Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 55 Hunting.(2)

Chapter 55 Hunting.(2)

After picking it up, he drew the arrow out of the grass cutter's body as blood gushed out...then he threw the arrow to the floor. Then he glanced at Aiden and said,

"Thanks for sighting the grass cutter, one has been caught".

Aiden did nothing but nod his head, then Oliver uttered to him again,

"You saw how I made use of the bow and arrow, right? How I aimed and fired, how I was able to hunt down the grass cutter".

"Yes, I saw how you did it, maybe the next one we'll see, I'll be the one to hunt it down". Aiden stated.

"Ummm..I think you should watch me hunt down one again, then you'll try hunting the next one". Oliver's voice resounded again.

Aiden nodded his head, then Ava's voice resounded,

"What of me? Wouldn't I try hunting down one as well? Are you guys ignoring me 'cause I'm a girl?".

"No, that's not the case. You'll hunt down one as well, I want you guys to learn how to hunt down grass cutters". Oliver said glancing at Ava.

"But where are you gonna put it? Where are you gonna put all the grass cutters we'll hunt?". Aiden inquired of Oliver.

And at that moment, Oliver's lips curved in a smile. He took off his bag once again, opened it, and took out a well-folded sack from it. Then he glanced at Aiden and Ava and uttered,

"We are gonna put them here".

"So this has also been in your bag since?". Aiden inquired with a bewildered expression on his face.

"Yeah, part of the reason why I couldn't bring more than one book and reed pen to school today". Oliver retorted.

"You are unbelievable". Ava uttered glancing at Oliver.

Oliver dropped the grass cutter into the sack, then he handed it over to Ava and stated,

"Maybe you can help with carrying this since you aren't carrying much. I'm carrying my school bag, a quiver placed in my back, and a bow in my hand...wouldn't be able to carry a sack".

"Sure, that isn't a problem". Ava uttered collecting the sack from him.

Then Oliver's voice resounded again, "There's something you guys don't know".

"What is that?". Aiden and Ava inquired with an inquisitive facial expressions.

"The grass cutter was slowed down quickly due to something else after the arrow penetrated its body. Each head of the arrows has been dipped into poison meant for killing animals, and it has dried on them,

The grass cutter wouldn't have died that quickly if not for the poison that infiltrated its body. It would have still died anyway after the arrow penetrated its body, but not that fast...the poison made it easier. This is something I'll always have to do after getting mini-arrows like this, I'll have to dip their sharp edges into liquid poison".

"Wow! That's just great, I'm learning this for the first time, you're truly a hunter, Oliver". Ava voiced out.


Aiden said nothing but was amused by how much Oliver knows regarding hunting...that shows he's been into this for some time, a small boy like him?

"So every arrow in the quivers we are carrying has been dipped into liquid poison, Aiden...their sharp edges. I'll hunt one more grass cutter, then you'll go next". Oliver voiced out once again glancing at, Aiden.

And with that, they began walking further into the forest glancing around.


Ethan rode the horse right straight into Aiden's academy, he had come to pick him up. He could see horses riding out of the school compound with students and their fathers on them, and he could also see some students strolling out of the compound on foot.

There weren't lots of students on the compound, many had left, he knew he came a little late. He began glancing around in search of Aiden, but he couldn't sight him. He came a little late, so Aiden should have been out of his class by now.

He expected to see him waiting in the compound, but why couldn't he sight him? He didn't even bother to go to Hazel's school before heading here, he had the feeling she would have gone home already, he didn't want to waste his he just headed straight to this place.

But where the f**k was Aiden? He should have been on the compound by now.

'Or is he still in class?'. Ethan thought to himself.

Maybe he and his classmates were still in class, maybe they were being taught something that is taking their time. Ethan decided that he'll go check Aiden's class, but there was problem...he didn't even know where Aiden's classroom was situated.

What was he gonna do now? He decided he'll have to ask someone, even if it meant asking a little kid. He came down from the horse and began glancing around looking for who he'll ask.

He sighted a certain teenager coming, and he decided to ask the person, a boy...he might know where Aiden's classroom was situated. He waited for the boy to get closer to him, then he approached him and voiced out,

"Sorry, I'm looking for my son named, Aiden. I've come to pick him up but can't find him in the compound. So I'm thinking maybe he's still in his classroom...but the problem is, I don't know where his classroom is situated,

If you know anybody named, Aiden, a 7 years old boy, can you tell me where his classroom is situated?".

"Umm..I don't know anyone named, Aiden, I'm sorry". The teenage boy uttered.

"No problem". Ethan voiced out as the boy walked out of his presence.

Ethan began glancing around again looking for another person he'll ask...he needed to know where Aiden was. He sighted a girl in her teenage age heading toward his direction, and he decided that he'll ask her.

He waited for her to get closer to him, then he approached her and voiced out,

"Sorry, I'm looking for my son named, Aiden, he is 7 years old. I can't find him on the compound, so I'm thinking he is still in his class. But the problem is, I don't know where his classroom is situated. If you know him, please direct me to his class".

"Wait, I think I know you, aren't you one of the chiefs in this kingdom? Ethan Dankworth?". The girl voiced out with a kind of expression on her face.

"Yes, exactly, I'm Ethan Dankworth, and my son's full name is, Aiden Dankworth. Do you know where his classroom is situated?". Ethan uttered once again.

"Since he is 7 years old, then I should know where his class is situated".

After making that utterance, she pointed to the building where his class was truly situated, then she voiced out once again,

"That's definitely the building where his class is situated. But I tell you, sir, you wouldn't find him there 'cause everyone has evacuated their classrooms, this I'm sure of. Maybe he's headed home already or headed to another place, that's why you can't find him on the compound. I'll be going now, sir".

And with that, the girl walked away from Ethan's presence as he just stood there with a confused facial expression.

'This is Aiden's second day in this academy, so he can't possibly go home by himself'. Ethan thought to himself.

But then, another thought ran through his mind, 'Or did he go home by himself? Or wait, did he head to another place?'.

..He was really confused at that moment, he didn't know what to do.

He was contemplating heading toward the building the girl pointed at to check the classrooms and see if he'll find Aiden there. But since the girl had already told him she was sure that everyone had evacuated their classrooms, he felt there was no need to do that.

..She was a student of this academy, so she knew what she was saying. He wasn't a student of this school, so it's best he listens to her.

What was he gonna do now? The plan was to head home and see if he'll find Aiden there or not. If he doesn't find him there...he'll know what to do next. He strolled toward his horse, mounted it, and rode it out of the compound.


Aiden, Oliver, and Ava were still in the forest, and Oliver had already caught another grass cutter. The grass cutter just lay there with an arrow pierced into its body as blood was drizzling out a little.

The three of them ran over to the grass cutter, then Ava's voice resounded,

"Oliver, you've caught another one, you actually caught it. That means you aimed really well before firing. I've said this before, but I'm gonna say it again, you're a true hunter".

A smile appeared on Oliver's face at that moment.

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