Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 75 The Battle Festival.(11)

Chapter 75 The Battle Festival.(11)

The battle continued between the S-rank and the F-rank bender. Within this period, they made use of their wooden swords, their powers, and even martial arts.

And currently, both of them were sitting at three points more point to decide who'll emerge as winner. The both of them were glancing at each other currently with little balls of sweat on their foreheads.

Then the F-rank bender darted toward the S-rank bender, and the moment he got closer to him, he threw a swift kick which the S-rank bender dodged...they were about to go into full-time martial arts.

The F-rank bender threw another swift kick, and the S-rank bender dodged it once again. Then the S-rank bender came with his attack. He threw a punch that headed toward the face of the F-rank bender, but he dodged it by moving his head to the side a little.

He didn't stop, he threw another punch aiming for his opponent's stomach this time. The F-rank bender dodged it once again by moving to the side. Then the S-rank bender came with a swift kick.

The kick headed toward the F-rank bender's face, and it was so swift that it almost touched him, it was a close call. But he still found a way to dodge it by moving to the back with speed.

And before the S-rank bender could throw another attack, the F-rank bender threw his. He came with a kick which the S-rank bender dodged, then he came with a swinging punch which headed toward the face of the S-rank bender.

The S-rank bender dodged it by moving to the back with speed. And the same cycle of throwing attacks and dodging them continued. None of them was able to hit each other...they just kept on dodging each other's attacks.

..Until, the S-rank bender was finally able to give the F-rank bender a nice punch in the face which caused him to fly off and land on the ground without spitting out blood.

The F-rank bender came with a nice punch with the mindset that it was gonna hit his opponent 'cause it seemed like the S-rank bender had let down his guard.

But he was f**king surprised when the S-rank bender caught his hand and quickly threw a punch which hit him in the face and caused him to fly off and land on the ground...and that's how it happened.

..The S-rank bender had emerged as winner, he had gathered a total of four points.

The F-rank bender was the one that started with the defeating, but he was the one that emerged as winner. The people supporting him cheered at that moment, and the S-rank bender had a wide grin on his face.

The F-rank bender stood up from the ground, he lost...what can he do? Nothing. The overseer stepped foot into the field, it was about time to declare the S-rank bender as the winner. He strolled until he reached where the S-rank bender was standing, held his right hand, raised it, then voiced out,

"And here is the winner".

..The people supporting him cheered really loudly at that moment.

That feeling to win was so nice. The F-rank bender was gonna receive something for at least participating in the tournament, while the S-rank bender was gonna receive lots of rewards for winning the tournament.

Both warriors evacuated the field, and so the tournament kept on going. Some more warriors stepped into the field to battle themselves. A D-rank and B-rank bender battled themselves next, then a B-rank and S-rank bender battled themselves next...and so it kept on going.

The Battle Festival was going great, the crowd kept enjoying themselves...the people that weren't able to attend were definitely missing out. Some came and went back home. They came late, all the chairs had been occupied, they had to go back home...

..There was nothing they could do about it.

Currently, the last set of warriors was battling themselves. After it climaxes, this year's Battle Festival had taken place, and it was a success. The two warriors kept battling themselves until a winner emerged.

And the overseer did the usual, he stepped foot into the field, raised the winner's hand, and announced it to the crowd. And The Battle Festival was over, it was about time for everyone to head home.

It was evening already, the sky was getting dark little by little, and before they know would get to complete dusk. There were a lot of people in the open space, so they needed to be taking it easy while evacuating their chairs.

As known, the chairs were arranged in six rows. If they don't take it easy, some people could end up falling, and things would definitely of them is getting injured. So gently, people kept evacuating their chairs and coming down.

The officials weren't left out, they were already standing up from their chairs along with their families and greeting each other. The knights were still present ready to move with their masters...the officials they were bestowed to.

Ethan had also stood up along with his family as he was greeting other officials present at the festival. But for sure, he and Asher didn't greet...Asher just kept finding ways to avoid him. Many of them greeted the king, families kept greeting families.

..And by now, Aiden had also stood up from his chair about a minute ago.

And what was he doing? He was glancing around in search of Oliver and Ava. There were lots of pretty girls in the special place for officials, daughters of the chiefs, and nobles.

His sister, Hazel, was among the pretty girls. Yeah, Hazel was pretty. But Aiden wasn't concerned about the pretty girls at all, both the ones older than him and the same age as him, all he needed now was to sight Ava and Oliver.josei

His eyes kept scanning around in search of the both of them...then, he sighted the both of them strolling toward him. A grin appeared on his face at that moment, the people he was searching for were sauntering toward him.

They reached where he was standing, and the first thing that flowed out of Oliver's mouth was,

"Son of an average-ranked chief".

Aiden had to stroll over to him at that moment and cover his mouth with his hands. Then he let out,

"Shhhh, don't say that here".

Then he took his hands off Oliver's mouth, and Oliver voiced out,

"Wouldn't say it again".

"So, Aiden, did you enjoy the tournaments? Did you enjoy the festival?". Ava inquired of Aiden.

"Sure, I enjoyed every single bit of it, what of you guys? Did you enjoy the tournaments?". Aiden retorted throwing back the question.

"I did". Ava responded.

Oliver's response was the same, then Aiden inquired of the both of them once again,

"What of your parents? Wouldn't they leave you guys?".

"We told them we wanted to go meet a certain friend. So, right now, they are waiting for us outside". Oliver responded.

Aiden nodded his head while uttering, "Hmmm, that's great".

"So, I guess we'll meet at school in the next two days". Ava said to Aiden.


"We'll be going then, bye". Ava uttered to Aiden as she and Oliver began strolling off.

..Aiden just stood there watching them walk away.

Hazel had been behind them all this while, she sighted Oliver and Ava, and she had come to discern that they were most likely Aiden's friends at school. She wanted to confirm, so she strolled toward Aiden, reached where he was standing, and held his right shoulder.

This caused Aiden to glance at her immediately. Then she inquired of him,

"Those are your friends at school, right?".

"Yes". Aiden responded.

"I could tell from the way you guys were conversing with each other. And they are also small like you, they are your age mates".

She sauntered away the moment she was done making that utterance, and Aiden was just glancing at her as she strolled off with a kind of expression on his face. The thought that was running through his mind at that moment was,

'Who is she referring to as small?'.

..But the truth was that he was actually small, he was still a small boy.

The king had already evacuated the open space by now along with his wife and the knights he brought along. Many of the officials had also evacuated the place as well along with their families.

The chairs were vacant, almost everyone had evacuated the place. Ethan and his family had also strolled out of the open space by now as they were standing close to their horse that had a carriage attached to its back.

Hazel, Emma, and Alora entered the carriage. Aiden said he wanted to sit on the horse again along with his father.

..So Ethan sat him on the horse, mounted it as well, and rode it out of the place.

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