Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 69 The Battle Festival.(5)

Chapter 69 The Battle Festival.(5)

Some were hoping the S-rank bender would become victorious over the D-rank bender 'cause they've developed a liking for him. And some were hoping the D-rank bender would become victorious over the S-rank bender 'cause they've developed a liking for him as well.

..But in the end, no one knows who would come out victorious among the both of them, they'll just have to keep watching.

The D-rank bender glanced at the S-rank bender, he knew the S-rank bender had gained one point now, he was leading. He needed to do something about it, he needed to get some points too...he doesn't want to lose.

He charged toward the S-rank bender with speed, he had already done some little calculations before charging toward him...a little strategy.

The moment he reached where the S-rank bender was standing, he thrust his sword forward with speed as it was heading toward his opponent's stomach...but he quickly dodged it by moving to the side a little.

As said, the D-rank bender did some calculations before attacking, he strategized, he knew something like this was gonna happen...he knew his opponent was gonna dodge his thrust attack by moving to the side.

So the moment the S-rank bender moved to the side, the D-rank bender threw a swift kick...a really swift one. Now, the S-rank bender wasn't expecting this kick, he wasn't even giving him chance to rest at all.

This was exactly what the D-rank bender was doing to him some minutes ago, but in the end...he was the one that hit him and gained a point. But seems like things would be different this time, the D-rank bender wouldn't let that repeat itself.

..The kick was heading toward the S-rank bender, and it was so swift and coming with force.

It was so swift that the S-rank bender was sure he wouldn't be able to dodge it...the same thing was repeating itself. So what did he do? He quickly blocked the kick with both of his arms as his wooden sword was still in his hand.

Though he blocked the kick with his arms, the force was enough to push him. He moved back and lost stamina a little, but this wasn't enough to gain the D-rank bender a point.

So before the S-rank bender knew what was happening, the D-rank bender had already reached his front again and threw another swift kick. The kick headed toward the S-rank bender and hit him in the chest causing him to fly off and land on the ground...

..One point for the D-rank bender, the overseer quickly recorded it at that moment.

The people that were rooting for the D-rank bender shouted in joy at that moment, the person they were rooting for had gained one point. This was normal in a tournament, as far as people were watching it, they'll most likely be supporting one person or the other.

So it was a draw at this moment, both warriors had gained a point each...both the D-rank and S-rank bender. A smirk appeared on the D-rank bender's face the moment his opponent landed on the ground...he had gained a point too.

The S-rank bender began standing up from the ground until he stood up completely. Then he put his sword into his scabbard, and from the way he stood and positioned his hands...seems like he wanted to go into full-time martial arts.

At this moment, the D-rank bender could keep making use of his sword and still get beaten by the S-rank bender. There was determination on the S-rank bender's face meaning he could still beat up the D-rank bender though he was about to go into martial arts fully.

..He would beat him up and gain another point though the D-rank bender made use of his sword...most likely.

So after some seconds contemplation, the D-rank bender put his sword into his scabbard and positioned in a way that shows he was ready for some full-time martial arts as well.

"Arghhhhhh". The S-rank bender shouted as he charged toward the D-rank bender with speed coming with a nice punch.

Now, if that punch touches the D-rank bender, he was gonna feel pain...and that would be another point for the S-rank bender. As said, they were surely gonna hit each other, not hitting each other wasn't part of the rule...but they mustn't injure each other whereby blood would have to flow out.

The S-rank bender reached where the D-rank bender was and threw the punch with speed. But the punch didn't touch the D-rank bender, he dodged it by moving back a little, and the punch swung past with speed.

Seeing that his punch got dodged, he didn't waste time throwing another attack. He threw a swift kick which headed toward the face of the D-rank bender, but the kick didn't hit target as well. The D-rank bender dodged it by moving to the back again.

But the S-rank bender didn't give up, he threw another attack. Now, he was sure his opponent couldn't attack at this moment, he wasn't in the position to attack...the S-rank bender wasn't giving him the chance.

..So the moment the S-rank bender's kick was dodged, as said, he threw another attack.

And what type of attack are we talking about here? A shadow kick. The D-rank bender wasn't expecting he was suddenly gonna throw a shadow kick attack.

A shadow kick was different from other types of kick, you need to be very swift to dodge it if the person that threw it did it swiftly as well. The D-rank bender was ready to dodge other types of kicks the S-rank bender was gonna throw at him. But he wasn't ready to dodge a shadow kick...especially a sudden one.

So as quick as possible, he blocked the kick with both hands...but the force was enough to move him back a little. And the S-rank bender moved toward him with speed again. But before the S-rank bender could reach where he was standing, he quickly prepared himself as he was ready to fight at that moment.

So the moment the S-rank bender reached him, they started throwing swift attacks at each was full-time martial arts. They kept on throwing kicks at each other, throwing punches, dodging...and no one had been able to hit each other for the past minutes.

..Then the S-rank bender gave the D-rank bender a nice punch in the stomach causing him to move back...the S-rank bender had finally been able to hit him.

The people rooting for the S-rank bender cheered at that moment, the people that were hoping for him to win. That was one more point for the S-rank bender, the overseer recorded it at that moment.

So the S-rank bender was sitting at two points currently, and the D-rank bender was still sitting at one point. That means the S-rank bender was leading.

The D-rank bender glanced at the S-rank bender and gave him the look of, 'let the fight continue'. Then he positioned his body in a way that shows he was about to make use of his power.

Now, they were allowed to make use of their powers, but as known, there were certain rules to follow. Once the overseer notices that they were already passing the boundaries, he'll put a halt to making use of their powers.

The S-rank bender had already noticed that the D-rank bender was about to make use of his power, and he prepared himself at that moment. Since he wants to make use of his power, then they were gonna go power to power.

The D-rank bender began transferring mana to his hands from his mana core and the ones flowing around. And at that moment, lots of wind were already surrounding his hands.

Then he forwarded one of his hands toward the S-rank bender with speed as wind headed toward him...wind that was strong enough to take him off the ground and cause him to lose balance completely.

..But the S-rank bender wouldn't let the wind touch him like that? He had already prepared himself ahead of time...he was gonna do something about it.josei

Before the wind even reached where he was standing, as fast as possible, he jumped up with speed as the wind flew past. He was still in the air when the D-rank bender jumped up with speed as well as he and the S-rank bender were in the air together.

Then he forwarded the other hand as heavy wind flowed out of it and headed toward the S-rank bender. The D-rank bender did it so fast that before the S-rank bender reaches the ground, the wind would have hit him and caused him to fall to the ground.

..But the S-rank bender wouldn't still let the wind hit him just like that.

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