".

Ava contemplated for some seconds, then she voiced out,

"Okay, I'm coming with you guys".

"Nice". Oliver said as he put both the bows and quivers of arrows back into his bag.

Currently, all the students in their classroom had sauntered out, it was remaining the three of them in it.

"It's remaining only the three of us, let's go". Oliver said.

The three of them strolled out of the classroom and began walking on the balcony. There were still a few students walking in it...very few. They strolled until they got to the staircase and began descending from it.

As they were dismounting the staircases, Aiden said to them,

"What if my dad is already waiting for me on the compound?".

"That's true, didn't even think of that. If that's the case, then it's plan spoiled". Uttered Oliver.

But would they meet Aiden's dad on the compound or not?

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